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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by cabstewart

  1. Hey guys!

    Just a couple of questions. I had a bit of chocolate on Easter weekend (4 Hershey kisses) and then had diarrhea the next day (Saturday). Since then I've had bouts of diarrhea and I've lots about 4lbs. I've been eating but way below my Protein intake. I have been getting my Water in though. I've noticed that where my stomach is now is a bit sensitive. Like I can feel it and I'm more aware of it. Does that make sense? It could just be the stomach flu and that my stomach is sensitive but just wondering if anyone else has the same symptoms?


    I have had dark chocolate (two small squares) with no problem. It sounds like you have a flu. Hope you feel better fast :)

  2. All:

    Thanks so much for the all the kind words and input. I can see that we all have slightly different ways of getting to the same end result - a healthy weight. I also wonder if maybe we are being told carbs should be limited because our medical professionals are afraid we will slip back into our old ways of eating to excess.

    I, like some of you, don't want to feel like I have to "diet" the rest of my life. I also want to make sure I make my weight goal and maintain a healthy weight. So, after reading your posts I feel like I will take my surgeon's words with a grain of salt and try to relax a little bit. I am a rule follower - so it upset me that I was found lacking.

    But I have to keep remembering that this plan is for the long haul and I need to incorporate some of the foods I like in addition to the Protein.

    We'll see how it goes this week as I am a teacher on spring break!

    What would we do without each other?

    Take care, and thanks for all your posts!

  3. All:

    I need your help and feedback.

    Has anyone else become obsessed with tracking their food? I track everything I eat, I think about food all the time. I feel a little obsessed. My goals are 60-90 grams of Protein a day, no more than 60 grams of carbs a day, and no more than 1000 calories. I am often hungry in the 3 hours between small meals, but I don't eat extra.

    I was starting to calm down, but when I went to my 3 mo. visit my surgeon kinda corrected me for eating things like a 1/2 a banana or a 1/2 apple, or 1/2 an English muffin, or popcorn (all of which fit into eating no more than 60 grams of carbs a day). He mentioned the word Paleo - which is definitely not the diet on the booklet they give out. I went away from that check-in pretty depressed. Especially when the Dr. said I would be eating like this for the rest of my life.

    Now, I knew that I would not be going back to my bad habits of eating cake and Cookies (and I don't cheat now), but somehow the idea of having to track everything and worry about eating a banana was not what I pictured in my future.

    I work out 3 times a week (40 mins. swimming laps, or 35 mins. on the treadmill at 3.8 speed, or 35 mins. on elliptical).

    I also do the bad thing of weighing myself everyday. Most weeks I see a drop of about 2 lbs. This week I went down, then up and am now going back down. Constipation has been an issue.

    I am a little worried that I'm too fixated on this, but I can't stop thinking about my food and weight loss. I guess I feel that I have made this major change in my life and I want it to work consistently, really want to be back to what I consider "normal" life.

    How many calories are you all eating per day? Are you hungry (actual stomach growling) between meals? Is anyone else sorta fixated on this? I feel like I'm waiting for my life to start again and feeling a little depressed.

    Thanks for your feedback.

  4. Yes, I found popcorn too, I make it at home - air popped but with 1 Tbs. melted butter. I only eat it on days that I have worked out. I increased my carbs about 3 weeks ago because of the foggy brain feeling. I am averaging about 60 carbs a day, no more than 900-1000 calories a day. I'm still losing, not as fast as some of you, but I feel better now.

    Today I swam laps for 40 mins. - swimming the crawl - I love swimming!

    Anyone else losing hair? I still am.

  5. <p>Are any of you who consume about 600 calories feeling fuzzy headed? Is anyone else losing hair?</p> <p> </p> <p>I work and I have sometimes felt fuzzy headed at work since the surgery. In the last few weeks I have also started losing hair. I've read the reasons why we lose hair, but does this bother anybody else? It seems that if we were eating healthy we should not be losing hair!</p> <p> </p> <p>A friend of mine who counseled anorexics said that the symptoms I mentioned above are often felt by anorexics when they are starving themselves.</p> <p> </p> <p>I also work out 3x a week. 25 mins on the tread mill - 1.5 miles, and a round of the weight machines.</p> <p> </p> <p>In response I increased my calories to about 800-900 (mostly through protein- 4 oz per meal, but also through some healthy carbs). On the days I have some carbs I feel more clear headed. </p>

    I felt the exact same way! I'm a full time student so I need my brain! The problem is I really don't like white carbs so I get a lot of good carbs through whole wheat crackers and match that with a high Protein cheese. It has helped a lot. I haven't lost any hair. I'm sure if you keep upping your calories you'll stop losing hair. I've also heard frolic acid is good for prevention!! :)


    Thanks for the feedback. How many calories do you average a day? How many grams of carbs?

  6. Are any of you who consume about 600 calories feeling fuzzy headed? Is anyone else losing hair?

    I work and I have sometimes felt fuzzy headed at work since the surgery. In the last few weeks I have also started losing hair. I've read the reasons why we lose hair, but does this bother anybody else? It seems that if we were eating healthy we should not be losing hair!

    A friend of mine who counseled anorexics said that the symptoms I mentioned above are often felt by anorexics when they are starving themselves.

    I also work out 3x a week. 25 mins on the tread mill - 1.5 miles, and a round of the weight machines.

    In response I increased my calories to about 800-900 (mostly through protein- 4 oz per meal, but also through some healthy carbs). On the days I have some carbs I feel more clear headed.

  7. Hi All:

    I've subscribed to a fellow sleever's youtube series of videos and have enjoyed hearing from her and thought I would share her link with you all.

    This link is from about week 21, but she has been posting since she had surgery.

    Her youtube screen name is 1 Gorgeous Godzilla. She posts a new video almost every week. She has been through the ups and downs that we all talk about and has such a positive spirit that I thought that some of you might enjoy her videos too.

    BTW I've been in a stall for almost two weeks now, didn't think it would upset me, but its starting to get me down. I know it will pass.... but I wish it would pass soon! I am eating what I am supposed to and I just wish my body would cooperate!

    I started going to the gym this week. Swam laps for 20 mins. today - I'm sore!

  8. It probably shouldn't be a surprise at this point that our doctors and their NUTs all have a different plan for what we can eat and when we can eat it. My Dr. says no alcohol for one year (they also warn that we will much more susceptible to alcohol with our smaller stomachs).

    At this point my Dr. has sleevers on somewhat soft foods- mostly Protein (meat loaf, meats that aren't stringy, cottage cheese, cheese, cauliflower, green Beans, refried beans, etc., no corn, peas and other carb based veggies) from weeks 4-8.

    I can really only get the protein part of my meal in at this point and the PA at the Drs office said that was fine as long as I was taking the Vitamins. I really enjoyed reading the information from the Brigham hospital, it seemed similar to what my Dr recommends.

    The alcohol will be much harder for me come summer and our beach trip!

    Like others, I have been in a stall for about a week now, this too will pass!

  9. Seems like I wake up most nights around 2am and am hungry. Is this happening to other folks? What are you doing about it? It makes sense that I would be physically hungry, if I'm having 2 oz of soft food around 6pm, but I don't really want to "wake up" and have more food. But then I think, well, I *am* awake! Part of its typical "woke up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, " but it seems even harder with these hunger pangs.

    Not a huge problem... Just every thing seems more ponderable when it's 2am and you can't sleep! :)


    I have not had the 2 AM issue, but twice I could not go to sleep because my stomach felt so hollow. What I have done is drink 3 oz of skim milk which filled me up and provided more Protein. It seems like 6 pm is too early to stop eating. Can you eat something like cottage cheese or cheese or something later to hold you overnight?

  10. Hi everyone! I'm Sabrina, I'm 24 height 5'4 and I currently weigh 195 my goal weight is 105. I got my surgery dec. 21st 2013 starting out at 215 pounds so I've lost exactly 20 pounds in one month. I think I should have lost more it seems like most people do. How much weight have some of the other December members lost? One of the only issues I'm struggling with right now is Protein. How are we supposed to get all that protein without sucking down a million calories? It seems like every drink has so few g's of protein but soo many calories. Has anyone found a good low calorie high protein drink? Or found Andy foods they are fond of that are high in protein low calorie?


    I weighed 216 on the day of surgery (ht. 5' 81/2", age 57) and was weighed today at the Drs. office at 193, so 23 lbs. in 5 weeks. But I think everyone's loss is going to be dependent on many things like metabolism, working out vs. not, age, male vs. female, genetics, etc. I think it would be hard to compare with others.

    I didn't start out with as much weight as some others, but I had high blood pressure (now normal), high cholesterol (not yet tested again) and sleep apnea (have to wait awhile to see if I can get rid of the machine). My family also has a history of type 2 diabetes, so, I feel very happy with my weight loss as it is making a difference.

    I mentioned to the physician's assistant today that I was disappointed that I have not gone down a pants size yet (my old pants are loose, but I have not lost as much in my waist), the PA said not to worry, different parts of the body change at different rates…. so I guess I'm ok with that as well.

    We have to keep remembering that it will happen. We just have to keep consistent with the program of eating the right things and drinking our liquids. It will happen!

    I also drink 1 Premier Protein drink every day. I buy them at Sams.

  11. I'm trying to stick with weighing and pictures on Sundays, but I do sneak in a scale trip every now and again... Plus I finally get off liquids for soft foods on Monday, and am pretty sure that will result in a stall as my body adjusts, and I'm okay with that.

    Ultimately, I'm more concerned with my ability to stay on the nutrition program outlined by my doctor, because it know that's a better indicator of being able to achieve long term health than the numbers. But man, the numbers are a quick fix ego boost.

    Right on!

  12. Hey All:

    I am looking for some ideas...

    I had surgery on 12/16, back to work on 01/02. I am feeling fine but concerned because the amount of liquids I am getting in on work days has dropped significantly. I work in a high school as a career counselor and testing coordinator and it involves a lot of multitasking, interruptions and not a steady schedule all day.

    The bottom line is that I am probably only getting in about 35-40 oz. of liquid each day (most of it when I get home at night). Sometimes I only urinate once a day at work (would have been every two hours before surgery). The urine is dark.

    I am not having any pain and I feel fine. My weight is going down slowly each week (have lost a total of 20 lbs. since surgery), but I know that not having Fluid is bad for your kidneys.

    Has anyone found a tool that will beep or remind you to drink. I have an iPhone, but cannot find a tool that you can set to automatically beep to remind you to drink. The perfect tool to me would be something that beeps twice, that you don't have to reset, and then 15 mins. later beeps again.

    Any other ideas for remembering to drink when you work in a fast paced environment?

    Funny thing is I never forget to eat! LOL! I am on foods like eggs, meat loaf, etc. and I think I am getting most of what I need in that area along with 30 gr. of Protein from a Protein Shake (those 11 oz. counted in the fluid though).

    I hope to hear some ideas from you all.


  13. I know this is totally off topic but I have to vent. I'm not very close with my dad, he lives in Chicago and I live in Manitoba Canada. He's coming for a visit this evening and staying at my house for a week. (Never buy a house with extra guest bedrooms!!!!)

    My mom promised me she would come over to help me talk to my dad about the gastric sleeve as he has no idea. I was sleeved on December 9th and down 36lbs, so at this point it's fairly obvious. My dad is not a sensitive man, he's called me fat my whole life and laughed when others have called me fat. I'm really nervous to even eat in front of him and now I have to go through telling him about my surgery.

    My parents have been divorced for 14 years but they're still friends and see and talk to each other often. When my dad is mean to me my mom will stick up for me (sometimes). I talked to her this morning and she said she'd be over by 3. Well it's now 4, my dad should be here any minute and she's not here. Not answering her phone and I've texted her several times.

    I know I'm 30 and should just suck it up and put my big girl pants on (that are getting smaller these days!!) but it's really hard facing my dad alone. Worse yet, my sister who is fairly supportive of me is out of town. So it is literally just me, that's a lie... I have my wonderful husband and three amazing children who love me for me. :o)

    Does anyone else have difficulty telling family members about their sleeve??

    I agree with the others, this is your time, he need know nothing. I can totally understand how you feel as my Mother was the one who hated my weight growing up (she passed away in 2001). You are never too old to want your parent's approval, but know this, he is wrong and mean to treat his own daughter badly. You can love him for other reasons, but you don't have to put up with anyone treating you badly! Take a deep breath and take it easy. If he is rude, show him the door! We're behind you!

  14. Hello! I was sleeved December 9 and just saw this thread! I'm 30, 5'4" and started out at 245lbs. With my pre-op diet I lost 9lbs and since surgery I've lost a total of 36! :) I'll soon be in ONEDERLAND and looking forward to it! Being almost 5 weeks out I'm experimenting with some foods but really wanna have a salad. Do you think that my tummy is ready?


    My NUT says starting week 4, which you have passed, that you can have soft lettuce (I am thinking Spring Mix in the bags)! Since others are saying No, maybe you should check with your NUT. I haven't tried salad yet myself. I have enough trouble getting all the Protein in!

  15. Ok fellow dec sleevers ... Here are my updates:

    Sleeved on 16th.

    Starting weight: 277

    Pre op diet weight/day of surgery: 264

    Weight today: 241

    I am 5'11 (female) and was told to eat 80 gs of Protein a day. I have struggled to even get 50 at times ...

    Thanks to those that posted a reply to my question on some protein alternatives. I stomach unjurys protein really well and this has helped me quite a bit.

    Im crushing a bunch of nutrients/vitamins still and they taste so awful that I tend to want to throw them up ... Any suggestions??

    Also, keep the faith! I have seen and feel a significant weight loss already and I know all of you can do it! We are in this and we are in it for the long haul. One day at a time. When the going gets tough I just remember the sacrifice that got me (us) here and do not want it to go in vain. Here is to better healthy lifestyle filled with adventures!


    I have chewable vitamins for bariatric use.

    Bariatric Fusion Multivitamin - several flavors - I have orange cream

    Bariatric Advantage calcium citrate 500 mg - Chewy bite - Carmel flavored (almost tastes like candy)

    Solaray sugar free B-Complex chewable - orange flavor

    They taste great and are easy to get down.

  16. I must not have had this "stitch" as I have no pain on the left side or anywhere and never heard a "pop". I am back at work and occassionally carry items heavier than 5 lbs. there. I also have forgotten and picked up one of my dogs @ 21 lbs.

    Do you think all surgeons make this stitch?

    BTW back to work on 01/02/14, today was the 3rd day back at work…for those feeling bad, take heart, because if you would have told me I could do well at work after my surgery on 12/16 - and even a at Christmas, I would have laughed!

    Its hard to believe that we can get by all day working after eating 450-600 calories all day! I feel tired but not as tired as I thought. More tired today because I stayed up to watch the first episode of "Downton Abbey" last night, LOL.

    I'm sorry to hear that some of you are still having such pain. What do your Drs say about this?

  17. Hi all. I had my sleeve done on December 30th.

    Starting weight 245.2 lbs

    Surgery weight 234.6

    Current weight 229.2

    I am struggling with drinking the amount of Water I need. Any suggestions?

    Happy New Year!!



    I was sleeved on 12/16, at first I had a lot of problems getting any liquid down. It took a few days for the change but now I have no problems. When I was panicking about not getting liquids in, the nutritionist at my Dr.'s office recommended trying different things (many people seem to have problems with water at first). So I tried Propel Zero and it went better, he also recommended trying broth, and the warmness of it helped.

    The bottom line according to the NUT is that the 64 oz is just a goal, do the best you can. For me at the beginning I had a really hard time, now I can drink 3-4 oz at a time with no pain.

    Good luck, and if your progress is like mine, you will be amazed at what a difference a week makes!

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