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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by jacileggs

  1. jacileggs

    Pseudo tumor diagnosis

    I was diagnosed with pseudo tumour cerebri about five or six years ago. I felt humiliated because You know your fat when the eye doctor tells you to lose weight. It always worsened with my weight gain and improved with any losses. I am now 145 lbs at 5"3'. No more symptoms. It has completely resolved. I had gastric bypass jan 2013.
  2. jacileggs

    Alternative to NSAIDS?

    I was also given tramadol for post op pain relief.
  3. jacileggs

    What size do you think I might be wearing?

    I am almost 5'3" I weigh 147lbs. I wear between a size 3-7 depending on the brand.
  4. I dump occasionally. I'm grateful for it in a way. Makes me more vigilant about what i eat.
  5. jacileggs

    What did your breast's do?

    I didn't have big boobs for my size before. Went from a 40d to a 34b. I could probably roll em up and stuff em in my bra. The b cup is big. So sad. The weight loss have exaggerated my uneven size so I'm looking at a lift with implants to even things out.
  6. jacileggs

    Lying to feel better?!?

    I don't believe people are actually asking for our take on their fashion choices. They are asking how their body looks in general. And they have worked hard. So yes. I will tell them they look great. Because compared to how we looked before it's definitely true even if you don't approve of their outfit.
  7. I usually go with. "Yes thanks for noticing". If they ask questions I will answer or not. My choice.
  8. jacileggs

    Full Body Lift

    Appreciate everyone's input I am currently looking into plastics also and have a lot of questions.
  9. jacileggs

    Timeline for specific forum

    I agree. It would be much easier if only my type of surgery came up in timeline.
  10. I was going through my summer clothes to see what fit and what I need to purchase for this year. I found my largest pair of capris from aug 2013 which I kept as a reminder of how big I was. I can now fit into one leg of them. They are a size 22. Today I am wearing a size 5 from the same store which are a bit too big. Love it!
  11. My curiosity was killing me. So I went to the same store where my other pairs of pants were from. I can now comfortably fit the size 3. I honestly don't ever remember being so small. Even as a preteen when I tried unsuccessfully to fit my moms size 5's.
  12. I had gastric bypass. Highest weight was 250lbs aug 2013 Surgery weight was 210lbs jan 2014 Current weight 142 lbs. my weight leveled off by November 2014. I have slowly started to lose again as I have increased my walking. I have been approved for panni. Just waiting on a date.
  13. Wow. Amazing job! Your a hottie with a body as my teenage daughter would say.
  14. Congrats. You look great. Keep up the good work! Our stats Are similar. I was also 250 at 5"3' I am 15 months post op and down to 142. 2 elusive lbs from my goal. I'm in a size 5. Waiting for a date for my panni. I have found myself and love for myself again. Don't know where it went but I'm glad to have that love and confidence back again.
  15. jacileggs

    Always always cold

    @@bonnyr where in northern alberta? I live in lethbridge down south. I am 15 months post op. Still cold. But I've heard it can take a year or even two for our internal thermostats to readjust to our new weights.
  16. Updated progress pic. From 250lbs aug 2013 to 143lbs today. Waiting on a date for panni. Loving my new life.
  17. jacileggs

    Panni approved/ any advice?

    Will let you know. I expect probably July.
  18. I have been approved for panni and am looking for real world advice re time off work, pain levels etc. anyone?
  19. jacileggs

    Panni approved/ any advice?

    Our system in Canada is different than USA. I went to the surgeon he said it should be done. Here it is up to the surgeon to determine if it is necessary. So that's all it took. Just waiting for a date.
  20. I have been approved for panni. Waiting on a date. So excited. It's a strange feeling being small. Can't wait to lose the muffin top!
  21. jacileggs

    Panni approved!

    I live in Canada. Our provincial health plan pays for it if the surgeon deems it necessary. That's all. No co pay or anything. Sorry. I hope you get your covered.
  22. jacileggs

    Panni approved/ any advice?

    @AvaFern. Thanks for the response. I do work a desk job and was hoping to take only a week as I did for the bypass. I live in Canada. Panni Is covered by our provincial health system. Anything else isn't. So panni it is. I am considering additional surgery later on my dime. Like arms and thighs. We will see.
  23. jacileggs

    Fleur de Lis TT 20th of March

    Thanks for posting pics. I have been approved and am awaiting a date. So excited.
  24. I would love to be in a bikini. But only if it looks good. Wouldn't now for sure. Maybe after my panni.
  25. jacileggs

    How to SUCCESSFULLY find the "One" for you!

    This gives me hope. I have been single for 16 years. My kids are nearly grown and am now emotionally ready to be open to the possibility of finding love.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
