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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hefftynetty

  1. I was just thinking about doing low carb for probalby the 10th time. I am hoping being banded is going to help me stay with it. Do you low carbers count calories as well, do you try and stay within the 800-1200 range we should be staying with? Thanks for the help!
  2. I have been approved for the VSG surgery and I am not sure what to do? My surgeon told me the band is "just not working" for me. I had a dilated pouch and it needs to be fixed with surgery, but he thinks I should just take it out and he says that VSG would be better for me! It makes me nervous due to the scar tissue I have from the 3 previous lap band surgeries I have had (original, removal and replacement), the risk is a little higher. I wrote on the VSG Forum too, just trying to get as much info and advide as I can!
  3. I have to have my band removed and my surgeon advised the sleeve. He is going to plead a case to my insurance, St. Mary's, and see if they will approve the surgery. My question is if anyone has this insurance, and had this revision if they were approved for it. I am so excited and it will be a few days before I hear anything so I thought I would just put it out there and see if anyone had any info! Thank you so much!
  4. hefftynetty

    Protein Shakes

    My doctor suggested the Premier Protein from Costco! I was skeptical, because I HATE the taste of protein, I can not even stand the Kelloggs stuff with only 10 grams of protein. Anyway these are 30 grams of protein, 160 cals and about 2 net carbs, 3 grams fat. they taste a bit like Slim Fast without the after taste! I love them, I add ice sometimes and blend and it seems like a lot of drink! Very good stuff, I notice today they also have bars but I am not a fan of bars!
  5. hefftynetty

    Enlarged esophigus

    I have been unfilled for about 2 months now, after two Upper GI's showing my enlarged esophagus. My last appt I thought I was going to get a fill and they informed me I have to have surgery to fix the problem or it will never work the same. I go Tuesday to talk to my surgeon, I can not wait, I am tired of not feeling that restriction anymore! Good Luck, I hope yours goes down, having surgery again sucks, but I am hoping it is a fresh start for me to start losing again, since I have been about the same weight for 2 years now!
  6. hefftynetty


    I have posted that I have to have a revision surgery to fix my dilation (Revision Surgery for dilated esophagus). I had my second child almost two years ago, and ever since then I have been able to eat anything. I started getting fills very aggressively and we finally realized that something was wrong. Had the Upper GI and found that I was stretched. They took all of my fill out of 4 cc band, on liquids for a week, unfilled for 4 weeks was the plan. Had another upper GI, was still a little stretched so no fill again, had to wait another 3 weeks. Went to get my fill, so excited, and NO fill. The nurse said the DR said my pouch was stretched up over my band. So now I have to go talk to the surgeon on Tuesday to see what my options are, but regardless I have to have surgery for this to ever work again! I hope being on liquids really helps you and gets your pouch back down, because I do not wish this on anyone!
  7. I went to the doctor last week and I was expecting a fill after being unfilled for several weeks! The nurse told me that my pouch was twisted up over my band and it is still dilated so I have to have a revision surgery to move my band back up over the stretched pouch. Just wondering if anyone has ever had this done, I am worried they are going to have to take it out. I go talk to the surgeon on Tuesday and then set a date for surgery! A little nervous but excited, if I keep my band this is a new start, I have been at this same weight for 2 years now!
  8. 5Jacks: Good luck with the eating thing, I can eat anything I want, it is like I do not even have the band. They told me I would be unfilled for 4 weeks, had upper GI and they still would not give me a fill, she told me to wait until 3 more weeks, I was so excited when I went to get my fill, because I miss that feeling of restriction. That is when she finally told me the DR looked at my films and decided something had to be done, so STILL no fill! I have not gained any weight though, I told the nurse it was because I could eat this much all along (since I had my second child anyway). I thought my appt to see the surgeon was yesterday but it is not until next Tuesday. I am beyond stressed and all I want to do is eat, it is ridiculous! I hope everything goes okay for you!
  9. wasabubblebutt: I would love to have the sleeve instead of this god forsaken band. I called my insurance awhile ago about it (before I knew I was having this problem) and they said they only cover 1 WLS per lifetime. I have had my band taken out before, about 1 month after the first time I had it in due to complications. When I went back 6 months late they covered it due to the problems and I was offered Gastric but I was too scared. I wonder if they go in there this time and they have to take it out if I can do the sleeve, I go see my surgeon tomorrow so I am going to ask these questions. There is no way to do this self pay as I just got laid off my job of 9 years!
  10. hefftynetty

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    yesterday: B: Venti Carmel Macchiato (bad) L: Sandwich(ham, cheese, mustard) S: Apple D: 2 Baked Chicken Legs, 1 cup Rice-a-Roni, broccoli Today: B: Venti Carmel Macchiato (bad again) L: McDonalds chicken snack wrap, small fries S: nectarine and sugar free chocolate pudding cup D: will be pork lettuce wraps I am TRYING to not eat too much being without a fill! For some reason I have lost 5 lbs since Monday, I do not see how! I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds since my daughter was born 21 MONTHS ago!
  11. hefftynetty

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    I need to start being accountable for what I am eating so I am going to start logging what I eat! Right now I am completely unfilled due to my pouch and esophogus stretched (I have 2 more weeks of being unfilled):wub: B: Slim Fast L: 6 Chicken Wings S: nectarine and sugar free pudding cup D: (will be) 3oz steak and veggie I want to stay under 1000 cals but I do not know what this adds up to, I will have to look it up!
  12. hefftynetty

    Dilated Esophagus - My Band was unfilled!!!

    I am going through this right now as well. I have a dilated pouch and esophagus. They removed all of my fill about 5 weeks ago after I had an Upper GI to detect this. Last week I went again to see if it shrunk back down, as I can tell it has and I was told I can have another fill if it does, I go on Wed for my fill appt so I hope it has shrunk enough. My symptoms were not losing (not gaining either) but being able to eat whatever and however much I wanted. In the month of no fill, I lost 2 pounds, so that just told my doctor for sure I could eat way more than I should be able to. After Wed, I am hoping to get back on track, she said she is going to fill me slowly which sucks, but maybe it will help me to get back on track and not overeat with my band. I will write again to let you know if I get a fill. Oh yeah, she told me to drink protein shakes for the first week and then eat just protein. I did not do this, I am a binge eater and I ate like a pig, but still must not of eaten like I use to cuz I did lose the 2 pounds!! Anyway, I told her I read on here that you are suppise to drink liquids for a month to shrink your stomach and she said that is not true, just releasing the pressure around your pouch allows the stretched section to go back down under the band and then you can start fresh. Well I will stop rambling on, hopes this helps.
  13. So I went and saw the nurse today, because I got a fill 10 days ago and it does not feel like it. Anyway, she said if it is stretched (I go for and Upper GI Monday), she takes all the fluid out for a month and then we re-start fills. Has anyone done this and did it help kick up the weight loss again? Even if you have not done it have you heard of it or have any thoughts on it. Thank you so much!
  14. hefftynetty

    Stretched Pouch and unfill?

    I had surgery January 06. I was losing great at 2.6 cc in 4cc band before I got pregnant, now she says I am at 3.4cc and I still NEVER feel satisfied, I know what it feels like because I was doing great before I was pregnant. I would a cup or less 3 times a day, felt great, losing weight, all was grand! Now I cannot stay satisfied, I make myself only eat a cup of food, protein mostly and then by the time I get home I could eat my arm! I make bad decisions at night because I am then so upset this is not working. I have upped my exercise and I feel great about that, now I just need my band to get in sync. She said lots of people stretch their pouch! Also she said I could have slipped, which would require surgery, I am okay with that, whatever helps me get back on track! I am constantly toying with what diet I should do, I did this to help me eat better and help with portions, I eat good but the portions at dinner are bad, I eat what I ate before I was banded! Sorry for the rambling on!
  15. SO I have a question, I was banded for the second time on January 16, 2006. I lost weight, I went from 296 to 227 in about 9 months with a 2.6cc fill in a 4cc band. I got pregnant Dec 06, had the all fluid taken out, gained about 35 pounds (which was better than my first pregnancy, that was 65). Anyway, she is now 20 months old and I CANNOT get past 235! I have had fills, I just had one Monday March 30th. She would not tell me what she gave me, she said she did not want me to "fixate" on the number. When I left the office she said you WILL lose this time. NOT, I felt like I had restriction the first couple of days and now, I have to make myself eat 1 cup of food and make myself STOP. Well last night I was hungry, I ate a WHOLE 6 inch sandwich and about 10 tator tots. I should not be able to eat that much, right? Anyway, all this babbling, my question is could of slipped or something, and not up but maybe down, because it takes alot to make me feel full! Any thoughts would be great.
  16. hefftynetty

    Where did my fill saline go????

    Hi, I just wanted to check and see how things went with your fluoro fill? I am having the same problem and I was reading through your posts and curious how it worked out. I had my daughter 20 months ago and cannot get down past where I was when I got pregnant with her. I had 2.6 cc in 4cc band and was losing great, when I got pregnant took out the fluid because I could not even drink water. Now I have been getting fill, had on on the 30th of March, restrcited for a few days on now nothing. I had a 6 inch sandwich last night with no problem. I put up a post wondering if it could have slipped downward or something. I called my doctor, so I am hoping to go in and see what the problem is. She told me this last time that she gave me a generous amount and that I would definately being losing weight, not happening!
  17. hefftynetty

    Anyone hypothyroid with the LB?

    I am hypo, I was hyper after having my son. I had to have radio-active iodine to "kill" it. I feel like I am hitting my head against a wall trying to lose weight, I do not think it is the thyroid, I am on 112 Synthroid and my levels are fine. What do you all eat, how often (3 or 6 meals) and how many calories? Just wondering how the weight is coming off? I have not lost anything since my daughter was born 20 months ago, aside from the 35 pounds I gained with her. I am very frustrated, had a fill Monday and still don't really feel restricted. Anyway, just thought I would ask, to see if anyone had any ideas.
  18. I am on the "band" wagon again with you girls! I was banded January 06, got pregnant and she is now 20 months old, not very pro-active about fills! Got one on Monday, trying to retrain my brain to think like a bandster! I am also trying to act as if I am just banded! Trying to stick to 1200/cals a day and if that does not work, I will to to 1000. TRYING to exercise, doing elliptical as much as I can on days I can. I need to get a hold of this eating process and then really figure out the exercising! I am finding great people on this site, I am hoping this helps!
  19. That would be great, I got back on here to see if it would encourage me to get back on the "band" wagon. I need someone I can relate to. My husband just does not understand, he is overweight too, but does not seem to care and wants to eat anything. It is not easy to stay away from certain foods with the husband and kids always wanting crap. I constantly say we all need to change, but we always go back to our old ways. I have done so many diets since being banded, I finally think I need to just try and stick to the band rules and see if that helps. I go to the doctor again in 6 weeks, I have not been very pro-active about getting fills, I always think I can do this without restriction, stupid!!! I think if I do not lose much she is going to do an upper GI, she said she gave me a "generous" amount, I was at 3.2 in 4cc band last time so now I do not know what I am at, she said she does not want me fixating on the amount. I went 3 months ago for a fill and lost 4lbs as of monday when I got this fill. I never seem satisfied, I ALWAYS want to eat. Anyway, I am rambling on, it is just nice to find someone to talk to, that may understand.
  20. I just wanted to respond, because I feel like I can totally relate to you. I had surgery January 06, and lost some weight, but still never could get control of what I could not eat. I was 296 and got down to 232. Then I got pregnant in December 06 and gained weight, it has now take me 20 months, she is that old, to get back down to 235. Every week I go between 237 to 234. I am going to TRY and eat only 1200 cals a day and TRY to exercise. I just got a fill on Monday so I am hoping that it helps. I have an obsession with food, usually when I am reading these boards and other peoples success stories, thinking "I can do this" I am eating chips or candy. I am such an idiot!
  21. I have not been on here in awhile, I am trying to re-focus and get back to basics, since my surgery was January 06 and have not lost much weight in the last 20 months since my daughter was born. ANYWAY, I had my original band in August 06, and a month had gone by and I could not swallow water, long story short, all kinds of problems and band was removed. I was pissed because my Insurance (St. Mary's) only covers bariatric surgery once per lifetime per patient. Anyway went back to the doctor and he said I could have it replaced, he wrote a letter to the Insurance Company as to why I needed it again and it was covered, just had to pay my $250 outpatient co-pay. So maybe that is a route to go, you need your surgeon on your side and defense as to why this needs to be replaced, it is defective for god sakes!
  22. hefftynetty

    Banded in January 2006?

    JJB you are doing fantastic!!! I was banded 6-16-06 and have only lost 30 lbs. What is it that you are eating that is only 4 ounces? Were you starving? I am struggling with eating 8oz 3 times a day. I always want snacks, I am doing horrible. Please tell me what it is that you eat, I love suggestions!!
  23. I was just wondering if anyone form Western Surgical in Reno has been a self pay? If so what does the whole process including nutrition/psych/surgery cost? A friend of mine is wondering. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  24. hefftynetty

    Favorite protein powders?

    What flavor did you try of the protein drinks? Were they the ready to drink or the powder, thank you for any help!!
  25. hefftynetty

    I may be sorry for asking this..........

    I am a little over a year with my second band. I had problems with scar tissue the first time around. No eating or drinking for a week, had to go the emergency room to get rehydrated, scope down the throat to find a hole the size of a ball point pen, so all food/water sat on top with no where to go. I was in extreme pain, I had to have the band taken out that weekend. I swore I would never to that again, and 5 months late I had the band put back in. This time around I am doing great, I have 2.6cc in a 4cc band, going for another fill on Tuesday (can't wait) I am hoping this is the one!! I still have scar tissue so I am supposedly more filled than the average person, but the weight is coming off, just very slowly!! It is worth it, I would never have done this on ANY DIET!! Good Luck!

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