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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About islandgal65

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday March 10

About Me

  • Gender
  • City
    Long Island
  • State
    New York
  1. islandgal65

    100 lbs gone!

  2. islandgal65

    Where's the April sleevers....

    Yes I was on clear liquids from the 7th, then when I went in for my post op check up I was advanced to full liquids until the 28th and then I start my pureed stage.
  3. islandgal65

    Where's the April sleevers....

    Hi everyone, I was sleeved on April 7, first couple of days were rough. I Had my gall bladder removed and Hernia repair done at the same time. I am 8 days post op and feel fantastic. I advanced to full liquids today and quite happy, strained cream soup and yogurt never tasted so good ;p
  4. Weight at surgery was 286..this morning I weighed myself and I was 277. That is 9lbs in a week. I hope it continues to fall off nicely
  5. I was sleeved April 7 also and I can take in a lot of liquid too..I believe the liquid moves through your sleeve quickly and will not stretch it. I can get in 2 protein shakes, 2-3 16oz bottles of water, 2cups of broth, sugar free popsicles and tea.
  6. islandgal65

    Had surgery on Monday update!

    I was like that. I am now 6 days post op and I can get in 2-3 16oz bottles of water, 2 8oz cups of broth, 3 sugar free ice pops and 2-3 protein shakes. It takes me all day to get this in. I also get the pain and gurgling if I drink to fast.
  7. islandgal65

    Had surgery on Monday update!

    Glad your feeling better...it is so true everyday you do feel do much better
  8. islandgal65

    Had surgery on Monday update!

    I am feeling a lot better. Still sore, but good!
  9. Today is 4 days since my surgery and I feel really good. It was rough the first few days since I had the gallbladder removed, hiatel hernia repaired and the sleeve. I am able to drink water and protein shakes with less pain. I even went shopping for a hour today. It gets better everyday!
  10. I had my surgery on Monday too. Went back to the surgeon today tor a check up was running a 101 fever. Everything looks good..if my fever goes up again he wants me to go the ER
  11. islandgal65

    Home from Hospital

    Glad your feeling good. I didn't get out of recovery until midnight, I really needed that extra day.
  12. I had the sleeve, gallbladder removed and a Hermia repair all done on Monday April 7. I am not going to lie..I woke up from surgery in a lot of pain. I don't know if it is because I had all three done I stayed an extra night and feeling so much better today. The gas is a killer..I had it all in my belly!
  13. Surgery was a great success, I had my gallbladder out and a Hermia fixed. Had surgery on Monday and today I feel good. Was in quite a bit of pain yesterday.
  14. Just got my kids on the school bus and then started getting emotional. Keeping myself busy, cleaning the house and just put together a beef stew in the crock pot for their dinner later. Got my bag packed and will head out about 1:30. Best of luck to us all that are being sleeved today!
  15. islandgal65

    Magnesium Citrate

    I checked with the nurse at the hospital, she said it won't be a problem. Some people go dome don't ..lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
