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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by betty_s

  1. next friday can't come soon enough!! first appointment with my doctor!

    1. betty_s


      *first appointment since my 12 month insurance req. program. hoping to get a surgery date soon!

    2. Leepers
    3. Bigbeaz
  2. betty_s

    Psych Evaluation

    Thanks for the concern. But it's been under control for over 7 years now. I appreciate your concern though.
  3. betty_s

    Psych Evaluation

    the only thing I left out was that I struggled with bulimia. I know it wasn't something I should have left out, but its something I finally have under control and I didn't want surgery to get pushed back.
  4. betty_s


    I love selfies cause I hate full body shots haha
  5. My surgeon talked down the lap-band in the WLS Orientation last year, I actually felt kind of uncomfortable. I thought it was crazy, I see how most of the surgeons in this area are doing the sleeve, above gastric and band. Does anyone else see this trend? I love the 'reversable' aspect of it, JUST IN CASE. not that I would ever want to reverse this surgery (which will hopefully be in March!) but its just so crazy to me that the doctors would try to sway you to a much more invasive procedure. just my opinion, anyone else agree?
  6. after 12 months of insurance 'health' coaching, i FINALLY have an appointment with my actual doctor. this will be my frist time actually meeting him one on one (my first appt was w. a nurse practitioner). SO HAPPY to get this process rolling!

    1. voldemort


      congrats. strap in for an amazing ride!

    2. betty_s
  7. betty_s

    Three NSV's and One Thorn In My Side

    I LOVE old navy's yoga pants and capris. I'm 300 lbs/5'7" and an extra large fits well, they also have a fold over band that doesn't slip but also doesn't squeeze anything I usually just wear t shirts to the gym, but I think they have some cute workout tanks in plus size as well. They're all a pretty good price too
  8. betty_s

    snide remarks

    Thanks guys! I won't let the stupid comments get me down, people just need to check their filters every once in awhile!
  9. betty_s

    snide remarks

    ugh, "you've got a pretty face" has been said to me more times than I'd like to remember. My mom gets SUPER jealous when I lose any weight, so I'm sure he comments will come rolling in after the surgery. My dad always mentions how much weight since last time I've seen him, so I'll be interested to see what he says now. Thanks everyone for the comments, it's a shame people just can't be happy for you. Now if I could just get my mother in law (to be) to stop telling everyone I'm getting the surgery
  10. betty_s

    snide remarks

    yes, i'm so happy I have a super supportive fiancé, as well. I've talked to her about a lot of stuff and I wanted to let her know why I would be missing some work days, because I usually never take time off. I only bring it up when they ask me. I guess I should have kept it to myself! Thanks for the support everyone! I would never let anyone discourage me from getting this surgery.. I've been thinking about it since my 18th birthday, but I just can't get over how rude some people can be about it.
  11. betty_s

    snide remarks

    that's exactly what I thought.
  12. thursday got pushed back to tuesday.. after being in this process 365 days, 4 more days feels like eternity. feeling defeated.

    1. willjr4


      Don't feel defeated if you waited 365 days and you have 4 more to go that means you fought all year just to get to where you are now. good luck and god bless I am scheduled for the 25th but I am waiting on the Dr. to fill out the pre op clearance form. just saw him today and I had blood work done so he noticed my liver levels were high so I am hoping after the sonogram tomorrow he doesn't see anything that will postpone my date or see something that's life threatening. I have a da...

  13. tomorrow is the last day of my 12 month, insurance required, program. after that, everything gets submitted and i'll find out if i'm approved for surgery! crossing my fingers!

    1. eibbed54


      Good luck, I know what that's like.

  14. betty_s

    Hello everyone!

    yay! congrats!!! i'm sure the liquids are getting boring, but it will be SO worth it in the end! I cant wait to get my band! (still haven't waiting on one more month of my 12 month program.. wahhh)
  15. betty_s

    February 2014 bandsters?

    so excited for everyone!! hopefully my date will be late feb/early march. my insurance requires 12 months with a health coach, which is feb 13.. so this has been a LONGGG process for me! good luck to all the feb bandsters!
  16. found out i dont have h pylori, today! now just waiting for my last coaching appointment so we can get this surgery rolling!

    1. Bigbeaz


      WOOHOO Congrats.

  17. officially been on my insurance mandated program for 11 months today. the next month will be a breeze! cannot wait to get my official surgery date!

  18. betty_s

    No pre-op diet?

    ugh, that's awesome!!! i'm on month 11 out for 12! its seemed like forever and has also gone seemed fast in certain aspects! i'm wrapping up doctors appts (psych eval, general doctor, h pylori test) now, cant wait get approved and get my date!
  19. betty_s

    No pre-op diet?

    this is my plan of attack! I've always been most successful with a low carb diet, and hope the lap-band will restrict the binging that comes a few months later!
  20. betty_s


    just wanted to say hi and introduce myself! its always nice hearing from people my age (in my 20s) and their experiences and how everything has worked out for them! i'm about 1 1/2 months out from completing my 12 month supervised coaching program through anthem cova care. I have two of my doctors appts on jan 6 and I hope to talk to my doctor to see when we can get this ball rolling! this has been such a long process, i'm so anxious to just get the surgery over with! please feel free to add me as a friend, I would love all the support I can get
  21. I'm currently 1 1/2 months out from lap-band surgery (*HOPEFULLY*) from a 12 month coach program because of insurance requirements. My fiancés mom had the sleeve 2 years ago and will only tell me the negative from her experience.. it doesn't seem like shes trying to discourage me, but more like scare me (?), maybe? i'm not sure. she originally lost around 60 lbs, but then started to gain because she constantly Snacks on chips and nuts because most other food gets 'stuck' my question for you all: what foods get stuck the worst with the band? are there anything I should avoid eating altogether? It looks like I may try to go low-carb for the most part, only because I get very bad heart-burn/gerd when eating large amounts or carbs (fruit included). What are your favorite meals? I just want to be prepared as possible for this experience so I can be as successful as I know I can be. I have about 120 to lose, so I know I need to be diligent during this process and not get discouraged easily.
  22. betty_s

    photo 4.PNG

    From the album: betty_s

  23. betty_s

    november 2012

    From the album: pre-surgery

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
