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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fauxnaif

  1. Fauxnaif

    I am 5'8" and 185lbs (40-45 lbs overweight)

    Yeh I am 5' 9" and I know I would look horrible below about 160. It does depend on frame. I don't know many people who are as tall as the OP and weigh that little unless they are major athletes. Personally, I think your (OP) goal is too low. I would tweak my diet if I were you. Are you willing to become a vegan or almost-vegan? That would be much less radical than surgery and you would almost be guaranteed to lose enough weight to put you in the normal range. Veganism for Weight Loss
  2. Fauxnaif

    Just curious

    There was probably not much recourse. But that's a risk we were willing to take if it meant we could have a band. For me, if I hadn't gone to Mexico, I would have NEVER gotten a band. Consider yourself fortunate for having the money to do a self-pay in the states.
  3. There's no malabsorption from the band. As long as you are taking your Vitamins in the first place that shouldn't be an issue. My docs had almost no comment about the band at all. No effect on my pregnancy whatsoever. But my loose fill probably kept me from gaining more weight. CONGRATULATIONS!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Band babies rock!
  4. That the band can be adjusted and tightened ad infinitum. Some may not realize this but there comes a point where you just can't go tighter. So in our zeal to spread the word that the band is superior to gastric bypass (and I agree-it is), let's not forget that adjustability does have its limits.
  5. Fauxnaif

    401k to pay?.?.?.?

    We used my husband's 401K. It was a life-saver. But we didn't withdraw; we borrowed it and paid it back.
  6. I married him when I was over 300. He is so healing for me after my childhood with ultracritical parents. These kind of men are out there. But they're not at bars or clubs or construction sites. They're men just going about their business dealing with issues of their own and they realize perfection is fleeting and not all that interesting. He never commented either way on my weight. Didn't tell me to lose or try to get me to gain.
  7. Fauxnaif

    Were you fat as a kid?

    I wasn't overweight until maybe mid-high school. I was skinny as a kid. Puberty (and creepy men) freaked me out.
  8. Fauxnaif

    No Fill Lots Of Restriction!?????

    I lost around 60 or 80 pounds without a fill. Some people can go without for quite a while. Now I haven't had a fill in almost 2 years. I think I still have a fair amount of internal restriction. This is a blessing; fills can get expensive.
  9. In the grocery store-no. We buy higher quality food now. 96% lean beef, more expensive fish, etc. So we are probably spending the same but eating less of it. At reastaurants, hell yeh. We very very rarely eat fast food anymore. And we only eat out once a week or so. We used to eat out 3 times a week or so. And when we can agree on what we want (which is occasionally) we share an entree. We are saving several hundred dollars a month. Good! More money for cute clothes!
  10. Fauxnaif

    Before you were banded ?

    Yes, I was like that. And still am sometimes. You will have to deal with your reasons for eating when you aren't hungry. books, therapy, journaling, talking it over, whatever. Why do you need something sweet? Are you feeling down? How else could you make yourself feel better? A properly adjusted band will certainly make you think much less about food. But you still have to concentrate on eating only when you are hungry and stopping when you are full. It just makes it easier to deal with extraneous eating when you aren't starving all the time. During my LONG band journey, I've gained weight a couple of times due to emotional eating so it's certainly possible with the band. All that said, the band is awesome!
  11. Fauxnaif

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    You're building muscle and your friend is losing muscle. In the long run, you will be able to eat more and still maintain your ideal weight. That said, I have lost best at higher calories (maybe 1500) than at lower calories. And, as suggested, do your measurements. It's a much better indicator of what's going on.
  12. Fauxnaif

    Weight Gain

    I've gained but lost it again. I'll just chalk my gain up to bad habits, stress eating and depression eating. But did I gain over the long haul and keep the weight on? No.
  13. Fauxnaif

    Houston, TX- Support Group

    I used to go to one at Park Place Hospital and for some reason I quit. I think I found an active member unbearable (kinda dumb, I know). I'd love to start going again. But at Central Market? Are they out there in the open so people just walk by and hear the conversation?
  14. Fauxnaif


    My son Running Cute clothes!
  15. Fauxnaif

    SuperDaddy: Back to the Starting Line(?)

    Thanks for this post. I am in the middle of reigning myself in since Christmas. Everything you wrote resonnates with me. Keep the faith. :clap2:
  16. Fauxnaif

    Why is chocolate a No No?

    If you can just eat a bit at that time of the month or whenever, it's not a big deal. But some of us are so addicted to sweets that we can't stop at one or two pieces. This is where we get into trouble. I'm more the whole fatty/Mexican food/Italian food kind of person so I can eat a bit without trouble. But many can not. Personally, we can't keep cheddar cheese in the house!
  17. Fauxnaif

    Strange question

    You'll learn to wear long sleeves if you will be indoors. You will start bringing a sweater or light jacket everywhere with you. This is very common.
  18. Fauxnaif

    I Eat 33,000 Calories a Day

    This is what a cocaine addict might spend. Is he on government aid and friends and family giving him money since he is disabled??? I didn't see the show.
  19. This has definitely been a sign in my case that I need a fill. I'm going through it right now and making plans for a fill.
  20. Fauxnaif

    Solids Are a No-Go?

    Personally, I think you're too tight. You should be able to eat solid food (albeit small amounts). The band is not meant to work with a diet of mushies.
  21. Contraindications for the band: http://www.lapband.com/lapband/riskinformation.do
  22. Fauxnaif

    Discouraging Doctor! WTF

    Two things: 1. Look at this thread http://www.lapbandtalk.com/has-lost-over-t16050.html 2. Get another doctor because yours is ignorant about the band.
  23. Fauxnaif

    DH not 100% with me.

    You're the one who has to live in your body! He'll get with the program eventually and if he doesn't, oh well. Congratulations on quitting smoking, by the way! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  24. I have only told the following people: my hubby obviously, my parents and brother, my mother in law, two friends and my sister-in-law (hubby accidentally let that out of the bag). No one at work knows. This has worked very, very well for me. I'm a person who really values my privacy.
  25. Fauxnaif

    Help:Biking for the sensitive rump

    This really helped me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
