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About SunKissedinCali

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/05/1982

About Me

  • Biography
  • Interests
    skiing and frizbee golf
  • Occupation
  • City
    San Antonio
  • State
  1. Happy 31st Birthday SunKissedinCali!

  2. Happy 30th Birthday SunKissedinCali!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary SunKissedinCali!

  4. I am 26, been trying to find a way to do the surgery for about 4 years and finally got my father to help me. I don't have insurance so he will be paying out of pocket so I don't need to worry about qualifying with them. Now all I have to do is get things started but have no idea where to start. Can someone give me a check off list or even a heads up on what to do or expect? Anything would be helpful at this point, thanks :thumbup:
  5. SunKissedinCali

    Interference From Others

    The only person supporting me is my sister. I totally understand. I have been trying to do this for years but my friends and family seem so negative about it (my mother like your sister has told everybody about it and I didn't want to tell the world yet). Validation for what you're doing is a big thing but YOU know best. I hope everybody comes around for you and that it all works out. Good luck!
  6. SunKissedinCali

    Starting the process

    Or no one can look or reply lol. ::whistling:: Still all alone...
  7. Hey everyone, Keldar here. I am just starting the process. I have been shoving this idea into my families face for years and they have talked me out of it so many times but now I have gotten them on board and am on my way. All I have done is read up on it, I am going to do it I just have no idea where to start or who to talk to about it. I am excited though and hope to get everything going in the next few months. Nice meeting you and any advice or insite would be awesome. LUVS.

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