LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by penny2
Hi Marge!!hey DELIGHTED you have made the first move!! I found your message,scanned it and then lost it!not the best on the computer. So when is your appt with Dr Chris and what are you thinking of going for?everyone seems to have nothing but good things to say about him anyway.Love to see you if you are down this way-text me 0876961200.we would certainly have plenty to talk about!
Hi everyone, I am still subscribed to this thread tho I have made the decision to have a bypass.As I had a consultation and almost went with ACS, I am watching the situation with interest and hope that it will be concluded satisfactorily for you all. i am amazed that nobody has commented on the legal notice which i mentioned was in the Examiner on 19/3/08.I really think you should take note of it I will quote you a bit of it In the Matter Of Advanced Cosmetic Surgery Limited Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the creditors of Advanced Cosmetic Surgery Limited will be held on April 3 at 10am at the Landsdowne Hotel, 27/29 Pembroke road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 for the purposes set out in Sections 267 and 268 of the Companies Act 1963. dated March 19,2008 MAPLES&CALDER SOLICITORS FOR THE COMPANY
If anyone wants that Irish Examiner cutting about ACS, pm me and I will send it on.
Sorry Roe,I really don't know-husband has newspaper and hes away for the next 2 nights.There was a solicitors name on it also.Will tell him to hang on to it so I can get proper details for you.Otherwise try for the newspaper tomorrow-I think he said it was under "legal notices" on page 36-so its well hidden.
I feel horrible posting this and knowing how heartbroken you are all going to feel. My husband has just spotted a liquidation notice in the legal section of The Irish Examiner for Advanced Cosmetic Surgery. Its a notice and not an article.It says that there will be a creditors meeting in the Lansdown Hotel on 3rd April. I am so sorry.
Hi all Haven't been on here for ages as I had dismissed ACS and decided to go with a bypass which i am having in July here in Ireland.Anyway,I just wanted to check up on Elsie who was being banded around the same time as I was previously planning-hope it all went well!!! So sorry to hear about all the trouble with ACS.I posted last summer saying how Phoenix magazine ran an article on them and their financial/legal issues situation. I KNOW its a very sensitive issue but a word to them might just be the impetus you need to get some action. To my mind ACS don't deserve any loyalty the way you are being treated after such a huge financial outlay is disgraceful. If Tara and Jan have both left,its for a good reason - they obviously realised there are many,many problems as outlined by that issue of Phoenix. Just a thought!!
Sorry you girls are having all this trouble with your fills.Jan told me that his contract was up in March when i saw him here in Cork. There is a new obesity surgeon, Colm O'Boyle in Cork.He works out of the Cork Clinic,Western road which is in the grounds of the Bons secours which is the best private hospital in Cork.You will get his phone number from inquiries. I have had a consultation with him and was very impressed.he has come from Hull where he was ADORED apparently.He will be operating from March-doing bypasses and bands privately WITH follow up. I think he would be worth checking if he would do fills for you as he has access to xrays etc. hes not sure about cost yet as he is currently costing his "package" which will include aftercare and dietitician etc but he thought around 10k for band and maybe 13-15k for bypass.VHI and Quinn not covering but can be claimed on tax.
Hi everyone!! Have been busy sorting myself out since my unhappy consult in Manchester-so,have decided to have a holiday in May(Florida Keys,yum)do the pre-op diet in June and (hopefully)have op in July while boss is away.To this end,I have made an appoinment for a consult with Dr Chris de Bruyne on Fri 8th at 12pm in Dublin.(Fitzwilliam Street)120euro.Thinking of you guys,I asked if he would take on patients from other Drs for fills and she said "yes,certainly if theres enough interest,he will come every month-the fills will be 120euro" Bear in mind this is my 3rd consultation(Dr Jan who couldn't follow thru,Manchester Dr and now Dr Chris)hopefully 3rd time lucky!!at least,I know a bit more now and can ask the right questions. So,guys,if you want another option,get on to his website (obesity assist)and phone julie Tosh for an appointment. In the meantime,if anyone is around on 8th and would like to meet for a coffee afterwards,it would be lovely.I will be catching a train back to Cork but will be flexible enough-obviously would favour meeting in town tho. Coco, hope you are improving and not so sore now.
Thats him-Colm O'Boyle.Will see if i can get any more info.
You are all so good to take the time to answer my questions-it has cheered me up no end. I have decided not to be so obsessed about the whole thing and let the dust settle for a few weeks. I may very well try to get an appt with the Belgian Dr who's starting in Dublin and see what his angle is, now that I know a whole lot more about the op etc. Also want to check out the Bons this week who are appointing a surgeon in March who will be doing them at some stage. Nothing like sisterly solidarity!!xx
Thanks Ailbhe and Roe-its lovely to get the sympathy anyway!!I should qualify what Dr said about 4 stone.He said bandsters only lose 40-50% of EXCESS weight whereas bypass lose 65-75%.My age(55) and constant dieting(since I was 12) lessen my chances of being on the higher side. CAN ANYONE OF YOU WHO HAVE TO TRAVEL TO DUBLIN FOR FILLS,TELL ME IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS IN THE 48 HRS AFTERWARDS?just wondering if he is exaggerating the problems with the travel. Have had a good whinge and a big cry now on husbands shoulder and am feeling a bit better.THANKS GIRLS!!
HELP!!! Has consult with (really nice) Prof Basil Ammori, Bariatric surgeon at Manchester Spire Bupa Hospital yesterday.Flew over and back in the day.He spent one and a half hours discussing options with my husband and I. Basically, he said that i could only expect to lose about 4 stone with band(getting me down to 16 stone)and that my thoughts about getting to 12 stone with the band is "a little unrealistic" I am 55 with no medical problems to worry about(in regard to op,I mean-I do have joint and weight related arthritis issues)he is advocating a bypass. His reasons are as follows-#1.distance.Big reason.He says that it is sometimes necessary to unfill and that will necessitate a flight back.(perhaps in discomfort)he does NOT advocate fills with out xray guidance so would not approve of someone flying in to do fills one day a month in Dublin#2.ability to "cheat"with band on sweety things.#3.proof that bypass patients tend to keep weight off better on a longterm basis#4 I have very slight reflux/heartburn and the band can irritate this He saw that I was spooked by the idea and was NOT pushy and said several times that it was his job to give me his opinion based on his experience but that it was our decision. My husband thinks i should go for the bypass(despite it costing 10,000STG against 7000STG)-I am miserable as I had planned for the band which is SO much less invasive but if i can only lose a few stone,is there any point.I have never felt so hopeless and distracted about anything-apart from the support here(thank you girls especially Sally,Elsie and Coco) NO ONE else can advise whats best(my 2 bfs are skinny and just dont get the whole thing) My GP is worse than useless and just keeps repeating the mortality rate of the ops when i bring the subject up. I would really appreciate any help/ideas/suggestions as I am at the end of my tether on this long lonely road.Thx Penny
Have an appointment with Prof Ammori at the Bupa Spire hospital Manchester this coming Friday.Flying over and back in the day.Had it booked b4 i discovered that the Belgian Dr might be coming here to do consults.Anyway,decided to go with it and suss him out.Expensive tho' at 7000(STG) inc 3 fills.He has a fantastic cv and truckloads of experience and its so important that the band is correctly positioned from the start....however Belgium would be half that price.Will keep you posted!!!
I have been in touch with the above group and find them very helpful if a bit pushy. Has anyone any experience of them please?they seem to be only using bariatric surgeons(rather than general surgeons)which can be only good. However they are a lot more expensive that my other choice Chris de Bruyne in Belgium.Either way as I am in Ireland I am going to have to get on a plane and travel so distance isn't really an issue. All experiences welcome!!thanks
Coco, your last post was so inspirational,I decided to hell...go for it and have booked myself and husband over and back to Manchester on Friday week.We have an appointment with Basil Ammori at the Bupa Hospital there. Hope he wont disconcert me by trying to push me into bypass as his side kick did.However after a lot of research I have stuck with the idea of the band.150 stg for the consultation!!these guys certainly know how to charge. Hope I will be posting like yiou, Coco, here next year! sorry cant make it up this Sat as we have a party but hope to make next onexx:clap2:
Thx for the sympathy Ellen!!(sniff!) I will have a look at that website and have also looked at a Chris de Bruyne in Brussels who does the fills in London apparently. How are the fills going for you now?are you at your "sweet spot"Did you manage to get on to proper food yet?x
Wish I had seen that Prime time programme-you are absoloutely right-it is a maze out there,not knowing where to turn and who to submit your body/life to. Just wish I had jumped in and got banded a year ago and I wouldnt be in this situation(and might have something to wear for Christmas)however,I wasnt ready then. It wouldn't surprise me if some smart group of gastric surgeons saw their chance of making major bucks and started doing it here soon-there is an obesity centre opening in Cork in the New Year in the Mercy Hospital and I reckon its a matter of time before it will be offered here-probablY have huge waiting lists tho. It is so disappointing. Anyway.hopefully I will get something sorted out for March and join all you inspiring losers!! CAN I APPEAL TO ANYONE WHO HAS HAD THEIR SURGERY DONE ABROAD TO POST THEIR EXPERIENCE PLEASE!! particularly inrelation to fills and how that went . Have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful and successful New year!!
I had a call from the patient co ordinator in Cork today as I had been chasing her for a date as several of you know. Bad news is that Dr Jan has decided NOT to do any gastric bandings here any more. He just couldn't get any op theatre/hospital to work out of and ACS have decided that its more hassle that its worth and its wrecking their good name(?) I am dreadfully disappointed as I was planning this for the past year(to be done in March)I asked her if he would operate in Poland and she said possible there or Amsterdam(as hes registered in both places) and that he would be willing to do the aftercare in Dublin/Cork (he will be available for that anyway) Thats how we left it,that she would come back to me when and if he gets a place to operate out of in Poland or Holland. Most unsatisfactory. Please anyone who has been banded anywhere outside of Ireland -get in touch either privately or on the forum so that I can make up my mind whether I should go to the UK/Belfast or Belgium. I have been knocked sideways by this news.:help:
Hi roe, I am patiently waiting for ACS to come back to me...but I was dying to know how you found the op with Dr Jan.Most people here have been operated by Dr Jerome.Were you very sore and did you travel home the next day(I am 180 miles from Dublin)also did did he give you good instructions regarding your gradual return to proper food etc.Hope all going well for you now anyway!
I am currently considering being banded.As there is only one surgeon in Ireland(not v.reliable either)and it costs 10,000 euro,I am considering prague as there is a direct flight from my city. Has any one any experience of BODY BEAUTIFUL UK who SEEM to be the most comprehensive doing it there. Also can anyone tell me if it is feasible to have your fills at a distance like this or would i be better to go to the UK which is only an hour away?Any suggestions will be gratefully received as i want to get on with this.Thx:)
well I think you are fantastic 'luvrocks'!and i love your positive note at the end! Heres something for you to think about....I am DYING to be banded(hopefully March) but there isnt anyone in Ireland doing it.There WAS an outfit in Dublin doing it but no evaluations,support groups etc-just in for the night,banded,sent home(180 miles) and fills done by inexperienced people.However they have everything on hold at the moment as the Dr there is being investigated by the medical council.AND it costs 10,000EURO!!! so honey,go with the flow,thanks your lucky stars they are so organised,to hell with the office,Christmas will be there next year and so will you in your gorgeous new body! Do it for yourself sister!!!!
I've not heard anything about the ops starting up again why don't you phone ACS and ask them. Regarding your question about PB's and Slime, that I can answer, and yes it is disgusting, but here goes, and I won't go into too much detail suffice to say if you eat something that either doesn't suit your band or you eat something quite fast or maybe have a couple of mouthfuls in quick succession this is what happens......... first you get the pain, right between your boobs, then your mouth fills up with saliva (slime) and just when you've rushed to the loo you puke back (PB) the offending item. See, that's why you have to obey the rules. Chew, chew, chew and then chew some more. Put the knife and fork down between mouthfuls well really mouth-quarter-fulls. That way you can eat your meals without any trips to to loo. well thank you,Coco! that is a great and clear explanation(even if it is a bit yuk!!)you're great! I DID phone Kim at ACS here in Cork (patient coordinator v.nice) and she said that Dr Jan is still trying for an operating theatre to work out of.Perhaps the delay is for the best if he gets it more organised.He was talking to me about seeing a Nutritionist and a Phycologist as well as trying to set up support groups-so all that would be very positive. Thanks girls for all your help!!
I am still waiting for ACS to come back to me to let me know what is happening and whether they have manged to get an operating theatre.Anyone heard anything recently? In the meantime can anyone explain the terms "PB" and "Slime" which I come across in reading a lot of the posts-sounds disgusting,please explain!
suturing band in position????
penny2 replied to penny2's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Thanks Lisa and Jacole too-good luck to both of you.I have myself driven mad with all the research and "what ifs" am going to give it a rest now!!