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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by betty_s

  1. first fill today! nervous & excited!

    1. enjoythetime


      Go gettem lady! You've got this girlly!

    2. dlamp112


      YAY! Good Luck! Tell us how it went?

    3. Cindi2014


      You will do great Betty!!! I am able to go a bit longer now without feeling hungry since I had my first fill.

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  2. Thank you SO MUCH!
  3. betty_s


    Where from?! I live in powhatan!
  4. maybe @@JustWatchMe can help you, since she recently traveled and was somewhat newly banded.
  5. betty_s

    Lapband clear liquids?

    low sodium (or not LS) chicken/beef/veggie broth warm green tea (unsweetened) broth of egg drop soup from a chinese restaurant
  6. betty_s

    Overreacting? I want water!

    what kinda of surgery did you have?? and the 30 mins before and after seems pretty straight across for all weight loss surgeries..
  7. betty_s

    post-op question

    Well, mine was considered out patient, but i was there 23 hours. The nurse comes in every 2-3 hours, so theres no such thing as 'quiet hospital'.. i was even woken up at 3am, when i had finally gotten to sleep, to get blood work. So, dont think you're missing out on much
  8. betty_s


    i had really bad itching too. benedryl helped some, and i also swabbed it with alcohol and kept nesporin on it after the surgical glue fell off. i just had to keep reminding myself that they were healing. it sucks, but it doesnt last too long.
  9. betty_s


    ugh! this was the worst for me! i couldnt sleep on my stomach, and not even my sides, because i felt like the port was tugging on my stomach. and thats the only way i can fall asleep! i talked to my nurse practitioner, and she recommended Ibuprofen PM. After about 2 weeks, i was able to lay on my side, and some on my stomach, but if i moved the wrong way, it would shoot a little twinge to the area. even at almost 5 weeks post-op, after a long day, or if i worked out too hard, its still a little sore to lay on. I would def try the ibuprofen pm, tho.
  10. around your band (like you can feel it on your stomach?) or are you talking about your port? either way.. this def sounds like a doctor question. i would call them immediately.
  11. sigh.. i was the perfect candidate for electrolysis, light skin, dark hair. went through all 6 rounds, hair stayed minimal for about 1/2 year.. MAYBE a full year. now, my 'sideburns' which is what i got taken care of, are just as full and dark as they were before. i'm taking Biotin religiously, and have noticed that if i shave my legs in the morning, by night time they are already pretty stubble-y. i have resorted to waxing my upper lip/chin area. will probably start with the sideburns too. and i bought some twinkle razors off amazon that are suppose to be good for peach fuzz, which i have all over my face, as well. i've always been a hairy girl, which means i've always gotten a lot of compliments on my thick dark hair, but i'm constantly shaving or waxing
  12. betty_s

    post-op question

    things i used the most: percocet - i was in a lot of pain on my port side, could have been from my hernia repair. crystal light. this helped encourage my sipping. i love the peach tea flavor. heating pad - this helped SO much with the discomfort and helped ease some of the pain. gas-x chewables. this was not because of the surgical gas, bc i didnt have any discomfort from that, when i started drinking the creamy soups, i had a lot of gas, so that helped every night. because i wasnt giving up my one salty meal cream of chicken Soup and golden mushroom soup. unjury chicken flavored Protein. protizyme Peanut Butter cookie protein. - these were what my meals consisted of for the first 7 days. comfy corner in my couch. i had a nice little 'nest' in the corner of my sectional couch. I had my heating pad, a window ledge for my drinks, a couple blankets, and some extra pillows. this is where i spent most of my time the first couple of days. a good series on netflix. DONT OVER DO IT. let yourself be lazy. this was the hardest for me. my sister came to visit and i had a hard time constantly asking for something, she was such a good sport tho. we watched lost and american horror story. breaking bad.. scandal.. greys anatomy.. not something you have too much interest in though, because i found myself dozing in and out a lot.
  13. Have you been on solid food for long? Just curious, because I was banded the same day as you.
  14. no worries! and i'm hear if you need someone to vent to!
  15. you've already started to make a change and thats what matters! i've only been banded about 4.5 weeks, so i cant help but so much. i just make sure i eat my Protein first, then veggies, and usually dont have room for carbs/starches. if your craving something sweet, I'm all about the Quest bars. they're high in protein, low in net carbs, and have very few ingredients compared to other Protein Bars, and they have tons of flavors to chew from. you've got this.. obviously the band cant do it all!
  16. wow!!! thats awesome! congrats on your success so far! i'm 4.5 weeks out and loving it!!
  17. betty_s

    First nsv!

    Thats awesome! congrats!
  18. betty_s

    Waist trainers

    Basically a 'corset', that you are suppose to tighten smaller and smaller, so your waist gets smaller by being constantly restricted. @@kbush maybe you can just check with your surgeon? i know when i have a pair of pants that cut into my stomach where my port is, or when i hit it on my desk at work, its pretty sore. i cant imagine having the constant restriction feels very good.
  19. betty_s

    #2 help!

    hey girl! miralax wasnt helping me much either. i never had a problem before either, im 26, so, close to you. i ended up having to take some colace which sucks because it gives me really bad stomach cramping. the more i workout now, the better my digestion is. i'm not sure if the pre-workouts i take have anything to do with that, since they have some stimulants in them . also, as for the 3rd week slow down, i was there too. your body is trying to get use to all the trauma it was just put through. i'm only 4.5 weeks post-op, so i feel your pain.
  20. bandster hell in full force. fill on wednesday!

    1. betty_s


      thanks! i came prepared with lots of low-cal snacks at work. my breakfast is only staying with me an hour at this point, too. :(

    2. enjoythetime


      Uggh, yes, I remember:(! Being prepared is half the battle so you'll do fine!

    3. Cindi2014


      i had a 1.5 cc fill yesterday betty, I'm on liquids yesterday adn today then start eating again tomorrow. They assure me I will feel much better and the hunger pangs will diminish...we'll see, lol.

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  21. i had a hiatal hernia and GERD pre-op. hernia was fixed and i was banded. havent had a problem with heartburn or GERD in the last 5 weeks since getting banded.
  22. betty_s

    1 month post op

    @@Finally banded i'm may 8th too! going in wednesday to get my first fill! and congrats @@mias76 i def see it!
  23. So, I've officially been banded 4 weeks! I'm down 32 pounds and feeling great. I'm eating smaller portions, Protein first, then veggies, never room for starches. Lifting weights 4-5x a week, cardio 2-3x a week. I can't stress how happy I am about the decision I made. Not only with wls in general, but deciding on the band. I have my first fill next wednesday, and I'm hoping if I can get close to my morning band, where I'm tight, but can still eat solid foods, I'd be in my green zone. I have trouble staying full for over an hour or two after lunch and dinner, but Breakfast keeps me full for 3-4 hours. I got a little caught up in some emotions and my 3 week stall, but I looked in the mirror this morning, and I wasn't disgusted at what I saw. At 303 I felt like I was busting at the seams, like if I gained one more pound, I'd pop like a balloon. I couldnt even bend over to tie my shoes. I didn't have any co-morbities, but at 26, my life was miserable, and it took a toll on my relationship because I didn't understand how my fiance could even stand the sight of me, because I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. Now, pants and already starting to fall off and belts are getting moved more than one hole tighter. Workouts are getting easier, and taking the stairs is no big deal now, unless its the day after leg day . Im SO happy I found this site. I've learned so much from other peoples experiences!
  24. betty_s


    DONT WATCH YOUTUBE PRE-SURGERY! hahaha people like to harp on the negative. even sometimes on this forum. I tried to read the least about of negativity possible. If youve come this far, youre really ready for your life to change, and you'll be fine. I'm 4 weeks post op and feeling awesome!
  25. I have Anthem BCBS VA insurance. I had to undergo 12 months of health "coaching" to qualify for insurance to cover it. even though my weight steadily increased about 20 lbs a year with my PCP. So, my first doctors visit was Jan 2013 and I finally had surgery May 2014. i hated it while is was going on. but in the end, i'm actually glad i had to wait. it made me appreciate the surgery a lot more, and i had time to change some of my habits.

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