I am about five months pre-op going through the medicare steps so I can have the RNY. I am 66, have had one heart attack that killed me deader than a road kill frog and two more pre attacks with a couple of more stints. Collesterol is under control now, high blood pressure is under control, diabetes is under control, peripheral neuropathy of feet is under control, weight is holding even, I work out every other day for two hours and have so religiously for 21 years.
I have heard once you get the weight off that most of these problems go away or get less severe. What can I expect? Will I be able to get rid of all these medicines helping to keep collesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. under control???
What have you longer term folks experienced ? I not only want about 65 pounds gone but I want to get rid of all these meds that probably have more side effects than they help.
I like being above ground. Thanks for your help.