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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Christi85

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 12/26/1985

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    Sandra Sheppard

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  1. I had Gastric Bypass in December of 2013. My starting weight was 375 lbs. I am now 170 lbs. I stalled about 2 years ago and could not get under 200. I can't seem to stop losing weight now and I am almost 6 years out. I will be honest and say that I do not watch what I eat. I do not follow any of the 'rules' that were laid out. I do avoid things that make me feel terrible - I can't drink milk and certain things with too much sugar make me feel sick so I don't even want them. I can only eat small amounts at a time still. I was just wondering if anyone else who is this far out deals with the same things. It almost freaks me out a little as if something is wrong with me. Maybe it's just my anxiety but I am looking for people who are this far out who can shed some light as to their journey thus far.
  2. Christi85

    December post ops

    I discovered on Easter that candy doesn't really make me sick. I've never 'dumped'. I do end up feeling icky just because of eating junk but nothing like what I've heard of dumping. This is a problem. My kids have a ton of candy left from easter and I've been eating pieces here and there. The struggle is hard.
  3. Christi85

    December post ops

    I have terribly dry skin now. Never had the issue before surgery. I itch constantly. I'm not too sure why this is happening. I use moisturizing body wash and lotion for extremely dry skin and it doesn't seem to help.
  4. Christi85

    December post ops

    FINALLY ad err 3 weeks of not losing, the scale moved down 5 pounds... FINALLY!
  5. Christi85

    December post ops

    I had my surgery on 12/16 and I've only lost about 35 pounds. I have the same concerns. I haven't seen my scale move in weeks.
  6. What are your grocery shopping 'staples'? What things do you ALWAYS keep stocked to eat since surgery?
  7. Christi85

    December post ops

    I've been struggling to find protein rich foods I can tolerate. Tonight I bought a regular sized can of boiled peanuts. 24g of protein for the can. I was able to eat and tolerate it! Yay for something I love and that's rich in protein! Also, peanut butter crackers have been a blessing!
  8. Christi85

    December post ops

    I am 6 weeks out and have not experienced dumping. I puked once because I ate too fast.
  9. Christi85

    December post ops

    I've been struggling because I would just rather not eat anything than deal with eating the same tiresome things or risk hurting or getting sick. I feel like it's not worth cut to cook when I probably won't be able to eat it anyway. I have found that pork rinds have become a great substitute for potato chips. Really trying to find things I like to eat instead of not eating at all.
  10. Christi85

    What ya eating tonight?

    Yogurt is always my go-to...
  11. Christi85

    What ya eating tonight?

    How do you make yours?
  12. Christi85

    December post ops

    Same story here. My Doctor said I need 1000 calories a day which is not happening... Not even close. I went into surgery on 12/16 at 325 pounds... I just hit 290 today. Feel like I should have lost more by now.
  13. Christi85

    sex life after wls

    No. She didn't say. I would assume the change in hormones would contribute. However, my initial thought was that after the weight is gone I'd be more eager to get it on... lol... but I'm not there yet... guess I'll see...
  14. How has surgery changed your sex life? Just curious. I have a friend who said she lost all desire. I'm still early out so I haven't noticed any changes.

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