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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About 4meonly

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 08/26/1951

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  1. Thank you!! Makes sense when you see it like that. It is all coming back to me now.
  2. Remind me why we can't drink 30 min before, during or 30 min after a meal. I get so thirsty. Does it stretch the pouch?
  3. 4meonly

    Question about gas...

    How long does it take for the Devrom to work? Do you take it before or after a meal? These things are not on the bottle. Confused.
  4. Oops! I meant the Walgreen brand of Lactaid. It looks like I have to order the Devrom online.
  5. Thank you for all the responses. Today was better because I didn't eat anything, only had liquids. It isn't just the smell (which is awful), but the pain and constant feeling of having to go to the bathroom. And, the bloating in awful, too. I don't eat much dairy, only cheese. I will try and stay away from the cheese. I will go to Walgreens tomorrow and buy the store brand of Devrom. I have never heard of it before. I have used the Beano but it didn't seem to do much. Thank you, again, for the responses.
  6. Have been having horrible gas, lately. Yesterday was awful!! I was sure that I had a bowel blockage, except for the gas. It was continual. I don't know what foods cause the gas. What foods can we eat that will NOT cause gas?
  7. 4meonly

    New Food For Post Ops...

    Dave, do you happen to know of a 'list' of foods that cause gas? I have started having horrible gas lately. Any thoughts?
  8. 4meonly

    December post ops

    I am 3 1/2 months out and starting to notice a lot of hair in my comb. Not happy!!
  9. 4meonly

    New Food For Post Ops...

    Looks great. Thank you, Dave.
  10. 4meonly

    New Food For Post Ops...

    DL, Sorry. My email is raegjc@q.com. Thank you. Love reading your posts!
  11. 4meonly

    New Food For Post Ops...

    Could you send me a list as well? Thank you.
  12. Susan, I had the lap band in 2006. I did very well with it for 2 years. I went from 200 lbs down to 130 lbs. At that point I was not able to eat much without constant pain. So, in 2009 I revised to the sleeve. I loved the sleeve!!! But, in 2012 I started having severe bile reflux and vomiting up blood. The doc said the only thing I could do was revise to the bypass. So, after fighting the revision for over a year, I had the sleeve to bypass done 7 weeks ago (Jan 8th). It has been a very difficult recovery. I finally am feeling good. Actually, I am now feeling great!! I dropped a little more weight even though I was fine at the weight I was. I am now 123 lbs. I had my surgery done in Mexicali, Mexico with the same doctor who did my sleeve. Hope all goes well with you.
  13. 4meonly

    December post ops

    Which of the celebrate vitamins do you get? Do the chewable so taste good? Which flavor do you prefer? Vitamins are so hit and miss that it would be nice to know which ones taste the best. I have never heard of celebrate before. I just looked it up online but there are too many choices. ; )
  14. Thank you everyone!!
  15. It Vitamin shop has "jelly bean" vitamins. Are we allowed to have these? They are so yummy!! How about gummy bear type vitamins?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
