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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Wires

  1. Wires

    Albany, New York....?

    I had my first follow up with Dr. Lemanski and reached my 10lb weight loss goal! The last week I was pretty hard core to get to it but I'm so happy, he cleared me. Just waiting for the office to submit to insurance and get insurance clearance letter Any other advice? I can't believe how real this feels!
  2. Something happened (nothing big) but I get a pang of jealousy and in the past I've dealt with it by eating and 'feeling better'... I can't do that now (I'm pre-op and trying to lose 10lbs) and I'm sitting here hangry lol Seriously, what do you do? I realize it's a little irrational to be jealous over this issue but it's something I need to work on. I need to replace my bad habits with new ones... Tweezing eyebrows? Drinking Water and walking? I have so much work to do and am currently bogged down at the computer. HELP!
  3. Well I didn't binge...I had some tea, changed my mind to focus on something else and tweezed my eyebrows a bit. Focused on playing with the baby. I ate a tiny bit more at dinner, but that's it... So still for the most part on plan!
  4. Wires

    Albany, New York....?

    I'm so nervous, I have an appt with Lemanski coming up and I should have lost 8 to 10lbs by now and I'm ONLY down 1lb! I'm afraid I'm going to be yelled at :-\ I only recently saw the dietician, wish I saw her earlier
  5. I don't have a date yet but I am trying to get used to some things already...a few questions though. 1. I'm trying to do the no Water 30mins prior, during and 30mins after a meal. It's definitely difficult because I love ice water with meals BUT I am doing it. Is this a life-long change? Or just the first year? 2. I tried a shake this morning (1 scoop of whey chocolate powder (30g of protein) and 8oz of chocolate almond milk). It was so grainy and thick, blech! Is there a better one? How do I find a good one? Is it necessary to have shakes? Are there any that are pre-made so I don't have to make them? 3. Is there no snack between meals ever? I'm trying to think of all Proteins now but for example, sometimes I would have a cup of raspberries as a snack in the morning. Or have a half a grapefruit in addition to what I'm having. Are these now no-no's? 4. I'm switching to decaf so I can get used to no caffeine. I know if I do have coffee I'll have to drink even more water to make up for it. What else can you drink besides water? I love water but HATE it in the morning. 5. Do you have to puree food the 2nd week? The thought of eating pureed chicken or tuna makes me kinda sick lol... Thanks!
  6. I forgot to add, if you go to the movies post-op, do you eat nothing? Also are gummy candy's a no-no for life? Thanks again!
  7. Wires

    Albany, New York....?

    @@jenniebell00 No, no date yet. I have the endoscopy and my 2nd appt with the nutrionist/md left, I'm hoping to have a date soon so I know how much time I have left. I hope I can lose the 10lbs by my 2nd appt with the nutritionist...
  8. Wires

    Albany, New York....?

    @jenniebell00...you had the surgery this Jan? How much have you lost so far (and how much pre-op)...just wondering how things are in the beginning. Thanks!
  9. Wires

    Albany, New York....?

    I guess all I've done is drink more water, switched from bagels to bagel thins (I should probably give them up all together)...and trying to avoid carbs and snacks at night. Obviously I'm not doing a good enough job. I am planning next week's meals INCLUDING breakfast and lunch (which I never plan and then graze...not good!) Any ideas...maybe have a couple of really low calorie days (like 500 cals)?
  10. Wires

    Albany, New York....?

    I am freaking out a bit. I was supposed to lose 10lbs, I have a couple of more weeks until I see Dr. Lemanski and I've stayed the SAME so far! I thought for sure 10lbs wouldn't be too hard to do since I have so much to lose but apparently I'm not trying hard enough. I've only gone to him once and don't want to delay surgery so I better hit 10lbs before my appt. Any advice?
  11. Thank you all so much for easing my anxieties!
  12. I'm a lot more nervous than what I had originally thought. I have been researching this, going to my pre-op appointments now and thought I knew a lot about the sleeve. From what I understood tonight... 1) I'll have to take B12 sub-lingual supplements 2) Must take 2 Multivitamins a day, possibly Calcium supplements as well 3) NO using a straw for a long time 4) I knew no soda or alcohol ever again, but I didn't know coffee was also restricted! This makes me most nervous...The nurse talked about having to drink enough to hydrate and with a cup of coffee it'll be 2 cups of Water just to replenish the coffee-dehyration. I can definitely give up coffee pre-op, for some time post-op but forever??? 5) You have to get in 50-70grams of Protein a day...but they can't be any kinds of Proteins. The only proteins that contain the full 7 amino acids needed by our body are fish, chicken, beef, pork and eggs. Other things like Peanut Butter have protein but not all "full" proteins. So does this mean only eat chicken, fish, eggs etc? And is it egg white or whole eggs? What about hummus? 6) Only able to drink an ounce of water at a time...but still need to get all that water in? 7) Not to graze, have 3 meals a day but eat slowly and you have to learn what real hunger and feeling full feels like--and while doing this you might eat too much or too fast and feel like you're going to have a heart attack... 8) If you eat fatty foods, you might not only have diarrhea, you could profusely sweat, heart palpitations etc 9) She said ice cream, chocolate, cake etc never again Those of you who are at least a few months or a year out, would you say this is all pretty accurate? I still want the surgery but really want to know what I'm getting myself into completely. Also, is it a good idea to cut off water while eating now while I'm pre-op?
  13. Thank you so much! I am trying to be prepared as possible by going to these post-op groups. I appreciate you sharing your own experience.
  14. I'm going through my pre-ops for surgery now and I'm guessing my surgery will be in May or June. I'm also interviewing for jobs (I'm applying for faculty positions at universities/colleges so the interviews are now for starting the fall semester). Is it bad to keep going ahead with these two things concurrently? I know surgery itself will be big and life changing. So will the start of a new job and *possibly* moving if a good job works out (although at this point I'm really not looking to move, spouse has a great job here, my kids like their school, family is close by etc). I really don't want to put off doing either because they're both important to me but if I HAD to pick my priority right now, it's a job. But I don't want to delay the surgery, I really want this change for myself, the sooner the better. Thanks!
  15. Wires

    Albany, New York....?

    Questions, I'm going through pre-op appoints for Dr. Trivedi's office... 1) Approximately how long did it take to get your surgery scheduled after being cleared for surgery 2) Met with Dr. Lemanski recently, have a 2nd appt with him next month. His requirements were to lose 10lbs, 15 was bordering too close to lowering my BMI too much and then insurance not covering it. So if I do lose the 10lbs, is it most likely I won't have to go back to him again? FYI--my appt was fine, I know some people on here had some problems but my appt went unhitched. THANKS!
  16. As I'm going through pre-op appointment still, it's starting to hit me... How BAD and disgusting I must really look and how husband probably sees other people and wishes I didn't look like this. He has never given me reason to feel like this (except maybe lacking in making me feel attractive...but that could be because he's just not very vocal--and to be honest, maybe it's hard for him to feel attracted to me but he would never say that). As I realize all of this, coming to terms and being honest with my weight (which I apparently ignored and tuned out to), I can't believe how awful I look. If we have to go out somewhere together, who cares if I 'dress up' because I still look fat and gross. I really am looking forward to this surgery and changing my life around. I'm just struggling and it's upsetting to realize how big I really am...it's like a fact I tried to ignore for many years except when I shopped by myself :-\ I can't believe how 'not normal' I look, in his field of work he is with a lot of fit people and I can't imagine what he really sees when he sees ME
  17. I really appreciate all of these replies. I'm going to talk to him tonight, I hope he doesn't think I'm just nagging him about his lack of making me feel loved/attracted/whatever... I really want this surgery and am looking forward to not feeling like this anymore.
  18. their WLS track like this....always feeling insecure? I'm at the start of my WLS road, just getting my initial appts in before the sleeve. All of our years of being married I've felt insecure but even more so since I've slowly gained weight over time. I basically let my insecurities ruin our time (i.e. I will get so upset that someone he works with is really good looking--skinny etc) and it creates arguments/stress for us. I hate myself for doing that. I need to get over the fact that he may find other people attractive, he has done nothing to make me feel insecure though, it's definitely coming more from me. I guess this doesn't totally have to do with WLS but of someone who is obese with a healthy & good looking partner. Anyone else?
  19. Some things I have questions about but still am not clear on... 1) What can I start taking ahead of time to help with the hair loss (especially since I'm losing some hair now from having a baby last year)? 2) Should I start trying Protein shakes? Or is it a waste of time because tastes will change? 3) Should I start putting together a list of foods for what I can eat the first few weeks (liquid, puree stuff)? 4) When you start eating regular food again, can you add stuff like salt & pepper, other spices? My ethnic background includes lots of spicy food! Or stuff like protein that is mixed in sauces or very seasoned? (think pulled pork) 5) I know some people elect to have skin removal surgery after they lose the weight and usually it's not covered by insurance. What is the range of cost for this? 6) Is the "no drinking Water while eating" a lifetime rule? THANKS!
  20. Obviously I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a lot to lose...I'm at the start of getting my preop appts done for the VSG Anyways, husband works in a field where there are a lot of younger (and happen to be really good looking) females. My insecurities and anxiety are getting the best of me, he has not given me reason to worry or anything (knock on wood) but the jealousy, anxiety and insecurity is eating away at me... How do I work through this? I'm assuming it's related to my weight and low self esteem. Add in the fact that we're a mixed couple, I sometimes I feel like I'm competing with another race too :-\ Help!
  21. Although my husband is supportive and tells me when I talk to him about this, he does find me attractive, I know he is too nice of a guy to tell me what I see. I look and feel disgusting, I am so disappointed with myself. I have no self esteem, feel lots of anxiety, mixed with my weight makes me not trust my husband and be paranoid about everything he does, every person he talks to at work etc...this is not the kind of life I want. And not the kind he wants either I'm sure. He is a good person, good husband...has some issues himself of social anxiety and so when he does finally make headway and talk to someone at work (and it happens that his job has more females) I get very paranoid, argue etc and end up ruining social events for us. I know this is something that is not going to last in the long run. I am always the biggest person in the room. Husband is white and I am not, so I feel like I have 2 things against me...if that makes sense. Not only do I have weight to lose but I feel like I'm competing with other beautiful people and I'm so ugly. I hate this. I hate feeling like this. I want my husband to find me good looking again, I want those 'feelings' back but instead over time with depression and two kids, my weight is out of control. The past two days I've been feeling like people around me would be better off without me here. I love my kids but they deserve a better mom. I need help.
  22. Thank you. Husband called for me today, I was sitting here sobbing and called him. I just feel so lost. I am at the start of the WLS. Went to see Dr, have appts made for psychologist and nutritionist. I was feeling unsure before but the more I feel like this, the more I want to do the surgery and change my life.
  23. have always felt insecure? I'm at the start of my WLS road, just getting my initial appts in before the sleeve. All of our years of being married I've felt insecure but even more so since I've slowly gained weight over time. I basically let my insecurities ruin our time (i.e. I will get so upset that someone he works with is really good looking--skinny etc) and it creates arguments/stress for us. I hate myself for doing that. I need to get over the fact that he may find other people attractive, he has done nothing to make me feel insecure though, it's definitely coming more from me. Anyone else?
  24. I'm 85% sure I want to do this surgery but probably shouldn't do it until I'm at 100% I met with the surgeon, have appts for the nutritionist and psychologist (already have a sleep study from before) so just need to have GI and cardio scheduled. When the office called to see if I could make an early opening for the endoscopy, I turned it down (mostly because I don't have childcare for that day) but also because I'm not 100% sure yet... So what if I schedule everything and still feeling like I need to think about it? I feel the surgeon's office (esp the office staff) is going to get really annoyed that I am 'wasting' their time or something. My husband said no one is going to make me do it because I feel forced, they should be more receptive that I need to go at my own pace. What do others think about this? Also, I have a list of questions to ask: --Anyone else worried about long term risk, since it's still fairly new? Like I wonder if in 40yrs from now (I'm early 30's) I have some other issue and this will affect it? --We have 2 kids and MAY want another in the future, I know waiting 2yrs is best but will I harm myself or baby in anyway by doing this now --I know my diet will be mostly Protein and veggies and rarely room for carbs...does that mean no more carbs or fried food ever? Or ethnic food? (I'm asian so some food from my culture but I could focus on protein stuff first...for example, can I have curry?) --I know no soda or carbonated drinks anymore...was this hard to give up? --Is the first week of just liquids extremely difficult? Thinking about it and it seems pretty hard to do only liquids for a whole week --I'm a NYer...no more bagels ever? --I love ice Water and not drinking near meals sounds tricky...does it get easier? --How do you explain to others what you did? Did anyone make you feel badly? --What do you do when you're on vacation or near the holidays etc, just try your best to stick to plan? Thanks for any help
  25. Thank you for the replies...I truly appreciate them! I just want to be informed as possible before making such a huge decision. ad1203, feel free to message me if you want to talk, sounds like we are in similar stages!

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