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Christian Zaccone

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Christian Zaccone

  1. Christian Zaccone

    question about weightloss documentation efforts

    The insurance dictates your waitng period.
  2. Christian Zaccone

    Want to back out.

    WHY MEXICO!!!!!! Thats my only question..... I suppose i would have mistrust in that aspect of your choice. YOu have the best of everything right here in the USA<
  4. Christian Zaccone

    Stall Stories

    I had 3 stalls in 8 months. They do happen.. But then you lose fast and then stall.. Picture walking down stairs. YOU lose and lose and lose and then level and then another stair comes. Same idea. Chris
  5. all depends om insurance and the program your on.. mine was a 3 month wait. They want to make sure your ready and you need to lose weight and shrink that fatty liver. Chris
  6. Christian Zaccone


    1 year for me.,, they all differ
  7. Christian Zaccone

    I got my surgery done last Wednesday

    FART! Im being serious. It wil go away eventually.. think mine took about 2 weeks or so .
  8. Christian Zaccone


    close your eyes and halt! Do want to live or Not. Im not just talking about dying. Im talking about LIVING> - Having youthful energy - going on airplane with no fears - going to movies or theater with no fears - going on an amusement ride with no fears. - Being discriminated against by numerous people etc etc etc!!! You will notice 1 year after this the doors of opportunity will all open up. Chris Listen to me. I am RIGHT!
  9. Christian Zaccone

    Spicy food

    4 weeks post op is way way to soon to be doing that to your damaged stomach incision .. i think you will be fine but it takes a lot longer than a month. try 3-6 months. I eat spicy food now just fine. chris
  10. Christian Zaccone

    Body image issues

    if youve lost 200lbs your mind is playing tricks on you if you cant tell.. unfortunately at that weight you will probably want to look into skin surgery.. Its worth it. Good luck certainly and your doing great
  11. Christian Zaccone


    Update for some that read my "stuff". Ive stopped losing.. For the last month ive fluctuated as low as 210 and as high as 217. Im staying right in the middle. Perfect for me. High school weight was 212. Im a 34inch waist and large shirt now and now its all about backing off of cardio and working on weight training.... I wanted to put the breaks on and ive increased calories to about 1300-1500 per day and that includes those little hidden ones. Workout 6 days per week but down to 25 minutes cardio per day and about 20-30 minutes of weight lifting per day. Seems about right for me. Im there is anyone has any questions email me or message me. I may be backing off this site a bit. Some people are extremely hypersensitive about the smallest things. Kinda crazy. Truly though i believe this saved my life and if anyone has any questions feel free please to email me Thank u Christian
  12. OOOPS>>> Sorry I didnt know there were rules to follow. Ill try Chris
  13. Christian Zaccone

    band to sleeve

    Protein and Fluid #1. Yeah its odd feeling no hunger and after 9 months im still never ever hungary. UMMMM.. That protein though is huge for your weight loss.. try and get in as close to 60 per day!!!! Chris
  14. Christian Zaccone

    Eating and Drinking

    DONT DRINK!! Ive been at this now for like 9+months.. No problem getting used to it. I odnt drink for 15 minutes before and 45 minutes to an hour after. Its no biggie except for the odd looks you get when you go out to eat and they say "Not even a Water???",,,, Youll be fine.
  15. Christian Zaccone

    Would appreciate a "buddy" or mentor

    brant .. whatever u need.
  16. Christian Zaccone

    Holy moly cold feet

    you can eat whatever you want after several months,,, i was on vacation and i would have small slice of something sweet.. were talking like 2-3 bites!! Just enough .. no ill side effects. you will be fine.
  17. Christian Zaccone

    Possible leak

    bariatric swallow.
  18. Christian Zaccone

    Four months out- bizarre occurrence today

    Yes i would agree your blood pressure is dropping rapidly.. your medication needs to be adjusted... Happened to me. I was off blood pressure medicines quickly.. Id say within a month or so . Chris
  19. Christian Zaccone

    Would appreciate a "buddy" or mentor

    Any questions you have email me zacconechris@yahoo.com or though here.. Im at goal now but i love trying to assist people. I am a believer this saved my life!!! Chris
  20. Christian Zaccone

    Newbie needs help!

    HMMMM.. ID check on that.. They actually pump you with gas and you have to get rid of the gas by walking. In the first 2 weeks i lost like 28lbs ish. I would just ask your dietician/nurse. I agree with IROCKEDTHE80s re the trauma and you are swollen, Hey im still rocking the 80's in the 2010's.. M3 ROCK Festival coming up in a few weeks!!
  21. Christian Zaccone

    Any suggestions for 1st week.

    watch the atkins shakes.. They are very very high in fat.
  22. Christian Zaccone

    Year out what do you eat on daily basis?

    well i eat about 1200-1500 cal per day but i work out every day .. i eat egs, turkey sandwich, chicken, veges and a litle fruit.. I dont take shakes anymore. No need. I make sure i drink about 70 ounces of Water and i do enduldge of an iced coffee everyday with creme and splenda.
  23. Christian Zaccone

    Confessions of the newly sleeved

    I personally think you making so many wrong choices.. I see FRIED FRIED FRIED mentioned a lot up there. UMMMM isnt the idea to get healthy and save your life. I think you should rethink what you are doing.. Im sorry but I know I am right on this one. You want to live then make right choices. Chris
  24. Christian Zaccone

    Questionable post op diet

    YES SHould be liquids for 2 week ish!! Protein shakes etc,. Then puree then food. HMMM everywhere is different but that one is a bit off. Chris
  25. Christian Zaccone

    Started eating more! Why

    more than likely if your not losing weight and you are smoking they wont do the surgery.. If they do they are risking your health.. You need to shrink your liver by losing weight before surgery and the smoking before surgery is a huge no no.

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