Sorry this happened to you, the lap band has caused respiratory issues in MANY lap banders when acid reflux gets so bad, the acid reflux can get very dangerous if not treated with removing saline and medications, timely, and as you can see cause respiratory issues, many have also reported aspiration pneumonia from long term reflux and band slippage.
Please be advised the Sleeve CAN cause horrible reflux as well and MANY now are having to revise to the Bypass if the reflux get really bad with the Sleeve, since there is no turning back after you get your stomach removed.
I hope you can find relief and answers, good luck.
Absolutely true. Three years ago, I suddenly developed violent pneumonia. I had months of terrible reflux before this where I was waking with stomach acid coming out of my nose. I got my band completely emptied but it did not entirely regress. The pneumonia worsened rapidly and went from single to double. I am a diabetic and pneumonia kills one in eight diabetic who get it so everyone was freaking out. It was presumed to be viral in nature until the last day. I suddenly coughed up something that tasted like it had been hanging out in a drain for months and my pneumonia disappear within a few hours. It turn I had inhaled something. Be careful.