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Everything posted by signgirl

  1. signgirl

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    Hey there lovelies, Hope everyone is doing alright! I seem to be having a one bite "stuck" day WTH???? Just when I think I have it all figured out....... Oh well, it keeps me on my toes, and I still can't complain! I feel like I've dodged the bullet on latent diabetes (I hope) Today I treated myself to some new lingere (sp?), DH is so complimentary about the weight change. He's the greatest!!! Has always been there for me, no matter what. Countdown's still on!!!! 13days 'til Cozumel Mexico! It's still cocktail hour, Pat.....I'm toastin' ya! Have a great time:cheers2:
  2. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    :embaressed_smile:Carla, my computer screen must have been set so that I missed the "Zannie, Hi.."part Sorry!:wink2: And Pat, it's 13 days, but who's counting? OH YEAH,MEEEEEEEEEEE!:wink_smile: How's it going Gina
  3. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Who are you asking, Carla? Who is your doctor? I have been doing pretty good:) I don't regret my decision at all. The Psyc eval., in my opinion, was just to make sure you understand the procedure, the risks, what you perception is of it (do you have realistic expectations).....really, it was just no big deal :wink_smile:
  4. signgirl

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    Hey there everybody! I haven't checked in for a while now and it appears that a lot has happened. Betty, I'm sorry to hear about your loss at your uncle's passing. ((hugs)). Mandy, Happy (belated) birthday. I had my hardest birthday at 29. go figure. These days its just better and better. I don't worry about where I should be in my life anymore, just that I'm in it! LOL! Sherry, do you do the hot stones too? My SIL used to do the reflexology until it startedto take its toll on her wrists. I remember her going out to Arkansas (I think) and bring back crystals. We vacation alot together...it's great to have such fun with family. parakeet sounds cute :thumbup: Kat, soooooooo sorry to hear about your DH's accident. Glad he's on the mend but, dang! that sounds painful! Elieen, you sound like your'e doing alright...keeping everybody in stitches! funny stuff LMAO! Pat, so sorry about my distraction the other night on the phone. I don't like night driving, let alone when DH is giving me all kinds of signals, or lack of on where to turn, LOL! Traveling to Orlando and meeting up with friends sounds like lots of fun! I hope to hear from you soon. Only 19 more days till vacation! Yea! My band has been very persnickety lately. Just a few bites then that's it. but then today, it seemed wide open ???? As usual, thinking of all y'all! :eek:
  5. signgirl

    NJ February 2008 Chat

    Hey there girlies! This is gonna be real short! Just wanted to check in before I head off to bed. Sherry! You look so good! (and happy!) What is it with these Reiki masters? the're all so cute!!! ( my SIL is a Reiki master and trained in many Holistic therapies.....she's cute too! :rolleyes2: Pat, OMG! Fab bod! You're healing so well! The bra? Where can I buy that type? I don't think I've ever owned a better fitting bra! I'm gonna wear it out as much as I'm "wearing it out" LOL..... love, love, love the fit! DH likes it too Wish I could keep off the scale! I think I just gained back what I lost when I was over-filled :wink2: ...and to everybody: thinkin' of ya'll!
  6. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Jessica, you are doing so good! Cardio Sala....Now THAT sounds like fun! Yeah, I've always weighed myself in the morning. Usual naked,or nearly naked (or nekkid, if you're from around here! LOL) I never count what the scale reads at any other time of the day, because my "baseline" is morning. Dianne, you were talking about a banders ge together in NC. I was just asking for info on it. Vacation, first week in March!!!!!!!!!!Yea!!!!!!!!! Thinking of everybody!
  7. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Oh BTW, I didn't change my weight tracking ticker yet because I always go by my "morning weight" :tt1:
  8. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Hey there everybody! Boy oh Boy, do I ever feel Sooooooooooo much better! Yesterday I went home early from work...nausea, not much staying down. It had been 6 days since my 2nd fill of 1cc. Then today my Doc took out .4cc, and I feel great!!! I had a small taco bell pintos and cheese for dinner UMMMMMMM YUUUUUUM! Not a single problem, went down great! On a positive note about the previous 6 days..I lost more weight!!! (now if I can just keep it off!!!! lol!) I had an absolutely delightful surprise right after my slight unfill, Pat met me and we went to tropical smoothie. The company was great AND the entire large smoothie went down...no issues! Betty & Sherry, thanks for the info and kind words! (about my fill). Goodness Pat!!! so many clamoring for those pics!!! You just might have to "pony up" pretty soon , LOL hehehe! YOU LOOK MAAAHVOLUS DAHLING! Hope everybody's doing great! Eileen, Kat, Mandy, Jesicca, Cindy, Chrispy, Dianne, Anne, and Ooops......I'm sorry if I missed somebody (Lame Brain today!)
  9. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Mandy, my condolences at the loss of your beloved uncle, and along with what you said, he IS in a better place. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, and also feel confident that the two of you will be well again (better than ever!) Dianne, I'm sorry for the loss of your great uncle. and just before their 60th anniversary (sigh). You're right no excuse at all not to go! Send info when you can. thanks! Betty, you aren't kidding "proceed with caution"! Had the 2nd fill Wed. and was able to finally eat something substantial on sunday. then today I couldn't even eat 2 bites of anything without having difficulties!!! I'm trying to keep the Protein in. Pat, thanks so much for calling to check up on me. (you sweetie, you!) Really, it was good to vent about how unpredictable my recent fill has proved to be! Well, its been a long day and I'm yawning, so beddie bye folks.
  10. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Hey gals, How's everybody doin'? Well I had my 2nd fill on a wednesday and by saturday I still wasn't eating, just getting the protien drinks in. On the wednesday of the fill, I was at lunch with Pat, I was just sipping water....couldn't keep that down! Called the dr. office, they called the dr., called me back and said it was probably a spasm. Today I'm A OK! with noticable restriction. Wasn't hungry at all today, had to pay attention to "protein first" (because I wasn't hungry!) Thanks for the compliments on my weight loss. Now if I could just get motivated enough to exercise after working all darn day! LOL! Betty, you're right, I am lucky to have met Pat and to live close enough to have those "get togethers" WISH WE COULD ALL MEET UP!!! (seriously!!!!!!) Kat how lucky for you to be able to get together with those other bandsters! I'd be psyched too!!!! Eileen, your'e right, being close to Onederland is REAL cool! But at my age and not working out as I should, I'm gonna look like I've lost pounds instead of being pounds lighter, Know what I mean? Not complaining much though, I really like what the band is doing for me. Tonight I almost able to finish my food portion. Back in the day, it would have been 3 portions!!!!!! Well, it's been a pretty quiet day. DH is under the weather. He's been in the bed ALL day! He said he had real bad chills last night. No fever tho'. I'm gonna sleep in the guest room tonight so I don't disturb him. He doesn't need to get up as early as I do (5:30). I'm sorry he's feeling bad, but I did get a load of stuff done!!!!! I didn't have that temptation to just "hang out" with him (since he was sick in bed). Pat, I was looking in the mirror.....my girls aren't nearly as peppy as yours! :wink2: (lookin' great gal!) Y'all have a good day tomorrow!
  11. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Happy Anniversary Eileen!
  12. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Hi Chell! Nice to meet you! :hurray: I'm actually from Williamsbug VA. I met a really nice lady on another thread, she lives about 25 min. from me (give or take), and she told me about this thread and what a great bunch of folks are here....supportive, informative, funny, friendly....and so, I popped in and have been enjoying sharing and listening ever since!!! There are quite alot of "seasoned bandsters" here, a virtural treasure trove of "first hand band info." I joined "bandland" almost three months ago. Morbidly Obese and looking down the barrel of a Diabetes gun, I had to do something NOW! At 51, it felt like time was running out....time to act. I did my homework about the lapband, and decided it was the right thing for me. I wish you well, as you learn more about the lapband! :frown:
  13. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Hello Suzanne! So good to hear from you again! You know, when I first came to LBT, this is the place I figured I'd be lingering the longest (because I live in williamsburg!) :frown: I remember all the concern at your absence on the board, and was touched by how caring people can be! I was banded Oct 31, although i consider that to be more of a November date than anything. Probably 'cause I'm not at all doing as well as other folks at this same point in time. reading your post was like reading something I would have written! The Holiday was just like that for me too, not one day, but many! I was in "banders hell" for Thanksgiving (first fill was in mid Dec.). After the first fill I thought I'd be all set.....but NOOOoooooooooOOOOOO!!!! So I re-grouped and had to lose weight I'd gained! Heck I couldn't even say to myself ....look how far you come so far, way to go!" I had just started and felt like I was failing! Exercise? Yeah, that's another one :hurray: I just couldn't get started!!! (correction: can't get started!) When I thought I finally had the mindset thing working, I worked-out for 2 whole days!!! then nothing again (as now). I don't know how to get the fire under my big butt started!!! Now that I'm almost three months out, family, friends and co-workers are starting to ask the dreaded "how much have you lost?" question. (most with genuine compassionate interest) I'm starting to think that maybe what I need is a workout companion. Anybody interested????? ((((Hugs)))) to you Suzanne....thanks for sharing. You know, I think it did help to spill my guts too!!! We're gonna be fine!
  14. signgirl

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Gina Glad you're doing OK! I saw your picture (some time ago). The one with you and your GSD. My GSD has practically the same markings, and just like yours, is stunning! However she is 13!!!
  15. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Jessica, your weight loss and dedication to working out is SO impressive!!!!!!! (wish I had it, LOL)......no, seriously, wish I had it!!!!
  16. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    I'm at work, so can't stay....Pat Looks FABULOUS! What fun to get together! Hellos & Hugs to all!!! TTYL :frown:
  17. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    HEY PAT!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!! Just can't keep a good woman down! My fill is at 12:30 Wed. at Port Warwick. I don't know why folks, but I'm a little more nerved about this one than the first one!! But somethings gotta give....I'm surrounded by all you model bandsters!!! LOL! Mandy, How are you feeling? Better than last week I hope Eileen, what's the word on your niece? and how are YOU feeling too? Betty, Sherry, Kat, Dianne, Jessica, Cindy, Chris..........hope everybody's doing good! G'nite!
  18. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Eileen :girl_hug:, (hugs)....so sorry about your neice and that you're feeling so bad. Take care of yourself girlie...warm wishes and prayers are wrappin'-'round-ya! Hey Pat, you doin' OK? Tell us how it's going with the PS recovery. Think about you daily Well, I'm scheduled for a second fill Wednesday....maybe that will help! Met a gal named Sheri (Lattedah), in the va.chat. She's just starting the process to get the band. I was sure to mention what a wealth of information and support is here! BTW Eileen,I saw an old post of yours with a pic. of fat and muscle. That was pretty cool to get that visual!
  19. I had my first fill six weeks later. I'm guessing that it varies from office to office, but I think six weeks is probably the average.
  20. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    Sherri, I forgot to tell you that I'm from Williamsburg Va.
  21. signgirl

    Virginia Nov Chat

    Welcome to Lapband talk Sheri! I love this site! You can find lots of great folks and terrific sucess stories. Have you looked at the pictures yet at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/before-after-pictures-pix-only-4642/ I was checking into the band for about 2 years before I went for it. I'm now in "Bandland" . I met some really great people who have been banded for a few years, they have been a tremendous help with all my questions, etc. The thread is: NJ January chat. The majority of the people there are Not from NJ. That's where I'm at most of the time. Good luck with your process and stop in at NJ January chat sometime!
  22. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Mandy, Kat and Jessica, Thanks for sharing the band info. Glad to hear the gassies get better....not so happy about the hair loss, but I knew that going into this. I guess I thought that if I got the Protein in and took Biotin, I'd escape it. Oh well (sigh)....Let's see, hair loss in about 4 months? I'll be at my vacation resort, clogging up the pool drains! LOL!!! Jessica, I too think about our close surgery dates and am tempted to compare success notes, but I know that your 29 years is gonna run circles around my 51 years!!! Meno has a way of slowing everything down a few notches. Happy for you about the gym! that's great!!! And Kat, you seem to do darn good at stringin' sentences together Write a book! I'll buy it! LOL! Dianne, good luck to you, sounds like you have alot on your plate at the moment, hang in there! Miss ya Pat! You're gonna be hot gal!!! Hope you're feeling better! And to everybody...man, this website change took me back a bit. To the longtimers: "you mean they do this often?" Hugs to all, G'nite! :seeya:
  23. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Hey gals, I hope y'all are doing alright....especially Pat and Mandy. Dianne, I was sorry t hear about your FIL and how thing are affecting both him and your MIL. You're right.... it is hard. I hope things are getting better for all. Oh Betty!!!!!! I just checked out that place WOW! You lucky gal, you! That place looks gorgeous! Kat, writing a book? Hope everyone is good....I'm thinking of each and every name right now some brief lapband ?????'s: I hiccup now more than ever and...excuse me...more gas too Is that a permanent band side effect? When y'all hit your sweet spot with fills, how much food do you consume at a meal? When you exercise, does it aggravate/irritate your port or incision sites? Or is it bothering mine because it's just under three months old? It'll be four months soon since being banded, the average time for hair loss. How did you all fare? Thanks for all your help !!!!
  24. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Pat Honey, I havn't had you off my mind since we last spoke. My prayers have been with you! I tried to log on last night and I couldn't get the LBT site to come up (might have been down?). I wanted to call so bad, and ask your DH how you were, then I thought I'd better just wait til I hear from you. To you and everybody this morning....I'm at work and can't linger here, but I love you all!
  25. signgirl

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Well, yesterday I had my meeting with the nutritionist. I was SO Not looking forward to it! She's very nice, it's the fact facing after the holiday Cookies & candy I wasn't looking forward to!!! turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! Lost some fat, gained some muscle, was more hydrated and lost 5 lbs......but that was for 6 weeks! (sigh). Renee it was so good to hear from you! Glad you're doing alright and I hope that pain in you shoulder goes away quickly! Mandy I'm so sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. I can't even remember how many times I had Bronchitis, ...it was a lot,lol! what i mean is that i know how you must be feeling and i hope you"re going to be on the mend real soon! Kat I was so happy to hear your family of friends are alright. Small world is right!! hi there to everybody, too! Pat, Betty, Sherry, Anne, Jessica, Cindy, Dianne, Eileen and Eileen :eek:

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