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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Alexra

  1. Alexra

    FAV BABY PICS! (blame this on Lisa!)

    My Little Devils..... nickevan.bmp nickevanlaydown.bmp
  2. Alexra

    Need Info

    There are a few options for you this week with Dr. Abkin and Dr Bertha. On Wednesday the 22nd there is a New Patient Seminar at the HIlton Garden Inn in Rockaway NJ at 7 pm. Then Thursday NIght the 23rd they have another seminar at the Old Mill Inn In Basking Ridge starting at 8 PM. I will be there speaking at both of them and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. There is also a Lap-Band Support group on WEdnesday the 22nd at the Dr's offices in florham Park starting at 7pm. All are great options however if you are just doing research at this point the seminars are a great place to learn all about the band. I will Private message you my phone number if you have any other questions. Alexandra Gorski
  3. I think that would be a good idea. It's still here for those who want it and hidden for those who dont. Out of sight out of mind.
  4. Alexra

    Upper GI and barium enema????

    I only had blood work. But had no other health problems other than my weight. If Ins requires it I would get it done so I wouldn't risk not having my surgery approved.
  5. Alexra

    Okay Im a whimp

    I'd say the first hours after surgery were the worst, maybe around a 5 but then after 1 full day and night 2 on Pain meds there were down to a 3. By Full day #2 tylenol was enough to ease the aches no real pain then Dont worry too much about it, you'll get yourself too worked up.
  6. Alexra

    Amount per Meal

    I can eat easily a lean cuisine sized meal which is 7 - 8 oz. And feel 100% full. Not overstuffed. Then stay away from all food for 4 hrs or so until I get hungry again. It is more than I ever expected I would be able to eat with the band but it is working and I am happy.
  7. Alexra

    Hi, I'm Tia

    Hi Tia, Welcome... Please come to our support Group meetings. They are great. Our next one will be the 2nd Wednesday of March, I believe it is the 8th then the last Wednesday of the month as well at their offices in Florham Park.
  8. Alexra

    How fast does the fat come off?

    I lose 3 pounds in a week, then I stay the same for 2 - 3 weeks then another drastic loss suddenly. its never a steady loss, always nothing then bam! 3 lbs.
  9. Alexra


    I only trust the good old Medical scale, so before my surgery I splurged and spent the $300 on it, and know it will be the last one I ever buy, they are reliable as well as durable. and right on with the one my Dr has.
  10. Alexra

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    Hey Alexandra, I'm gonna say the "D" stands for Delicious :puke: ... but really I dont know
  11. Alexra

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    The date you were banded.---------April 18, 2005 Where you were banded (Country)----USA Surgeon's Name------------------Dr. Alexander D. Abkin :puke: Whether your band has Eroded or not. Still intact
  12. Alexra

    Dancing Hippo....Funny........

    HEY! who let my personal video of me dancing get out :bananajump: LOL I love it!
  13. Alexra

    TOPLESS photo thread

    Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them o'er your shoulder Like a continental soldier? Do you boobs hang low? W/O pushups and padding mine would be tripped on All the time.
  14. Alexra

    fills and flying

    Does your Dr do the fills under fluroscope? If he does and can see that you had adequate restriction and adequate flow of the barium going through you should be fine. I had a fill and left for Aruba a few days later and was concerned about it too. My Dr. said if there were any problems even though there are no bariatric Dr's where I was going that he could talk an emergency room Dr. though a fill removal really easily and that I shouldn't worry. He also said we need to work with our bands and learn to live with them and not work around them.
  15. The way I was feeling I sent my husband back to work 3 days after my surgery and took care of my kids 1 1/2 and 3 at the time. He had taken off 2 week of work because we didn't know what to expect. FOr me it wasn't so bad, Pain killers for the first full day and second night then tylenol did the trick for the remainder of the week. Everyone handles pain and heals differently I have heard of people being out of work for 2+ weeks for this.
  16. Alexra

    good scales?

    I got the big one, the good old Dr's scale you would see in their offices, yes It cost $300 but it is reliable and will last a lifetime of up's and hopefully down's with me.
  17. Alexra

    Can't see myself

    :help: I am having a problem, I can't see myself. I look in the mirror and all I see is what I was and not what I have become. Yes my hair is different, even sexy, I wear makeup and deffinately dress better (that kind of happens when you can find clothes in you size again) but I don't know what I am. What I mean by this is am I still grossly fat, overweight, chubby, curvascious, thin?????? I dont know and can't figure it out. My husband says I am slightly chubby.... but what exactally does that mean, his idea of chubby and someone elses are completely different. why can't there be a clone of me so I can stand back and say ok... thats what I look like. but there isn't. I have even tried to people watch at the mall and still I can't figure it out. Who do I look like physicially??? who has the same body shape as me??? should I have as much confidance as I have or is it premature? When will be able to see me? I have tried taking pictures and that doesn't do any good, I still can't see it, I look at my reflection whenever I am by a window and think.... well I dont look fat but reflections can be distorted so I can't look that good. Does anyone else have a problem seeing the new them? or am I the only person Blind to their own appearance? Sorry for the rambling, hope it makes sense. and I am really not looking for people to tell me what they think I am, really I want to know when I will be able to figure it out by myself..If I can ever figure it out....
  18. Alexra

    I'm just a blubbering idiot!

    I think people are concerned in general about Weight loss surgery and dying because... look at the people they are operating on. In general we have not been the healthiest of bunches, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, cholesterol problems, diabeties all raise the risks involved. But even though I was scared I am 100% glad I went through it and i would do it again in a heartbeat.
  19. Alexra

    I'm just a blubbering idiot!

    I wrote to my kids, husband and my parents before surgery, I also got a hefty life insurance policy just in case I wanted to know they would be taken care of, I got my living will in order, my will and my trust all in order as well and I was still scared. Knowing my surgons have never lost a lap-band patient helped but it was still a scary thing to do. I looked at it this way, I could die because of surgery or I could stay as big as I was and die a slow misrable death at a very early age. Or I could have the surgery, work my ass off to make it successful and have many many more happy years with my kids and family and thats just what I have been doing.
  20. Alexra

    I can't believe it's been a year...

    ***HUG*** I know you can do it. You have done well so far. 40 lbs is 40 lbs and thats great. Keep checking in here on Lapbandtalk and we'll keep your butt on the success track.
  21. Alexra

    Have you lost your "Wild Thang" urges?

    I have felt an increase in libido all because of my new self confidence. I flirt with men all the time (too bad I'm married and wont act on it) Buy yourself something sexy, cute bra and panties I find wearing something "naughty" under my clothes makes me feel more sexual then when I am in the good old granny panties and worn out bra. Another libido enhancer and great relaxer.... buy yourself some "toys" (talk to Delarla about that one)
  22. Alexra

    Can you loose 100 pounds?

    Of course you can loose 100 lbs, but to do that you must listen to your band and follow bandster rules.The band will be a slower process than the bypass but in my opinion a healthier way to do it.
  23. To my knowledge they should start this month, check the http://www.advancedlaparoscopicsurgeons.com/ web page to make sure. I will also speak with Alexandra as time gets closer and with Linda the Nurse in his office to be 100% sure. And Leenerbups, of course being your boyfriend, the more the merrier, lots of people bring their loved ones with them... whats a support meeting without support from them too.
  24. Alexra

    head hunger

    Agatha, you should atten the Abkin Bertha support group meeting at the end of February. The psychologist is supposed to come in and talk about head hunger and how to address it. Hope to see you there,
  25. THanks Alex, if your modesty prohibits you from saying who the other moderator is I'll come out and let them know it is ourvery own beloved and beautiful moderator of Lapbandtalk.com...Drumroll please...... Alexandra!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
