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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About sweetjam69

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  1. sweetjam69

    Biggest regrets about getting the sleeve?

    For me it wasn't so much of pain..it was the nausea and the bloating gas pain! My Dr said those 2 things would be hell! After that it was the weakness...having no energy was a bummer! Everyday will get better...but for me the first 2 weeks were really bad!
  2. sweetjam69

    African American Sleevers

    Your concerns were as much as mine, same illnesses, etc. Knees are getting better, hblood no more, just to name a few! I still use my cpap, but will know if I will still need it after the Dr visit! I heard skinny people use it too lol! Praying for ya! Let us know how ya doing!
  3. sweetjam69

    African American Sleevers

    Your concerns were as much as mine, same illnesses, etc. Knees are getting better, hblood no more, just to name a few! I still use my cpap, but will know if I will still need it after the Dr visit! I heard skinny people use it too lol! Praying for ya! Let us know how ya doing!
  4. sweetjam69

    African American Sleevers

    I know you might not wanna post for a few days after surgery! Let us know how you doing! Praying for ya!
  5. sweetjam69

    Seeking mentor

    Only 5 mos out......but I might can answer some of your questions!
  6. sweetjam69

    First week

    You might not have to take any boluses for a few days maybe a week. your Carb intake will be second to none! you will need to check your BG more than ever.! Your diabetes Dr. Might want to change your basal rate to the Lowest rate possible for your first few weeks also! That's what happened to me!
  7. sweetjam69

    Stall and gaining

    OMGOODNESS! It thought it was just happening to me! I'm about the same in calories 700-800! If I add a few more I'll gain 2lbs! I really know your frustration!
  8. sweetjam69

    Sleeved today!

    Congrats! Everyday gets better! Just keep walking! Welcome to the lover's side
  9. sweetjam69

    African American Sleevers

    Everday gets better...trust me! I wear a lot of weave and wigs. My hair is long anyway so I am really worried if I will have to wear one because my hair is falling out! Maybe I'm speaking to soon but 3 mos out and only the average dead hair lost. My beautician told me to wash my hair every to weeks until further notice!
  10. sweetjam69

    African American Sleevers

    Hahaha (0_0)! I'm afraid of a stall. How do you get out of one? How much have you lost?! I've lost 62lbs Yay! The stalls? I've heard a lot of people said go back to the beginning.....No way! I was soooo weak and dizzy. I've started at stage 5...I hope that jump starts it. I don't eat much at all, but I think it's the fact that we start to eat again our bodies are so happy and overjoyed about it again, it doesn't know what to do now LOL! Keep in touch! We can reach our goals together
  11. sweetjam69

    African American Sleevers

    Have you been following me Lol! Joking! Omgoodness, you just described me to the T!! Sleeved Same day..my husband calls me skinny....I said if you think I'm skinny now wait until I get 150 lbs. He believes I won't be able to stop once I reach my goal. I think I am at a stall right now though. Congrats on being sleeved. I love mine.
  12. sweetjam69

    Thank you sleeve!

    At first I thought my husband would be mad, because I waste the food. Actually he said "don't worry about I eat it later on tonight"! Ha! I ate a piece of wedding cake last Saturday too! I did real good. I only could get 1/2 a piece down. I probably wouldn't have ate that piece, but I didn't want to insult the Bride! The cake was good though. All about restraint for me know, Got another wedding to go to today, hope it goes as well as the last one.
  13. 3 mos. Out went out to eat last night...Mexican restaurant. Oh man that food was soooo good. But no matter how good it was I could only eat a few bites vs. Before sleeve I wouldn't have leftovers. Had enough leftovers for a week. THANK YOU SLEEVE!
  14. sweetjam69

    To scared to swallow food!

    Oh yeah...My NUT wasn't there Thursday when I seen the Dr. so that's when the schedule me to see her. I wish I could get in sooner!
  15. sweetjam69

    To scared to swallow food!

    No....I'm not offended at all! I've already discuss this with my Dr. I am having a UGI on Fri. I thought that was odd though, him saying things like leaking, etc. Being I am so far out....didn't know leaks were possible. But I guess anything is possible. I have been having problem with eating food since surgery, I get nauseous with popsicles I do good with Soup though, I just know that I am suppose to eat more by now. Hoping after the UGI I will know something definite. My Dr. also said it could be due to the neuropathy that I have.......the nerve endings in my stomach. Anyway, I mention this because I was wondering if anyone else experience anything like this? No hard feelings....Hope it's not a eating disorder!! Geesh.....that would be another problem I would have to deal with!

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