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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AzGirl

  1. I had my surgery on Thursday afternoon August 16th, everything went great. I was sent home two hours later and had everything on hand thanks to the great suggestions on this site. I am kind of a baby with medical stuff so on Sunday when it was time to remove the bandages I had my husband remove them and low and behold I fainted (what a whimp huh) well we chalked it up to me being a baby but then on Tuesday morning when we were showering I fainted in the shower, came to and then fainted again so that was two more times. Well the husband decided this just wasnt right so we went to the doctor. Now I want to make sure I add I always have a water bottle by my side, I was eating exactly to the instructions, I felt good and was keeping everything down just fine. The doctor said I was dehydrated and it was causing my blood pressure to go so low I was fainting. I thought I was drinking enough but I wasnt, just drinking when I felt thirsty wasnt enough now I am drinking Water and Crystal Light like crazy, I realize everyone is different but I just wanted to share how important getting the fluids in were in my instance. Wishing everyone well, I am happy to be in band land and dont regret it for one single second. Take care.

  2. Hi there, I just went through all the fears you are mentioning. I had surgery on Thursday and even as I was in pre-op I felt sick just thinking about going under. I think most people feel this way, I was sick to my stomach the whole week before surgery. The night before surgery my husband and I came to this site and looked at all the before and after pictures and that is what I thought about each time my fears came to my mind.

  3. Hi Rhonda, I am also very new. This whole thing has moved very quickly for me I had my initial evauluation on July 30th, my surgeon visit is scheduled for August 14th and my surgery date is scheduled for August 16th. So I am planning for surgery but havent had my surgeon visit yet. My best friend had the lap band done about four years ago so I am pretty familiar with her experiences and I was looking for more information and this site has been great. I hope you get the information you are looking for this seems like the right place to start.

  4. Hello Angeleyes, I am scheduled for the 16th. Where are you located? I cant believe how quickly it has come up. This site has been helpful, I am making a list of the things everyone recommends and going to go get everything Monday so I am all set! Oh yes, and I am doing laundry like a madwoman today:whoo:How long since your decision to have the procedure to surgery date?

  5. Hello All, I am new to this site and was hoping based on the great information and experience on this site I might be able to get some feedback. I am scheduled for surgery next week and I am wondering if I am realistic in my thought process. I have surgery next Thursday morning and based on my research I was thinking I would be feeling fine by the afternoon. I was thinking I would be able to walk to my son's school and pick him up by 3:45 pm no problem (it is right around the block). I thought for sure I would be able to walk him to school on Friday and pick him up, thought I would be able to drive on Friday if needed to take the oldest to work. I really thought I wouldn't be down at all, I have not scheduled any help thinking I didn't need it. Now that I have searched around this site I find that may not be realistic. I know everyone is different and heals differently but I would love some feedback on what your experiences were. My surgery is outpatient and from what my Doctor's office stated I will be in at morning and out by afternoon. Thanks for reading! :clap2:

  6. Hello there! I am new to the site and scheduled for surgery next week. I had a question and wanted to introduce myself first. I am really looking forward to the surgery and wanted to get some experiences from others on what to expect. I am not real familiar with the forum and I am thinking I need to go over to pre op and ask my question so I am headed there now! Hope to hear from someone. Have a great night!

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