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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by butterfli78

  1. butterfli78

    Stress/Emotional eating

    Love the idea of the jar surfer girl. I am so going to try it.
  2. Day 5 on my back on track and day 2 on my pouch test. I survived pizza night and taco bell night at my house. I got this!

    1. Lexigurl82


      Thats awesome you can do it!

    2. Elode


      Stay in your room!! Ha!

  3. butterfli78

    1st soft meal ..?

    My first soft meal was refried beans and cheese. I loved that! That was my go to for a long time.
  4. My surgery was done in little over an hour but my recovery was quite some time. Apparently I didn't take well to the anesthesia and when I woke up I was violent and was trying to open my incisions. And I am the sweetest person. Do I remember any of it....nope.
  5. butterfli78

    Depression, Anxiety and Anger

    I had the same feelings post op. I too had to go through a very thorough process to get approved. One was a psych eval. They wanted to make sure that I was aware of what exactly was happening to me. So I was aware of what was going to happen so psychologically I had to prepare myself. 20 months post op and I still have moments that I am sad that I can't eat a full meal like the rest of my family or I get frustrated and I say out loud...sometimes I just wish I could have one full meal! But I voice it and the frustration is gone and I go buy a cute shirt. Hang in there. It will get better.
  6. butterfli78

    Stress/Emotional eating

    Find a safe haven that you can go to where food is not allowed. I have made my bedroom my safe haven. So my family knows when I retreat up there "away from the kitchen" it is to refocus my efforts. I pick up a book and read or I listen to some music for a few minutes to stop the craving and/or drink a glass of water.
  7. butterfli78

    Can it really be this easy?

    I am right there with you. As you said...I know it has a lot to do with having a great surgeon. I was buddies with a couple gals that had their surgery with different surgeons and they had a really tough time. Getting sick, stomach pains and having to go back to the doctor. I too was up and walking around a few hours after surgery and released the next day. Water was hard to get in but I managed. The only drawback that I had that was annoying was I was cold all the time. I am very grateful that I did not experience what others went through with having to go back.
  8. butterfli78

    Hair loss and contraceptives

    Hello ladies, Well I unfortunately had the genetics of thinning hair before I went into surgery so after surgery I thinned out really bad. I have caved and am now wearing a wig. At first it was a little uncomfortable but after a month or so your mind set changes and you see a few people out there wearing them. So I just have fun with them now. It is fun to see the faces when I change things up! LOL! Good luck. Some products that might help as mentioned by Ava Fern. Biotin and Shampoo called Nioxin might help. Nicole
  9. butterfli78

    Back on track

    So I just found this app and I am looking for support. I am 14 months out I had lost 93 lbs. I have since gained back 24 lbs in the last 6 months. I was one of the ones who can still eat whatever I want just could only fit so much. I had some really bad pain last Friday after I ate celery (I forgot that was one of the only things that my stomach can't handle) But it was a wake up call. I am now on day two of really focusing on what I put in my mouth and how much. I just need some accountability and someone to connect with that is willing to help. Thank you for reading. Nicole
  10. butterfli78

    Back on track

    Thank you Chasing Polaris! You really put it into perspective about us still having the tool. My imagination was telling my I screwed it up and stretched my stomach out. So after your post I did some research and found the 5 day pouch test to basically reset my tummy. Thanks for the advice on the newbie forum. I will take a look at that and stick to my mindset that I am in. I got this!! Nicole
  11. butterfli78

    Back on track

    Fluffy...you are doing great! You can loose that 9 lbs, no problem. Stress is no help. I am emotional head hunger type of person also. I have been reading quite a bit about emotions and hunger. I have taken away a few tips from some books. 1. Create a "safe haven" at home where food is not allowed. Retreat here when you have the urge to sabotage yourself. I picked my bedroom. I don't bring any food in there and I run there when I need to divert the urge to snack. 2. Learn why your body needs the food. The inner workings. It helps take the focus off of just putting things in your mouth. 3. Pick up a book when you feel the urge to snack and/or drink a glass of Water first before putting that bad thing in your mouth. I fell into the slider trap. I didn't like eating meats too much because it would feel uncomfortable going down. So I turned to sugar. AHHHH! The worst thing I could have done. Everything went down so easy and it was so good.....until time crept up and I stepped on the scale then I about fell over at what I did to myself. Now I am back on track . 4 days in and starting the 5 day pouch test to reset the tightness in my tummy. Good Luck Fluffy. If you need a buddy, I am here. Nicole
  12. Day 4. Now starting the 5 day pouch test.

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      Way to stick to it!

    2. jane13


      how are you doing with it?

    3. butterfli78


      There is a book out there. If you Google it you will be able to see it. Pretty much back to basics. liquid for two days then incorporating small amounts of soft foods and no drinking 30 min before or after my meals. :)

  13. butterfli78

    Top 10 Bariatric Post Op Mistakes

    Thanks for sharing. This was great!
  14. butterfli78

    Probiotic Anyone?

    My nutritionist also recommended a probiotic to get things moving if you get my drift. I use inner-eco Dairy free Probiotic kefier. I like the berry flavor. It is fizzy but I take so little that it doesn't affect anything.
  15. Day Three of reset...I can do this!

    1. Djmohr


      Good for you! And yes, you can do this!

    2. butterfli78
  16. butterfli78


    I ate steak 8 weeks post op. But it was difficult. I can only have filet minion. That seems to be the only cut mu stomach likes Not bad on the taste buds...but certainly a once in a while thing.
  17. butterfli78


    Yep...I remember those days too. Me and my husband used to fight because I wanted the air conditioning on all the time before surgery. Then after I smoked him out with the heat. Lol!
  18. butterfli78

    Back on track

    Thanks angela!
  19. butterfli78

    Back on track

    Thanks kinda!
  20. butterfli78

    Back on track

    Thank you shrinking peach. I have started my log back and I am starting simple. Veggies,eggs,meat and protien shake. Sugar was my enemy.

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