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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by chinokitty

  1. I was banded what 11 days ago, and I am starving. I am having huge cravings and yes I have cheated from my diet even :) sigh :).

    I know I want this, I know I need to lose weight, I know...but I am just so depressed right now.

    I have lost 10 pounds so far, which I think is great, but I am worried about gaining it back.

    How bad is it to eat real food now???

  2. I'm still in pain, yesterday was not a good day, but I am hoping today will be better. I feel so full all the time. Also my chest feels a bit tight sometimes.

    Gas pain's have gone away, my insiecions still hurt. I have been sleeping on my side through out the night, but it hurts too. LOL seems like most of the time I hurt ;)

    Now my hubby is doing great! He went back to work on wed, and stopped the pain meds too. He is a tough cookie!

  3. I thought a long time about goals, and the number on the scale is important to me I wanted other goals too. So first goal is to drop enough to go down a size in pants, next one is to be able to *comfortable* cross my legs like a lady (LOL lady and me in the same sentience) and then lastly I would like to be small enough for my husband to let me sit on his shoulders (like at a rock concert).

  4. Welp we did it! My husband and I were banned at the same time in Portland Oregon. We are a few days out and he is feeling great, I have found that the heating pad is my new best friend! I have to agree with most of the posts I have read on here. The worst pain is t he gas in the shoulder after surgery.

    Wanted to let everyone know how we are doing, hope you are all doing well yourselves!

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