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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fauxnaif

  1. Fauxnaif

    Metal detectors?

    I've also flown and been in court since banding and no metal detector has gone off.
  2. Fauxnaif

    Hoarding and Morbid Obesity

    Tivoed it but haven't watched it. It sounded interesting!
  3. Fauxnaif

    Feeling Full...is different

    My nose runs when I am a little too full. It comes after my more subtle reminders. It's a physical and visual reminder to stop eating.
  4. Fauxnaif

    Lean Cuisines?

    I buy the Weight Watchers Smart Ones. They are the perfect size for me to eat some for lunch and the rest later in the afternoon. And they are goooooooooooooooooood.
  5. Fauxnaif

    Secret? Yes or No.

    Only my immediate family, my inlaws and two very close friends. And I don't regret it at all. I say keep it as quiet as possible. You can't untell it.
  6. Fauxnaif

    whats making you sucessful

    Dealing with my mental and emotional issues (therapy/antidepressants) Finding a sport I love (running) Getting my whole family eating healthier Following Dr. Oz's guidelines Not depriving myself Rare eating out Buying clothes that fit and flatter Finding other things to think about besides weight loss/diet/exercise/the band Surrendering to the band Journaling/writing poetry
  7. Yeh, I'm almost a normal weight and I'm still waiting to be a knockout! When will that happen?
  8. Fauxnaif

    Something To Ponder

    I hear ya. The thing that works for me (and God knows I have been erratic!) is adding lots of fruits and vegetables then there is little room for too much sugary and fatty stuff. I would rather stay this size (chubby) than diet the rest of my life.
  9. Fauxnaif

    Mindful Eating

    Lots of really, really good weight loss (changing habits, little tricks for eating less, etc.) on this web site. And it's free. food.
  10. Fauxnaif

    Where did you lose first?

    Definitely the boobies!!! I still have some, thank goodness. The stomach is the last to go for me and I hope this last 15 or so comes totally from my mid-section!
  11. I was able to avoid gaining very much weight with the pregnancy BUT I gained after he was born and I was home with this thing (him) with no instructions and clueless! I was nervous and ate!!! And waited too long to get a fill I needed. Learn from my mistakes. Congratulations!!!
  12. Being able to run over a mile and a half without stopping.
  13. Fauxnaif

    Weight loss pattern, what's yours?

    Maybe nothing for a month, then 3-7 pounds generally.
  14. Fauxnaif

    anyone have an IUD

    I have the Mirena IUD also. No problems with weight gain and I have really, really liked it. I've had it about 2 years. About 6 months ago, I got my period back though and it is annoying!!! Man, it was convenient to not have one, no cramps, either. Some of the periods I've gotten have been long but light. Still, I'm about 90% satisfied. I also really liked the Nuva Ring when I used it before.
  15. I have so been there! I gained quite a bit of weight last year and eventually got back on track and now have lost it and more. You are doing good things-exercising, etc. I, for one, think you did well for only gaining 18 pounds eating all that junk! I bet you enjoyed it and are now ready to get serious.
  16. You can always get back on the wagon with the band. I gained some weight last year and lost it and an additional 30 pounds or so since May. That is the greatest thing about the band. The bad thing is these "vacations" from the band can stretch on and on and we have to pull ourselves back up on the wagon sooner rather than later. Trust me on this.
  17. Fauxnaif

    Constant Vomiting

    1. You are risking slippage or worse with this vomitting. 2. Your coworkers are right; you will get so used to vomitting that you won't be able to eat normally. 3. You need therapy NOW. Don't wait until you lose more weight. 4. Your behavior will lead to gaining all the weight back when you get an unfill. The band is meant to be used at a moderate fill level consistently. It's NOT meant to be unfilled once goal is reached.
  18. Fauxnaif

    Could you have...

    No way in hell.
  19. Fauxnaif

    Carb Haters

    I think it's quite a healthy way of eating. It has lots in common with Dr. Oz's You on a Diet, too. They are just healthy eating and can be done longterm and is for everyone-even those who don't need to lose weight. White flour, white potatoes, white rice, white bread, etc. have NO redeeming value.
  20. F*cking A! Tis a strange feeling indeed and one I know well.
  21. Fauxnaif

    Any tips for loose skin

    It's really genetics along with how long you were fat that determine your degree of loose skin. I recommend: A good shaper such as http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=120709&CategoryID=11656&LinkType=EverGreen, http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=156324&CategoryID=11656, or http://www.spanx.com/pls/enetrixp/!stmenu_template.main?complex_id_in=477024.488695.488695.686134.cat OR cosmetic surgery.
  22. Fauxnaif

    Best 0 calorie/low calorie foods?

    carrots high Protein whole wheat Pasta yogurt sugar free fudgsicles Quakers caramel corn mini rice cakes I can eat this pasta while I can't either other kinds. It's very, very healthy (high protein, high fiber).
  23. Fauxnaif

    My Christmas Message

    And tell your little pointy-headed friend that teachers don't take 300 hours of ESL. I teach in Texas for goodness sake and have never had to have an ESL class or workshop. Ever.
  24. Fauxnaif

    Doing the work that Jesus would have wanted

    YOU ROCK MY WORLD. I LOVE THIS. THANK YOU!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
