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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by betty_s

  1. betty_s

    Protein bars

    Quest bars! Peanut Butter and jelly and Cookies and cream are my fav and they have 21 g of Protein. I really think the cookies n cream taste like the real thing. And they have very few ingredients, all of which I can pronounce, which I can't say for many other protein bars. If you put the cookie dough in the oven for a few mins or microwave, they taste like a fresh baked cookie! I eat them even when I'm not "watching what I eat" which says a lot for me! Vitamin shoppe and GNC sell them!
  2. betty_s

    May lap-band

    Tmposton - I'm getting pains in my left shoulder today! It must be because of the rain virginia is getting, because I haven't had gas pain the whole time. I can't tell you how nice it was to chew food today! My nurse practitioner put me on phase 1+2 soft food.. So I can have chicken/egg/seafood salad, cooked veggies and other things. I laughed at my little child size bowl of 1/4 c chicken 1/4 c seafood salad but I was stuff. It took me about an hour to eat and I couldn't get down all the shrimp. The only thing she said to stay away from was chicken breasts, steaks and pot roast (and most carbs). I'm nervous to try things because I'm petrified of something getting stuck or vommitting. I just chewed realllllly well with everything.
  3. betty_s

    May lap-band

    Tmposton are you on liquids or mushies now? Sorry if you've already said? Good job on getting back to work, I don't think I could do it. I have my follow up with my surgeon this morning. I took a week off for surgery recovery, then had a week of "staycation" already planned, so I have two full weeks off. Thank god cause I still get tired easily and still don't feel like myself. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, hoping for a soft fish or some mashed potatoes so it doesn't look like I wasted their $40 plate of food. My doc is putting me on mushies starting today, which I'm happy about. Tired to the protein shakes and blended soups.
  4. So I had surgery yesterday morning. Felt pretty good coming out but then once I got settled it hit me. I'm assuming my port is on my right side because I have the largest incision there and it's SO SORE. Like so bad that morphine wasn't touching the pain. I was so prepared for the gas pain post surgery, but I've had none! I wasn't expecting this pain. I was also prepared for constipation but I've had the complete opposite, and I'm hoping it doesn't mean I have to stay in the hospital longer. Did anyone have diarrhea bad after surgery? Sorry for tmi. It's not like I have a stomach ache, I think it may have been from a small cup off apple juice and my body wasn't used to the sugar. I'm ready to start feeling better. A little nervous to get home because of getting on and off the couch/bed. We'll see how everything goes, one day at a time, right?
  5. betty_s


    This was the same as mine, except I only could have 2 shakes. I switched up the lean proteins at night, but didn't stray much from the plan because I wanted to make sure I shrunk my liver. It's only 2 weeks and it helps you prepare for the liquid diet after surgery. You can do this.
  6. 7 lbs down since surgery, 25 overall!

    1. Cindi2014


      Congrats Betty!!

    2. MrsPJ


      Thats awesome! Keep it up girl!

    3. enjoythetime


      Yay!!! Congrats girlie! I haven't been on in a few days so I'm sure by now you've shrank even more;)Great job!!

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  7. I use sauyers. I'm not sure if it's regional, but can't find it online. But it's a vinegar based sauce
  8. betty_s

    May lap-band

    That's awesome! I lost the the 6 lbs I gained after surgery plus 1, so I'm at a 20 lbs loss altogether. 15 since pre-op diet day 1.
  9. betty_s

    May lap-band

    usually the pre op diet is for liver shrinking, not weight loss.
  10. betty_s

    May lap-band

    mines only 7 days
  11. betty_s

    May lap-band

    Are you already on mushies? I'm on full liquids for At least a week..
  12. betty_s

    May lap-band

    feeling better by the day, too. still sore getting up and down of the couch and in the bed, but when I'm not moving I'm good. Haven't had any bad gas pains, just a little rumble that I treated with gas-x chewables. Been fine getting two Protein shakes in plus my creamy Soup with unjury chicken soup flavor, so my 60 grams have been easy to get. Plus I'm able to get all my Water in too, so everything is going great! I find if I drink too fast, it feels tight, but it doesn't happen often. I haven't been using those little cups from the hospital, just sipping out of bottles and cups. Good luck to those who haven't been banded yet! Can't wait to see you on the other side!
  13. betty_s

    May lap-band

    I've actually been in a lot if pain since my initial posts. I'm not sure if it's from the port or he fixed my hernia but my right side is SO SORE. So getting in and out of bed haven't been fun, I was expecting gas pain but wasn't expecting thaf, but no gas and I've been up and walking around. Glad to hear you're doing well
  14. betty_s

    May lap-band

    Thanks! How are you doing post op?
  15. .. I'm finally getting banded today! The 12 months of insurance required "coaching", switching doctors, 5 weeks to get approved by insurance.. It's ALL been worth it. All these obstacles have only made me realize this is exactly the right decision! Thank you all for the support so far, I'm really glad I stumbled upon this site.
  16. betty_s

    After 17 months..

    Thanks guys! Out of surgery and feeling pretty good!
  17. betty_s

    May lap-band

    Thanks guys! Out of surgery and feeling pretty good!
  18. betty_s

    Any may banders

    Today's my dayyyyy! So excited, and a little nervous!
  19. betty_s

    May lap-band

    Today's my day! After 17 months in this process, I'm finally getting banded!!! I'll let y'all know how it goes
  20. betty_s

    Starting weaning off

    same here. i looooooved some diet coke/pepsi. actually any diet soda. i stopped the day of my pre-op diet and i actually didnt have a headache. it was like my body was ready to give it up. its only been 2 weeks, but i havent really craved one. i crave carbonation, but the feeling subsides in a few minutes because i dont give it the time of day.
  21. betty_s

    May lap-band

    congrats! keep us posted!
  22. betty_s

    Any may banders

    @@tmposton hopefully you're feeling ok today!
  23. betty_s

    Finally a date...YEAH

    congrats rose!! i get banded tomorrow! and @@Lisa1999 i had a 12 month requirement thru insurance before i could get banded, even though my BMI was 46, so i know how you feel. Just depends on the insurance company!
  24. tomorrrrrrrow! :)

    1. enjoythetime


      :-) Yipppppeeee!


    2. jodie1961


      Good Luck!!

    3. Mikee57


      so remember my message popped up on my calendar this morning...wishing you the best sweetie see you on the other side of Bandland!!!

  25. betty_s

    heaviest weight - 303

    From the album: betty_s

    taken around 8/15/13..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
