I have not had a follow up appt yet, because of the holidays my doctors are out of town. My primary care physician and my surgeon are husband and wife so that does make things very convenient for me My first fill is on the 30th and my follow up the first week of January. My daughters are home for Christmas, we went out to dinner tonight. While they all ate a regular meal, I ordered a bowl of oatmeal. I ended up eating about a 1/4 cup, didn't want to overdo it since this is the first non liquid food and I'm not supposed to have any until Monday. Brought the rest home and I think there is enough for about a week!!! I am also still bloated and passing gas, will be glad when that phase ends! In the first 11 days post surgery, I am down 9 pounds as of yesterday. Already have a couple pair of pants that will be leaving my closet!