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Posts posted by chuie1

  1. Hello all you Brave sleevers....

    Thank you so much for all your sharing. It has helped me so much! I was sleeved on Dec 9th.

    Can someone explain dumping?? I've felt sick from time to time and not really sure why?

    Also burping constantly like all day. Any remedies??

    Happy new year :)

  2. I think I'm doing something wrong. I'm only at day 10 and I'm comfortably able to eat cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, and crab meat. I was craving Water right after my surgery and have never had a problem meeting my Protein or liquid goals from day one. any thoughts?

    I'm having a similar experience. I'm day 16 I eat for the most part ok. Eggs ...chop meat. Cooked soft veggies. But from what I'm reading here everyone's NUT is different. I stalled from day 7-14 but the scale is moving again.

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