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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by moviechick00

  1. I felt the same way very depressed everyone around me are solids I sipped. Then I had the revision it wasn't bad at all. I remember being at a BBQ two weeks later everyone was eating and drinking I sipped and it felt GREAT!!
  2. I didn't hurt as much after my RNY as I did after the band. After the band I cried and said what have I done to myself. I was in extreme pain. When I had my revision I hurt but I was not in extreme pain. I have very low pain tolerance. My doc that did the revision does open RNY I would thought that I would thought that I would have been in more pain.
  3. I was banded in 2010. My band would move up and down. Some days it was 6 or 7 Before I could drink water. My port would flip itself talk about painful!! I had gerd and a lot of pain. That started about 7 months after my band. I had to change doctors card his office closed. I saw a new doctor which rocks. After lots of time with all the issues I was having I was approved for removal and revision. I had my revision done 5/12. Lost a total of 90-95 pounds. Not recounting what I gained and relost after the revision just a total. Soo happy I had it done.
  4. moviechick00

    Band Comes Out January 29th!

    I felt the same way about water/broth/SF anything. I could not do SF puddings to much on sugar alcohols. I wanted apple juice and I dislike apple juice never have I asked for or wanted it. I found some in glass bottles shaped like apples. It was expensive but soo good. I diluted the juice it was yummy and I wanted apple sauce.
  5. moviechick00

    Band Comes Out January 29th!

    Woohoo congrats!! Sending good vibes your way!!
  6. moviechick00

    Just for the fun of it......

    I did a watermelon diet once and I did a only eat if it swims or flys. I did phen phen diet. The watermelon diet it yeah not so good my partner and I did it at the same time. So glad we had two bathrooms. Never again.
  7. moviechick00

    Stuck - bypass vs. band

    I know the stuck feeling oh to well. Painful on so many levels. I went 1 1/2 years post op Before I got something stuck and it felt like no pain I've ever had. I think I just ate to fast didn't chew well enough. I think it angered my pouch and didn't give it enough time to heal after. I did get stuff stuck after but now I'm good.
  8. My daughter was my main moving factor. I didn't get in any of her pictures I always took the pictures. I wanted to be able to go down a slide with her ride rides with her. Most of all I wanted to be healthy to be around for her myself and my partner. I got the band 2/10 I thought that would help me fix it all. Just a little over two years of pain I had RNY that was the best thing I could have done for myself and my family.
  9. moviechick00

    Stuck - bypass vs. band

    I went from band to rny if I knew what I know now I would have gone with rny to start with. I had to many issues with my band. Talk to your doctor they will help you to make the best choice for you. Good luck.
  10. moviechick00

    Ouch food

    So in my year and a half post RNY I have never really had issues with food getting stuck. I did with my band all the time it didn't matter if I ate super slow and tiny bits of food. It would all get stuck. About a month ago I ate some ground beef and it go stuck. It was painful I have never experienced that type of pain before. I let it go for about three hours I finally caved and called my dr. He said give it time don't eat or drink anything. He said if it doesn't ease up call me in the morning and I will get you in for a scope. About 30 minutes later it all came out. I still didn't eat anything just drank lots of clear fluids (well what I could handle). Now a month later and it seems As if every three days or so it happens again. Stuck and lots of pain I can eat salad it gets stuck doesn't have to be meat it will get stuck. Is anyone else having this issue or similar issues? Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. TIA
  11. moviechick00

    Ouch food

    Terry1118 how are you feeling? Any improvements?
  12. moviechick00

    Ouch food

    Yay I have been able to eat the past couple of weeks. So excited to eat with out getting sick.
  13. moviechick00


    I am a year and half post op and I still can't drink. One sip and it burns makes my pouch act all funky. Take just a tiny drink see what type of reaction your pouch is going to have. Most of the people i know that have had WLS have tried drinking at least 3 months post op. Don't make yourself sick surely your friends will understand. I went to lots of parties after my RnY it was summer time all of my friends were very supportive. They kept replacing my water/gatoraid as soon as they would see it get warm. I could only handle ice cold drinks.
  14. moviechick00

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    I had it done on Thursday and saw him in the office on Monday. Went back two weeks later it was all good. Dr Warnock and his staff was great. He wants me down another 20 pounds for skin removal. We will see I'm stuck have been for the last 7 months.
  15. moviechick00

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    Yes SnowDaisy there are two drains. They both would have come out before I left the hospital but somehow one of the drains was not closed properly. They are to squeeze it to let the air out and cover. I think I popped mine open while I was walking and didn't notice so it did not drain correctly. I did not have to go back to the office to have it taken out. He gave me the ok to have it done here at home. Dr Warnock gave me what I needed to remove it. OUCH it hurt but really I have no pain tolerance. I finished my first bottle of meds and filled my refill. My partner on the other hand didn't even finish her bottle not even half way.
  16. moviechick00

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    Mine was done open. My doctor said he does them open because that's what he prefers and can see more that way. I honestly don't remember if it was all staples or a combination of stitched and staples. I know my drains had stitches holding them in place. I was able to get one drain out before leaving the hospital the other stayed in just a little bit longer. I took off two weeks from work but wished I had taken three. I have very low pain tolerance I am a whimp but I kept my own as good as I could. I took my pain meds as instructed. My scar healed really well unlike my original scar from my band. That was done laparoscopic those scared really bad.
  17. moviechick00

    Migraine. Help!

    My doctor gave me topamax for my headaches. It works ok but I had to stop taking it because of the side effects. I didn't like the dizziness and numbness in my feet. I've been told by others to ask about Botox injections. It's worth a try.
  18. moviechick00


    Mine was removed way before my bypass but my surgeon removes it at the time if RNY.
  19. moviechick00

    San Antonio, Texas

    They are all super great people!! I wish I would have found them to start with.
  20. moviechick00

    Alcoholic Cocktails & Me

    I love wine and micro brew beers!!! Sad to say I can't drink not even a sip of either. They both hurt bad when going down. I really think my lap band did a ton of damage to my esophagus. I try a sip of wine every now and then. A girl can try right. I have several friends who have had RNY and lap band some of them can drink. I'm talking 4-6 beers. Sometimes even more.
  21. moviechick00

    constipated help

    I also take Miralax which works pretty good. I have a friend who does bio magnetic therapy which helps to align the ph balance in your body. I get that done once every 4-6 months just depends on when I go home to visit my family and friends. It works great not just for constipation but for everything else.
  22. moviechick00

    Lap Band vs RNY Bypass

    If I could do it all over again I would have done RNY from the start. I had way to many issues with my band and port. I didn't have the education to make a good choice. Make an educated choice as to what is going to suit you. Good Luck keep us updated.
  23. moviechick00


    Oh dumping is no fun!! I can't have SF anything that will make me dump so fast. No Pasta for me that gets stuck and then I'm sick for days. The very first time I dumped I just laid on the floor I was very week and dizzy. I am so glad my bathroom was clean. Laying on a dirty bathroom floor would not be good. It happened just a week or so after my revision. I got sick on SF Jello. :-/ Ps Jello was on my ok list as long as it was SF.
  24. I was a year post op before I found my inspiration. I started doing Zumba at a local studio. I love it!! I have never been able to do any kind of cardio. I can do a 90 minute session at least once a week and I do 5 days 60 minutes each session.
  25. moviechick00

    Chocolate monster

    I am the same way but when it comes to my moms cooking. I went home to see her this weekend. I think I did ok over all I only allowed myself to eat her home cooked Breakfast. All my other meals I prepped or made sure they were friendly. I didn't gain a pound sooo glad for that. Keep your head up and as Dee said its a bump in the road keep working on it.

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