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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BrandNewBrandy

  1. BrandNewBrandy

    How much time did you research Doctors?

    I do not have coverage through insurance so I will be self pay. I am a member of a few Facebook groups and when I hear of others I join them.
  2. BrandNewBrandy

    PBS Documentary on wls

    I will have to check this out. Thanks for sharing
  3. BrandNewBrandy

    Best Facial Firming Creams

    My mom is liking one that's called number 7 and she heard about it on Dr oz or The Doctors. Bought it at Target around $20. She told me I needed to get some...thanks mom! Lol
  4. BrandNewBrandy

    Almost offended

    I'm not sure how I would have replied to that...maybe find a new store or order online if you are happy with those suppliments. People are strange lol
  5. BrandNewBrandy

    E-cigarettes and Pre-Op Testing

    I quit a year ago by reading a book called Stop Smoking the Easy Way by Allen Carr. I couldn't wait for the book to come and I had actually found it online as a free ebook. I highly recommend it. I tried to vapor to quit and couldn't because of the intense cravings. I read the book and never picked up a cig again
  6. BrandNewBrandy

    What NSV are you mist looking forward to?

    Being more active and participating in life. Shopping for regular size clothes. Going hiking by waterfalls where we want to take the kids on vacation.
  7. BrandNewBrandy

    After care & Support

    That is great that your doctor is on board, I haven't chosen a doctor yet and I am saving up and hopeful for possibly this spring/summer having the surgery. (Dr. Illan is on my short list as well as a few others)
  8. BrandNewBrandy


    I do walk videos from Leslie Sansone you can find them on YouTube for free
  9. BrandNewBrandy

    Any Pa sleevers?

    I'm from Armstrong county north of Pittsburgh. Hoping to save the money to be sleeved in Mexico soon
  10. BrandNewBrandy

    Supplement insanity!

    What about... thyroid at 8 am Vitamin at 12 pm Antacid and calcium at 4 Vitamin at bedtime
  11. I have been mobidly obese for the past 19 years. I currently weigh 284 lbs on a good day. I have tried so many diets, pills, programs, etc to lose the weight but all I lose is money and maybe 20 lbs if I'm lucky. I cannot exercise because of my joints and hip replacement because then I'm in bed in pain. I want to scream when someone says you can do it you just need to walk and not eat bad. I want to scream don't you think I have tried to do that the last 20 years! I know I am a food addict. I know this surgery is a tool and I'm going to have to do work to be successful. I know I will need to spend some years probably in therapy addressing my issues. I know I will have to fight my fat mind long after the weight is gone. I get that its drastic. I feel that's what I need a drastic surgical intervention. I sometimes just feel that noone can relate to me.
  12. BrandNewBrandy

    Sleep apnea test frim hell!

    Most if the time when people say they didn't sleep still sleep enough to give an accurate result. The doctor needs to see at least 2 hours of sleep, when you sleep 8 hours typically, 2 hours doesn't seem like you slept at all. Hopefully you do not need to retake it, if you do ask about a home unit. Although it doesnt give the complete picture like a lab test, you can usually tell if you have sleep apnea or not.
  13. I don't think the posts being deleted is something that was done purposely. I haven't been here long but I know they pulled a few websites together to make this one not too long ago and I think some posts didn't get transferred. I think they are still working the bugs out.
  14. BrandNewBrandy

    Anyone from PA

    I live about an hour North of Pittsburgh. I am still researching, no surgery date set yet
  15. BrandNewBrandy


    I know this is a battle I will fight long after I get the surgery. I'm sure the addict in me will test the theory that I can have just a small piece of a brownie and be ok, while my logical mind knows a taste of it will put me into a spirial of wanting more and more and more.
  16. BrandNewBrandy


    I am a food addict. My trigger is anything sugar or bread. I love most things carb related and will eat them even when I do not like the taste of them (because there is nothing else in the house to tame the craving at the time) Also some artificial sweeteners trigger me. I am slowly realizing that it is not just because I am hormonal that I react this way. For example, tonight we bought sweet rolls. I ate one. It didn't really trip my trigger. I wasn't hungry when I ate it, I just wanted sugar. An hour later, still not hungry I ate another and felt some acid reflux a bit from over eating, then about 20 mins later I picked up about 10 crackers and ate them trying to make the acid reflux go away when I was the one who caused it in the first place and I didn't even really "enjoy" any of that food and now I just had to take tums to help the extremely full indigestion I have going on. Before now I would not have picked up on this. It was my normal, as sad as it is. I will not eat anymore sweet rolls tonight BUT there is a good possibility that I may finish them tomorrow, even though I didn't really like them. At least now I am aware of what I done after the fact. Now I need to stop it before it happens. Sugar/carbs + mindless eating is one of the reasons I am morbidly obese. At times when I was thinner I had issues with how much alcohol I drank. I grew up in an alcoholic home. It was better to stuff our feelings with food than to be verbal and deal with the wrath of my dad on a non happy drunk day so I know there is an emotional connection as well.
  17. Thank you everyone for your replies. This is the beginning of a journey that I must go on. Noone else knows the exact path that I walk so thinking about it, it makes sense that they don't understand. All I need to do is take one step in front of the other and walk it. Made the purchase of the big book of gastric sleeve and another book suggested on the forums about how to address and overcome food addictions. This will keep me busy as I save, save, save!
  18. Supbanana, Ty for posting your blog. I have been trying to find more info about Dr. Illan as I am seriously considering him once I get the funds. I'm impressed that he staples, sutures, and glues to prevent leaks. I haven't heard of any of the surgeons doing all 3 so that was very impressive to me.
  19. BrandNewBrandy

    Being fat in dreams

    No, maybe my subconscious is blissfully unaware of the size I have become. I am what is call normal size in my dreams, not big, not small. If you are post surgery maybe your subconscious is trying to identify with the old you. (Could be totally unrelated to weight)
  20. I'm so sorry that your sister didn't get the help she needed. Thank you for being her voice and telling her story. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  21. I would be interested in hearing more as well on these two surgeons.
  22. Most people I do not care if they are on board or not, nor will I be telling them I am getting surgery when the time comes. My mom I need her to be so she can care for my children while I am in Mexico for my surgery or I will need to make alternate plans including delaying the surgery. The other person I told was my best friend. Both of these people feel that I should be able to lose weight without any plan or help at all. Just stop eating junk and exercise. After all, I quit smoking cold turkey so I have will power...if only it was that easy.
  23. BrandNewBrandy

    What was your breaking point?

    This...what I call the picture that changed it all. It was a picture that was taken while I wasn't paying attention. I realized how sad I looked and how unhealthy I am. Somethings gotta change because I dieted most of 2013 and lost 15 lbs. Gained most back with only a 4 lb loss for the year. [ATTACH]39587[/ATTACH]
  24. Thankfully my husband is 100% supportive. While he doesn't have issues taking off weight he sees how hard I have tried, how much pain I've been in and is a huge support system for me. I have 3 kids that I will need to get my mom on board at least enough that she will watch them while I get the surgery. Right now she was not supportive but I'm hoping the shock will wear off.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
