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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by betty_s

  1. I think I've seen this a few years back and really enjoyed it!
  2. I have to agree with Cheryl. My doctor made a huge stink about the band and refused to treat me and passed me off to another doctor. I wasn't will to live with half a stomach and life filled with malnutrition and dumping. I also know 3 people with all 3 surgeries. And guess what? They all are still struggling with their weight. I watch the gastric bypass patient eat candy and have been in the bathroom with her during a 'dumping' episode. The women I know who got the sleeve 2 years ago started gaining her weight back because she wont stop snacking because she says she hates meals because they hurt to eat. And when I asked the sleever if she would get the sleeve over again, she actually told me she wished she got the lap band. Yes that's her own opinion, but its one I value. The lap-band patient re-gained half her weight and goes out to lunch every day, most of the time eating a 10 in sub. 3 diff surgeries, and they all still struggle. It shows you not one of these surgeries is the miracle surgery and they ALL REQUIRE WORK.
  3. So, if I haven't already complained enough about it one here, I had to complete a 12 month, insurance-required program before I was able to be considered for lap-band surgery. Luckily, I was able to complete the nutritionist, psychologist, and PCP appointments during this 12 month period. I completed the program Feb 14 and then finally had an appt with the surgeon last Friday, 2/28. He told me I should hear back within 2 weeks about insurance approval and would send out a 'schedule' where it would give me surgery date and pre-op diet dates, and the final, pre-surgery exam. At this point, I'm SO ANTSY. Does it seem like this is the typical wait time to hear from insurance/surgeon? I'm probably going to call as soon as I get finished typing this post, but its so hard to get an answer from my doctors office. Update: After speaking to the VERY RUDE PSR, she informed me that insurance companies take 4-6 weeks, so I wont be hearing anything, anytime soon. Defeated is not a strong enough word right now. I wont give up, but this has been the most frustrating, exhausting situation I've ever had to deal with. Probably more stressful than buying my first house.
  4. betty_s


    From the album: betty_s

  5. great to know when I get banded. thanks for all the tips!
  6. betty_s

    Banded today.

    yay! congrats!!!
  7. waiting to hear back from insurance/get my date set has seemed like eternity.

    1. pinky4652


      i had just finished all that im so glad its over the waiting game sucks good luck to you!! :)

    2. betty_s


      how long did it take for your insurance to approve you?

    3. pinky4652


      my dr office im going threw drug this process out it took 2 hrs to approve me but 3 days for them to tell me i was approved .... the hard part was getting my surgeons office to give me my appointment so i can schedule my surgery needless to say i find out on the 18th when my surgery will be :) ...

  8. I could totally see myself replacing one addiction with another. I have a very addictive personality. As long as you can afford it, I say go for it.. Atleast you're not still addicted to food. Now, if you're going into debt because of this new addiction, maybe try talking to someone, or try something else that doesn't cost as much
  9. betty_s


    I had the same reaction from most people. Or the fake "you don't look like you need THAT". screw 'em. If you're finally ready to make this change, that's all that matters. I told a few too many people and have regretted it, now when they bring up the upcoming surgery, I just basically blow 'em off.
  10. I cant totally relate to this. I sometimes have anxiety eating out because i'm afraid the portions wont make me full enough. i'm sure they would satisfy me, but I want to feel full when I leave a restaurant. I also hate going out to eat with people I don't know as well, cause then I feel like I need to eat less, therefore, not getting as full.
  11. final strech! i can finally see the light at the end of the 13 month tunel!

  12. awesome! Maya is who I met with initially and went over the band with! Glad to hear you like him! I'm looking forward to working with him. Dr. Carmody is my doctor too. I switched to him when I found out my original dr. hadn't sewn my port down completely. Dr. C did my port revision and his NP does my fills. Her name is Maya Paige...she is wonderful! Good luck with your upcoming surgery!!
  13. it was actually Dr. Bautista at St Marys. I'm now working with Dr Carmody (sp?) Was it by any chance Dr. Schroeder at Short Pump?
  14. thanks for all the kind words, guys! I def think the second surgeon I met with will be a perfect fit. I felt so much more comfortable with him in only the first few seconds of meeting him, so I know it'll be great. cannot WAITTTT to get this surgery scheduled tho! its like the light at the end of the 13 month tunnel is finally in sight!
  15. finally, after the longest week ever, i have my appt w. the surgeon tomorrow. wish me luck!

  16. okay, so i'll try to condense this as much as possible. last week, I finished my 12 month insurance required program which included a weight loss program (I chose TOPS b/c of price and WW never worked for me) and monthly phone calls with a health coach/nurse. Over the course of the year, my weight went from 303 down to 288 and fluctuated in between month-to-month. My concern is, the health coach never stressed my weight when it would go up and would give me a 'good job' if I lost a pound or two. I called my surgeons office the day after my 'graduation' from the program, and the CSR quickly mentioned something about a weight sheet because I was not allowed to gain weight during these 12 months. This morning, I weighed in at 297, which is lower than I started January 2013 (atleast I hope his scale is close to mine), but I'm afraid I was expected to lose more during the period?? I meet with my surgeon on Friday (the 28th) and have been a nervous wreck thinking about this. That was the first time anyone had mentioned that I NEEDED to lose weight this past year. The only thing is, if I was able to lose weight and keep it off, why would I be getting the surgery in the first place, right? I don't know, lots going through my head. I tried to put myself on a 'liquid' diet on Monday (at 299) just to lose some weight before the apt with the surgeon, but that backfired and I binged all night, Monday. Yesterday and today, Ive just been eating pretty light (carrots, lettuce, tuna, moderate dinner). Ive lost a 1.5 pounds, but i'm wondering if I should do all liquids tomorrow and fast on Friday until my appt at 11am? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Im worried I may have sabotaged my whole 12 months by being so lax on my eating. Granted, my yearly trend it to GAIN 20 lbs, so that's better than before, but i'm just worried.
  17. betty_s

    ZERO Calorie Salad Dressing

    they also have syrups (all sugar/everything free) jams, dips too.. some are okay.. so are total misses and taste like chemicals.
  18. betty_s

    slightly freaking out

    Thanks, Cheryl. I'm a complete stresser, so when I heard this, after I've waited 12 months, I completely freaked. Also doesn't help the urge to stress eat, but I've kept it in line for the most part!
  19. betty_s

    slightly freaking out

    Thanks, Jim. I've read the handbook and no where does it say weight loss during the program is required. The girl was new (I had been working with another CSR the whole time then got my last phone call with her).. So maybe she just worded it incorrectly? Its so hard to actually get ahold of someone who knows the requirements of bariatric surgery at my insurance company that I figured I'd just wait to hear what my surgeon has to say Friday, since its only a week.. but this has been THE LONGEST week out of the whole 12 months! I'm sure its just me being anxious about a situation I have no control over at this point, but I just wanted to get others peoples input on the situation. Thanks for weighing in with your thoughts!
  20. congrats and good luck everyoneee!!! so jealous, because I want my dateeeee! I completed my 12 month insurance required program, so i'm hoping to hear good news from the surgeon at my appt on Friday! it will be my first appt with the actual surgeon!
  21. betty_s

    100 down, 60 to go!

    wow!!! such inspiration!! cant wait to find out my surgery date! I've already started walking/light weights.. so I hope the weight comes off after surgery!
  22. so.. I've told a few people in my department at work, including my manager, that I will be getting the lap-band surgery (4 days left of the 12 month program required by insurance!!!!). I notice that my manager, who I've talked about struggling with weight, because she too is overweight, ALWAYS has some little jab to throw into the conversation. It's usually "i'd rather be fat", but the other day, we were all chatting and someone asked if I had my surgery scheduled yet, since I have been talking about it for awhile, I replied "no", and they asked a few more questions.. could I eat bread, could I drink coffee/soda, etc. when I replied that I would probably keep to a lower-carb diet, my manager says "couldn't you just do a low-carb diet without the surgery?" the more I thought about this comment, the more it pissed me off. for someone who has struggled with their weight as well, I thought she would be happy for me. shes done ww and other diets, but they never worked, at least for an extended period. i'm 26 years old, I remember starting my first 'diet' with my mom at age 6.. my weight has been a constant battle and I've never been completely happy with myself. THIS is why I was so reluctant to tell people in the first place. I waited 9 months before I told anyone, and still wasn't sure I should. I try not to let comments like that get to me, but the fact is, I DONT HAVE THICK SKIN, ive been teased my whole life and its taken a huge toll on my self-confidence. just needed to vent. not sure if anyone else has dealt with this kind of situation, but I was just so pissed off, I had to get it out.
  23. betty_s

    Eight Months and A Day

    great post!! the weight is def a big thing for me, but I also can wait to look in the closet and have to pick 'what fits' vs. 'what I actually WANT to wear', not wanted to crawl out of my skin when my fiancé touches me, looking forward to family and friend gatherings so they can see my progress instead of how much weight I've put on since last time. all the little things. I cannot wait!
  24. atkins - always been my 'fall back' plan. I knew if nothing else worked, I could low carb it and shed the weight fairly quick. what I never understood though, is that I would always plateau at either 40 lbs or 3 months. I could never get past either one of those. then, i'd gain the 40 back, plus 15. south beach - felt similar to atkins, only I got to eat fruit! but, I eat TOO much fruit, like its candy.. so it never worked out ww - I never did like ww. I tried 3 times and I didn't like the portion sizes, always felt hungry, and got mad when people ate like **** and still lost weight and I was eating as clean as possible and not moving a pound. body for life - I liked this approach, but I felt like all I ever did was log my food into my fitness pal to make sure I was getting in the right macros. I became obsessive and it was exhausting.

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