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Momma J

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Momma J

  1. Only a select few about my surgery! When the weight started coming off and people ask what I was doing, my response was a complete lifestyle change. It's not a lie, we are doing a complete lifestyle change. I told them I had a Nutritionist and working with her. I had already changed my eating habits before surgery. They knew I was exercising because I was asking the guys questions on weight lifting. This satisfied everyone's curiosity. It even inspired some of my coworkers to loose weight and get fit. I believe the biggest challenge for this is to get your mind in the right place. This journey has to be for you and you only!
  2. Nine months ago, yesterday, I started my journey! It was the best decision I ever made! Down 119 lbs and 19 till goal. Pics attached!
  3. Momma J

    9 month update

    Thanks everyone!
  4. Momma J

    9 month update

    The pictures are in order as follows: Sept 2013, Dec 2013, March 2013, and June 2014. The last one are capris that fit me the day of surgery! I now fit in one leg!
  5. So what things did you do? I'm excercising,eating NO carbs only Protein and green beans! Ex; breakfast -1egg and chicken breast,lunch-green Beans and chicken breast and green beans and chicken breast for dinner and between sugar free pudding???? So any advice my weight is s-l-o-w-i-n-g down!! I just wondering what advice you may have because seems as if your doing wonderful!! Thx! Mine is slowing also. They say the last 20 are the hardest! I use an app called My Fitness Pal. It helps you keep track of calories, protein, exercise, calories burned, carbs,and Water intake. I normally drink between 8-10 8oz servings of water or unsweetened tea a day! I keep my protein between 80-100+ grams a day. I use my home gym about 3 times a week and ride my stationary recumbent bike at least 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes and at least twice a week for 45 minutes. I got my boys to move my bike upstairs in the family room. I DVR the shows I love and ride while watching those(times fly). My food for todayBreakfast- Dannon Lite & Fit Greek yogurt (80 calories, 12 grams protein) mixed with protein powder(140 calories, 30 grams protein),Lunch- grilled cheese burger , no bun (435 calories, 28 grams protein)Dinner- meatloaf (167 calories, 8.8 grams protein) few bites of mashed potatoes and green beansSnacks- reduced fat colby- jack cheese stick (60 calories, 5 grams protein) and low fat cottage cheese (90 calories, 10 grams protein)That puts me at 1002 calories for the day, 94 protein, 630 calories burned from bike and cleaning, so my net calories for the day are 372.Normally once a week (Friday or Saturday is treat day). I will normally have 2 nutter butter Cookies. Occasionally chocolate cookie. Whipped cream on strawberries. I have found that anything with a lot sugar in it is just gross tasting. I highly recommend my fitness pal. It lets you see ever thing and helps me make better food choices.Best of luck
  6. Momma J

    Scared! Tomorrow is surgery!

    I think we all get scared! Completely normal emotions, this is a life changing surgery! Best of luck to you! Prepare yourself mentally. I expected a certain amount of pain, the worst was sitting up. Get up and walk in the hospital even when you don't feel like it and you are in pain. There were 4 people sleeved the day of surgery, i was the only one that got to go home the next afternoon because I got up and walked even when the nurses didn't ask me to. It shows them your are committed to the change. God bless and a speedy recover,
  7. Congratulations on you date and the day that will be a new beginning. Follow your Doctors order and the plan, it does work! Try not to sweat the stalls, they are normal. There will be lots of firsts and things to look forward to! Enjoy the journey and the milestones! This will change your life in so many ways! I was sleeved in September of 2013 (my new life birthday). I don't regret having the surgery for a second. I'm down 116 pounds and 22 pounds from goal weight. I love the fact that I got to cancel the Lane Bryant/Roamans credit card. I can buy clothes anywhere! I cried in Kohls when a large fit me! The space between and table had me in tears also. The icing on the cake has been in the last 2 weeks. I have had 2 people that I have known for over 10 years walk past me and didn't know who I was until I spoke! Best of luck to you and a speedy recovery! Use this sight, it has a wealth of knowledge and SUPPORT!
  8. Momma J

    I hate stalls

    Stalls are normal, unfortunately! Just keep doing your program and it will start moving again! I recently went through this. I'm 8 months out also and have 25 pounds to goal. One of my friends send me a great inspirational message that got me through the stall. "Instead of focusing on the negativity of the stall, look back and see just how far you have come" That's all it took and she is so right. I've lost 113 and that is a great accomplishment and if I can do that I'm not going to sweat a stall! Chin up, and push through! You got this!
  9. I don't post often but do look daily at the threads! I'm 7 1/2 months post-op and down 110 lbs. For the first time in over 19 years there is a 1 as the first number on the scale! I know only fellow sleevers can understand the pure joy from that accomplishment! I just recently it my first big plateau of 3 weeks! (I know I've been lucky and shouldn't say a word) I've seen were many have this the 3 week plateau a month out. I continued to follow the eating plan and exercise program even though the scale wasn't moving. I was definitely discouraged and was even ready to shoot the scale! Lol. The point is I did't give up (or shoot the scale) because I knew it would pass and the scale would move again, thanks to reading all the threads! So don't give up, the plan works and this is a great place for support and encouragement!
  10. Hit my 100 lbs gone. Its taken almost 7 months. I feel so much better! Only 38 lbs to meet goal! Dont give up! The hard work is worth it!
  11. Momma J

    100 lbs gone!

    Thanks everyone!
  12. Momma J

    My Journey 5/14/2013

    Hair loss might be due to not getting enough protein (70-100 grams daily). Hair loss is quite common with weight loss surgery.
  13. Momma J

    Little Black Dress....

    I want a little black dress too! I do believe I'm going to get a little red dress too! I never would wear red before because I felt like red made me look bigger. I really hadn't given red much thought until I bought new underwear and one pair was red. I love how I feel in those red undies!
  14. Momma J

    My Journey 5/14/2013

    The diet works! I also could not exercise for 8 weeks due to a broke foot. I consistently lost 1-2 pounds a week for those 8 weeks. I have been given the green light for exercise. I'm restricted to 30 minutes on the bike every other day but it works! Since i've started exercising again I have dropped 6 pounds this week.
  15. Momma J


    From the album: Momma J

  16. It has been six months since my sleeve. I am down 90 lbs! My goal was 100 lbs but a broken foot sidelined me for a 6 weeks. I'm not going to let that bring me down or stop me. The foot is healed and back on my exercise routine and loving every moment! Everyone have a great day! The first picture is September 2013, day of surgery. The second picture is December 2013, 3 month mark. The last one is March 2014, 6 month mark.
  17. Momma J

    6 month update

    Than you Green eyed! You are the second person to tell me I look younger! Makes a girl's day!
  18. Momma J


    Sunkist make a liquid protein that comes in grape, orange and fruit punch. They have 25 grams of protein and are about two oz. They are available on amazon. You get your liquids plus protein. Good luck!
  19. Momma J

    Where Theres A Will...

    One of the conditions to have surgery is that you quit smoking from the doctor. They even check for nicotine in your blood the day of surgery and will cancel. Good luck on your journey, it is life changing!
  20. Today has been an awesome day. For the first time, in i can't remember how long, I actually enjoyed shopping. I will be 6 months post-op on the 23 rd. I have lost 87 lbs. it was time for new shirts as my old ones were almost to my knees. I was pleasantly surprised when a Large fit. Needless to say I haven't been in this size in almost 19 years. I actually started crying in the dressing room. No longer in the plus size! So to all of just starting this journey DO NOT GIVE UP! It is so worth the work and has changed my life. There will be plateaus, just stick with the program and move. I broke my foot from all the walking I was doing and wasn't able to exercise. I just stuck with the eating program and continued to lose about a pound a week vs 4-5 with the exercise. Foot is all healed and got to start moving again this week and the scale is dropping again. Best of luck in your journey! On a side note someone that had not seen me since surgery called me little today! She made my day. Have a great weekend everyone,
  21. Was wondering if anyone else has experienced what I'm experiencing. I had my sleeve done on 09/23/2013. I have progressed wonderfully but in the past couple of weeks I can no longer finish a container of yogurt. Before I could finish with no problem. I still use baby spoons to eat with as not to take to large a bite. It's like my stomach shrug. Is this normal or should I be concerned? Thanks in advanced.
  22. Momma J

    January Sleeve

    Just keep doing what the doctor tells you to do. Get your protein and water in everyday. I plan my food for the whole day to ensure I'm not short on protein at the end of the day and don't have enough time to make it up. Start exercising, even if it is only for 10 minutes to start with. The weight will start disappearing! I am 4 months out and down 75 lbs. Good luck.
  23. When making the decision to have surgery, do your homework. I researched for over a year before deciding to have surgery. Research your doctor and his results. Get your mind in the right place and expect to have doubts. About 5 days after surgery i ask myself, " what the hell have you done?". This past in about a 2 days. I got on the scale and was down 14 lbs. I have never looked back. You have to have determination and will power. You control what you eat and no one else. Before I eat anything, i ask myself,"how does this help me towards my goal?". This let saying has helped when I've been tempted. I was sleeved on September 23, 2013. I am 4 months out and hit 75 pounds lost today! It has been work! Surgery is just a tool. You have to exercise and make the lifestyle change. I started walking and it took 30 minutes to walk a mile. I now can walk that mile in 20 minutes. Will post pictures. One is day of surgery and the other is 3 month mark.

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