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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by clark1720

  1. So I've had all my clearance test I'm waiting for the results of my psychological exam which it is a problem because I'm bipolar among other mental illnesses and that worried about my mental health with the surgery I have my last dietitian appointment next Wednesday before they turn in my paperwork for approval with Medicare and I'm very nervous this is gone by very fast I had originally thought that I had 6 months from when I started but my insurance company requires 3 months my mental health has been very well for over a year now I'm working hard at that I'm starting to get anxious sensitive scared my main reason for doing this is because I have a large chest that needs reduce but I have to lose weight first and I can't exercise or anything because I'm pinching a nerve in my back from the weight of my chest so it's a little difficult position to be in I'm very picky when it comes to eating so the after surgery diet is what is really scaring me I don't like creamy Soup I don't like cottage cheese I don't like anything that could be good to eat after the surgery after cleared off of like broth and stuff I'm also nervous about support here I have a lot of support but I don't have a lot of people to help take care of me I have a lot of emotional support I mean my family lives 750 miles away my husband has dealt with me being sick for a long time so it's hard for him to take care of me when something happens his family isn't very sympathetic supportive in their own way but not very sympathetic satin white about the recuperating I also have a problem with asking people for help I mean I think that people that would help me but its hard to me to say hey can you do this for me can you make me that can you wait on me I have a lot on my mind right now with this I know in the end the surgery is going to be very helpful it's going to get me to where I need to be and it's going to get me healthier at that I know it's going to be hard its going to be a struggle I'm just hoping I'm up for the challenge I'm pretty much just ranting I can't sleep its 3 o'clock in the morning and I just have a lot on my mind
  2. clark1720


    So I've had all my clearance test I'm waiting for the results of my psychological exam which it is a problem because I'm bipolar among other mental illnesses and that worried about my mental health with the surgery I have my last dietitian appointment next Wednesday before they turn in my paperwork for approval with Medicare and I'm very nervous this is gone by very fast I had originally thought that I had 6 months from when I started but my insurance company requires 3 months my mental health has been very well for over a year now I'm working hard at that I'm starting to get anxious sensitive scared my main reason for doing this is because I have a large chest that needs reduce but I have to lose weight first and I can't exercise or anything because I'm pinching a nerve in my back from the weight of my chest so it's a little difficult position to be in I'm very picky when it comes to eating so the after surgery diet is what is really scaring me I don't like creamy soup I don't like cottage cheese I don't like anything that could be good to eat after the surgery after cleared off of like broth and stuff I'm also nervous about support here I have a lot of support but I don't have a lot of people to help take care of me I have a lot of emotional support I mean my family lives 750 miles away my husband has dealt with me being sick for a long time so it's hard for him to take care of me when something happens his family isn't very sympathetic supportive in their own way but not very sympathetic satin white about the recuperating I also have a problem with asking people for help I mean I think that people that would help me but its hard to me to say hey can you do this for me can you make me that can you wait on me I have a lot on my mind right now with this I know in the end the surgery is going to be very helpful it's going to get me to where I need to be and it's going to get me healthier at that I know it's going to be hard its going to be a struggle I'm just hoping I'm up for the challenge I'm pretty much just ranting I can't sleep its 3 o'clock in the morning and I just have a lot on my mind
  3. clark1720

    Another newbie, ranting

    Protein isn't my problem, in solid form.. it's just the month after the surgery with the liquid and puree, I am completely not a puree kind of girl... I also hate cream based Soups.. and soup mostly in general. But I will get through, a month is nothing in the long run. I just know it's going to be extremely hard
  4. clark1720


    Yeah, my surgeon requires it too. I have been stable for over a year, but they are still a bit worried. I find out next Thursday what they decide.
  5. clark1720

    help a lady out :)

    I definitely agree. I am very lucky and my PCP is very open to whatever I tell her. I have a lot of health problems and I know when I want checked out by certain people and certain things I want/need done. Like I have had two thumb surgeries. I just told her, hey I need to see a hand surgeon. Also I have terrible GERD, I just tell her, hey it's acting very horribly, maybe I need to have a scope. I doubt most PCP's would think it strange if you are large enough for the surgery that you bring it up and ask to be referred. They should be looking out for your health. And part of their job is to refer you when needed. I would just ask. You should never be reluctant to talk to your PCP about health problems you would like to take care of. That is what they are there for. :-) Hope it goes well!
  6. Sorry, I have 12/14 from when I was skinnier before I gained my weight hanging around, except I am super short :-( So that is no help...
  7. clark1720

    Clear liquid diet..HELP

    The after surgery diet is what scares me the most about the surgery. I am very picky, very very picky.. So I feel like I am going to struggle through. I keep thinking "how am I going to get enough nutrition when I like NOTHING" lol. Hopefully these forums will help. I think the clear liquid will be boring but not that hard, it will be when i can do full liquid because my dietitian is talking about like adding cottage cheese and blending it and eating cream Soups and that just absolutely disgusts me.
  8. clark1720


    Sorry, wrong forum :-( I am having the gastric bypass. I was on my tablet and was having trouble figuring things out. Don't know how to move it

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