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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Melodica

  1. I'll have to update my numbers when I can find my scales. One good thing about moving is that I haven't had time to focus on the scales! I'm trying to get back to eating right, but I've found that any and everything I eat makes my tummy rumble, which is highly annoying. I hope that stops in the future. Mschwartz, that's very interesting. My doctor never said anything about that. Heck, at this point I have trouble getting all the Protein through any means. I can't imagine having to focus it on plant based protein.
  2. I've been really bad the past couple of days (in more ways than one). My husband and I moved 600 miles. We loaded the truck (with the exception of the very heaviest stuff, I helped). I'm pretty sure I overdid it there. I've also been eating and drinking things that I shouldn't have like bread and pasta (though still in tiny quantities). I doubt it has affected my weight loss due to all the activity, but eating carbs makes me want them again. We're almost settled now so it will be back to the protein only. I just feel kinda guilty about it and I really wish my stomach would rebel and make me sick when I eat things I shouldn't!
  3. Happy mothers day, all!
  4. I'm with Bluesea - I can eat just about anything. I'm still watching nutrition counts, of course, but I have indulged in some chicken nuggets and a bit of very flat soda (which didn't taste as great as I remembered, so I probably won't do it again). I'm still not reaching my nutrition counts, my calories are always a couple hundred under, carbs and fat are usually 5-10 under and Protein sadly is about 50 under. I just can't seem to get to 97g!
  5. 1. 5'8 1/2", 375 2. 357 3. 328 4. 180 5. Going back to work full time, losing 6lbs after a 10 day stall 6. To begin exercising, at least a little and hopefully not to sleep as much.
  6. I think I had a stall early too. Starting my period might have had something to do with it, but I sat at 334 for over a week. I've finally started moving down again - was 329 yesterday, then 328 today. I weigh first thing in the morning after I've used the bathroom when I think about it. Sometimes it's daily, sometimes it's every few days. I'm just glad to see the numbers going down again! Bluesea, I'm right there with you. I'm tired all the time. It's like I never have enough energy. I don't know what these people that walk a mile plus a week after their surgery are doing. I just know that I'm envious. I haven't had energy since I got the surgery, so I've been very bad about not exercising. I know I need to, but just walking up the stairs at work takes everything out of me! Regarding incisions, some of mine are healing up better than others. A couple are a really light red, a couple are darker red and one is still kinda scabby. I think they are definitely going to scar, but I don't see myself ever wearing a bikini anyway, so I'm okay with it. As long as I can wear a one piece, I'm good! Mysleeve, I'm on soft foods and I sometimes have some queasiness after eating or drinking. My stomach gets bubbly and rumbly and feels a little uneasy for a while. It usually passes after about half an hour. It's really annoying though. I'd love to be able to eat and not feel awful. I think that's one of the reasons I'm not eating much (and thus only getting about halfway to my Protein goal every day). I still have no clue how anyone gets to 90-100g of protein without supplementing with those awful shakes. I can't eat enough, even in three meals and two Snacks to get past 60g.
  7. Right there with you, Heidi! I've read that people usually stall because they aren't getting enough Protein and I know I'm not but I can't seem to eat enough to get the 96g that I'm supposed to have and I'm so sick of choking down those awful shakes! I actually haven't had issues racking up calories on regular food, but it's oh so easy to rack up carbs. It's like everything that tastes good is loaded with them.
  8. Thanks for sharing, butterfly. It's been really discouraging. I wish we could tell our bodies to use all the fat instead of storing it. That's exactly what I DONT need! I hadn't lost any weight for over a week but saw that I lost 2 more lbs when I weighed yesterday. Hopefully it's starting back but I'm not holding my breath. I'm finding it so difficult to get in my calories and protein. Eating is like a chore now. I get little to no pleasure out of it. I guess that was sorta the point, but it's very depressing because that was my primary source of pleasure or consolation before the surgery. Very difficult adjustment. Being able to talk and share with you guys has helped though. At least I know I'm not alone!
  9. I actually had no trouble with pureed foods or even Soups with solids as long as I chewed very well. One of my favorite things is deviled ham or chicken with some cheese spread mixed in. Goes down easily. Soft solids... Gotta be careful with them. The chewing a lot is do hard for me because before surgery, I never chewed my food well. If my doc had been okay with me moving on earlier, I would have given it a shot. My only puking came when I didn't chew well. Now I'm anal about it!
  10. Not really sure what you could put in the tuna, Heidi except some kind of relish maybe. I used just a bit of mayo in my chicken salad and it didn't make me sick or anything, so you might be okay using that. Hope your doctor can get you something to help, mysleeve! Keep us updated.
  11. I think it's worth a shot. If it's not that, you might call your doctor to see what he suggests.
  12. Are you drinking straight water, mysleeve? I know that straight water doesn't sit well with me, but if I add some flavoring it's fine.
  13. I got mine a couple of days ago and I haven't gained, but I haven't lost either, which is frustrating. It was almost a week late too and has been particularly heavy (though not more painful).
  14. I'm feeling better. I actually felt much better after it came up. I definitely advise taking it very slow, chewing a lot and not taking large bites. I've eaten that exact thing a couple of other times and had no issues, but I didn't gobble it. This is so difficult because my brain doesn't seem to realize that my stomach is smaller. You have a great weekend as well!
  15. I hope you feel better soon, Bluesea! I'm glad it wasn't a leak, but UTIs are awful too. I learned the hard way this morning about my stomach capacity. I've been on soft foods since Wed. I was hungry so I ate some ham wrapped around a cheese stick. I ate too much too fast and it felt like a painful ball right between my breasts. The majority of it didn't stay down. That's the first time I've vomited in almost 20 years. I learned my lesson though. Back to liquids for a few days! So the moral of the story is that even if you feel hungry, go slowly or you'll pay for it. :-/
  16. I take Prilosec every day. Supposed to for a few months. I just swallow the capsule. If you can find a compounding pharmacy, I believe they can make it into a liquid suspension for you if you're having trouble swallowing. Even though I take the Prilosec daily, I've still had trouble with some reflux. My surgeon told me to take Zantac about an hour before bed and see if that helped. I've noticed that it does UNLESS I take any Tylenol. Seems that stuff just does not agree with my stomach. Unfortunately I have leg pain at night, so it's either sleep sitting up or not sleep at all.
  17. I'm feeling better. Still weak and low on energy though. Also have trouble getting Protein in because I HATE those stupid shakes! I start on soft foods today, so hopefully it will be easier. I got a pintos and cheese from Taco Bell and was able to get down four (small) bites of it. I think the thing that is hardest for me is that my stomach is tiny but my brain still thinks it's like it used to be! On another note - is anyone else SICK of fruit flavored Water? I don't care much for tea, so I've had to use the flavorings and there's nothing but fruity flavors. I want something that tastes like a Coke so bad I can't see straight! 1) height/weight starting our WLS programs - 5'8 1/2" - 375lbs (before week long liquid diet) 2) weight day if surgery - 357lbs 3) week 2 post-op pounds lost/gained - been holding steady at 334lbs I think my issue is that I'm not getting in enough protein/calories 4) total pounds lost since program began - 41lbs 5) current goal weight/ pounds to go - My first 'goal' is about 275lbs. I weighed 320 a couple of years ago and started on Weight Watchers. I ended up losing down to 279lbs, so I'd like to get about there. My ultimate goal is 180, but I'll be happy at anything under 200lbs. That means I have 59lbs to go to the first goal and 154lbs to the final one. 6) your biggest success this week - Working a full day. I work a desk job, but it's VERY stressful. food was my outlet. It's difficult without it! 7) your biggest struggle this week - Working a full day, LOL. Also, getting in my protein and liquids. Also bummed that the scale hasn't gone down. 8) What is a new lifestyle change you incorporated this week? Eating solid foods SLOWLY. I didn't eat fast before, but I also didn't chew that much. It's difficult to chew until something is basically paste!
  18. I am in the same boat. For the first few days I didn't feel hungry at all (probably because I was in so much pain), but after it faded, I started feeling hungry. I've read so much about people not being hungry after surgery until much later, so I was really bummed. Then I was bad and advanced my diet a couple of days early. Mine goes Clear liquids for a week after, then full liquid two weeks after, then soft foods at three weeks, then regular foods after a month. I had some tomato Soup on the 5th day after because I just could NOT stomach any more Jello or broth after choking it down for almost two weeks prior. Let me tell you, that tomato soup was probably the BEST thing I've ever eaten. Don't beat yourself up too much over the candy. We all have moments of weakness. I just find it crappy that your doctor and nutritionist aren't listening to you. They want to fit us all into these pegs. Not everyone fits into the same shape! I also don't understand that if the procedure is the same, why does every surgeon have a different diet? It's the same with the pre-op diet. I would try talking to your surgeon/nutritionist again, if nothing else because you're paying them to listen. I emailed my nutritionist on Monday and never got a response so I sent the email again. If she doesn't answer this time, I'm going to call and be VERY unhappy. I know a lot of people say you should do whatever your surgeon/nutritionist says, but I think sometimes our bodies tell us to do something else and we need to listen and at least consider what it's saying.
  19. I must be strange, because I don't mind telling anyone. Most people at work know and all of my friends do. All of them have been supportive. If I come across anyone who wants to be judgmental, I'll put them in their place. Otherwise, I don't really care who knows.
  20. Melodica

    Hardest thing for you?

    Missing soda. I'm so tired of fruity flavored drinks. I want a Coke Zero so badly. Also, I would say knowing my limits. I'm still on liquids and I never really feel 'full'.
  21. That shake sounds really good, butterfly. I may have to try that! I'm drinking one of mine now. I'm so looking forward to soft foods so I don't have to drink as many of these shakes. My doctor actually prescribed Prilosec and had me start taking it the day after surgery. At first it really helped, but the past couple of nights I've had some reflux, so I don't know what's going on.
  22. Don't feel bad, Mschwartz. I've lost weight since surgery, but I somehow put on a pound over the past couple of days. I'm not getting in my Protein, I'm sure that's part of the reason why I gained. I guess our bodies are just confused. It's a bummer when you're eating tons less than what you did and see a gain, but I guess you just have to keep going and try to improve (or that's what I keep trying to tell myself). Butterflypinup, I can also eat a lot of liquids and never really feel full. I was thinking maybe something was wrong with me - that my sleeve had stretched or I was just weird. Makes me feel better to know that someone else is seeing the same thing. That sucks about the throwing up and passing out - if that continues, you should definitely let your doctor know. Glad to hear that the Vitamins stayed down! I've been kinda bad about not taking mine daily (I always forget). I've got to get better about that and the protein. My biggest issue is still extreme fatigue. Feels like I'll never have energy again. Also feel bloated today, but my period is overdue already, so I guess that's why. Should be interesting to see how the surgery affects all that.
  23. I'm not really bloated, but I've been having more gas pains today - right on the middle of my chest under my ribcage. It's been really annoying. I also forgot to take my Prilosec earlier and paid for it. Some of the worst heartburn/reflux ever. Yuck.
  24. I have an issue that no doctor had been able to diagnose. My urethra burns nearly constantly and most times when I go to the bathroom it burns unless I'm very hydrated. There's no infection. The condition had sort of improved before surgery. It was still there most of the time but was much less painful and some days it didn't burn at all. Unfortunately since surgery it's been back and more painful. I'm guessing because of the lack of fluids. Before I had to chug Water to keep my urine from being too acidic (which reduced the burning). Obviously that's no longer possible, so that has been a bummer. I'd hoped that the weight of my stomach was causing part of it but that's apparently not the case. After doing research, I think it's a pelvic floor disorder because the burning is not affected by foods/drinks and it gets better when I lay down. Problem is getting the diagnosis and finding a pelvic floor PT. I will say that the weight loss has made my debilitating lower back pain go away. Before surgery I couldn't walk around for more than five minutes without having to sit because my back hurt. So that is a definite plus.
  25. I actually don't feel bloated at all really. My stomach is much smaller than pre-surgery, which I'm definitely loving. I used to have a lot of lower back pain that I don't have now.

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