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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissDarlene

  1. I changed doctors because the first one I went to required a $1000.00 program fee not billable to insurance. The surgeon that performed my lap-band didn't require a program fee. I also called my insurance company and explained why I was changing doctors, and they said they didn't blame me it was rediculous for them to charge something not billable to insurance.
  2. MissDarlene

    Banded??? Check in here

    Congrats to all of you joining the bandland!! It will change your life! Good luck!
  3. MissDarlene

    First Fill

    My surgery was August 24th, and my 1st fill was October 3rd. I can't tell any difference. My doctor said I already had 2cc's, and he added 1 more. He added 2cc's, but when I swallowed the berium it stayed in my pouch too long. He said he didn't want me to be too tight because I am prone to inflammation, and it was better to be safe than sorry.
  4. MissDarlene

    What do you do for a living?

    I am a life and health insurance agent.
  5. MissDarlene

    Got my first fill today

    I go for my first fill on Oct. 3rd, and I am very nervous. My doctor does it by floroscope)not correctly spelled). I'm glad he is using xray, because I'd hate for him to be shooting in the dark. I went to my PCP today because I've been down in my back since surgery, and I had lost 6 more pounds!!! This has already been an amazing tool.
  6. MissDarlene

    New Band..chest Pain..help

    I was banded Aug. 24th, and had the chest pain for about 2 weeks. I don't have any pain now. I think it takes time for everything to get back to normal.
  7. MissDarlene

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    Name.......Challenge Start Wt...Current Wt.....Challenge Goal..To Go Huntersmom...... 174........... 172........... 159............ 13 SWEETY.......... 202........... 200........... 180............ 20 MJsafari........ 268........... 260........... 238............ 22 captdanbo....... 211........... 211........... 185............ 26 PaulaD.......... 216........... 216........... 199............ 17 Stefanie42467... 206........... 203........... 175............ 28 Suzzzie......... 349........... 349........... 320............ 29 glindab......... 277........... 272........... 250............ 22 MM.............. 242........... 235........... 218............ 17 finallythin..... 254........... 254........... 225............ 29 BeckieT......... 259........... 259........... 239............ 20 Miscontext...... 303........... 303........... 275............ 28 ja9va........... 207........... 202........... 182............ 20 wombat712....... 180........... 179........... 165............ 14 Texasmom5573.... 252........... 252........... 230............ 22 Waters.......... 214........... 213........... 190............ 24 lessnless....... 206........... 197........... 179............ 18 MissDarlene....223...........223.............195............28
  8. MissDarlene

    Grrrr! I'm annoyed.

    I know how you feel. I was banded on August 24th. I am the baby (44) of the family, and all of my brothers, sisters, and my mom were totally against it. They are all at normal weight, and can't understand why I can't just stop eating. I went full steam ahead, and now they are all very supportive. My 82 year old mother is so funny! I've lost 22 pounds, and she is so proud of me. I think they get it in their head that we won't be able to enjoy food anymore, and in my family that is comfort, fun, and what we do when we get together. My friends supported me, which was a blessing. I wish you luck!!!
  9. MissDarlene

    When's your birthday?

    Darlene - November 10, 1962
  10. MissDarlene

    New from TN

    Hi Cindy: My name is Darlene and I work in the Cleveland, TN area. I don't think that's that far from Dayton, is it? I'm looking to meet new friends on here that are going through the same up's and down's as myself. Maybe we could have lunch or dinner sometime. I can't eat anything but soft food since I was only banded on the 24th of August. Let me know what you think!
  11. MissDarlene

    Starting Over

    Hi Allison! Welcome back. I was banded on 08/24/07, and I'm doing great so far. I've lost 18 pounds!! Yahoo!!! Question...how much weight did you lose when you first got the band, and how much have you regained? Did you get your fills? You don't have to answer these if they are too personal. I'm just worried about losing and regaining!!
  12. Hello! Sorry for the delay, but I find it hard to get back to the sites where I've posted. I was banded on the 24th, and I'm doing really good. It was a lot easier than I expected. I went in at 12:30, and was home by 6:00. I went back to work yesterday, and driving was great! I was ready to get out! I am still a little sore, but other than that, doing fine. How is everyone else doing?
  13. MissDarlene

    Is anyone from TN.?

    Jaqui, thanks for the WELCOME!! I have a question. After the first month I'm planning on joining a gym. Will it hurt my band or cause it to slip due to the straining of lifting weights or any other exercise that might be real physical?
  14. MissDarlene

    PB and Slime

    Congratulations on your weight loss! I am very new to the board and was only banded 08/24/2007. My doctor told me that our bodies produce about a pint and half of mucus everyday normally, and when we get the band it's more difficult for it to pass through. He said a daily dose of musinex (maybe spelled wrong) would help that mucus from getting so bad. Maybe it's worth a try!
  15. Hi...I hope this works. I just got mine to work after several unsuccessful attempts. Go to Trying To Conceive Ticker and choose what ticker you want. When you complete this it will give you an url to copy and paste. Copy it, then go to the userCP and click on edit signature, paste the url address in the top box. I kept trying to put it in the bottom box, and it kept saying invalid file. Hope this works!
  16. MissDarlene

    Is anyone from TN.?

    Hello! I am from the Chattanooga, TN area, and was banded on 08/24/07 by Dr. Sass at Memorial Hospital. I wanted to commend all of you on your successes! I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you!
  17. MissDarlene

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Hello! I am living in BandLand now!! Yahoo!!! I was banded by Dr. Sass at Memorial Hospital August 24th. I came home the same day, and have had no vomiting, or nausea. I did have a reaction the the stitches, and they had to be removed yesterday, which made me a VERY unhappy camper...since I told them I was allergic to stitches, and they were not supposed to be used. Everyone can make mistakes, and I'm not letting this one rain on my parade. I"m ready to kick some booty!! Good luck to everyone.
  18. MissDarlene

    What is going in with my body!

    Hello! I was banded on the 24th as well. I haven't been hungry at all. I've been on Clear liquids since last Friday. My doctor said I could have anything liquid, but not solids. Did your doctor say you could eat fish this soon after being banded? I'm still sore, and walking slow, but other than that I feel great. Good luck!
  19. I went to Dr Ponce's seminar, then scheduled an appointment with him. That was the first part of July. I wasn't impressed with the girls in the office AT ALL. I had a tentative surgery date of August 23rd. I went to work to make sure everything was sent to my insurance company. I had to call the girls in his office several times, and they were rude, and acted like they didn't have time to fool with me. My insurance company said all I needed was a psych evaluation and I would have approval. I had to go to Memorial Weight Loss Center for the evaluation, and I couldn't believe the differnce in the way I was treated there. I love those girls! They are a class act. I asked them how much out of pocket did the surgeons there request that wasn't billable to insurance and they didn't know what I was talking about. At Dr. Ponce's he has $1000.00 fee not billable to insurance on top of everything else. Memorial doesn't!!! I made an appointment with Dr. Sass, and met with him last week. He worked me in, and is doing my surgery on his day off...August 24th. I feel so much better about my decision. Hope this helps.
  20. Hi Boomer, sorry to hear your insurance company doesn't pay for the lap-band. I work for two different companies and have blue cross blue shield ins. with both. One of them covered it, and the other didn't. It just depends on what your plan administrator wants to cover. It's wonderful that your husband is so supportive. That really means a lot. I wish you all the best!
  21. I am new to this too, but I wanted to respond to your post. I am 44 years old, 5'4", and weigh 247. I have diabetes, Borderline High Blood Pressure, sleep Apnea, and Fibromyalgia. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield Group Insurance. I attended the seminar on July 17th. I met with the doctor 1 week later, and I'm already approved for the surgery, which is scheduled for August 24th. I wanted to let you know that it didn't take long at all for me to get an approval from my insurance company. The most important thing is to have all your information up to date and in order. What I mean by that is this, I had documented every weight loss attempt, every program I had joined along with the dates. My primary physician wrote an excellent medical necessity letter which helped. I called the insurance company every day until they put me through to the person that was making the decision on my case. I got to know that lady on a first name basis! She called me the minute I was approved, and wished me the best of luck. You know the old saying, "the squeaky wheel gets greased first" and that is so true. I wish you much success in your journey. I'm on my first day of the liquid pre-op diet, and it's going good.
  22. Hi, my name is MissDarlene, and I'm being banded on August 24th in Chattanooga, Tn. by Dr. Sass :clap2:
  23. What type of pain med's did you ask for?
  24. MissDarlene

    New to all of this

    Thank you for your help. I don't know what I'll do if I can't wipe my tush!! I live alone, and I don't think my neighbor would want to do it for me. <laugh> I've had all the other surgeries you spoke about except for the c-section, and didn't have that problem...so, I'm hoping I won't with this one either. :clap2:

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