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Everything posted by Tamlyn

  1. I'm so glad you posted this! I'm getting sleeved with Dr Alvarez on Tuesday, and I'm totally excited/nervous about it. Thank you!
  2. Do you think he's maybe worried about you now that it's gotten to be more "real" to him because you're actually visiting the doctor? My husband has been totally supportive, and he said he'd support whatever choice I made. But I've noticed as my date has gotten closer, he's definitely getting more anxious.
  3. Tamlyn


    I swear, if I lose my hair, I am going to buy a pink wig. If I'm going to be bald, I may as well have fun with it.
  4. Tamlyn

    July 29th surgery day!

    I'm on the 29th, too. I'm nervous and excited. Not necessarily in that order. Honestly, at this point, I'm mostly just raring to go. I want to get this over with!
  5. Tamlyn

    July 30th sleeve!

    I'm getting mine done on the 29th, and as of this morning I'm down 15 pounds on the pre-op diet, too! I think that's the first time I've gotten on the scale and not wanted to toss it out the window! Good luck!!
  6. Tamlyn

    I Really Don't Get It

    I really don't know why people do things like that. I haven't had my surgery yet, but I remember when I was pregnant people were forever coming up and telling me horror stories about women they knew who had miscarried, or had babies die of crazy obscure things, and I never knew what to say. It was always something like "My brother in law's cousin's next door neighbor's stepsister had a baby, and one day that baby's head just fell right off! I'm sure that won't happen to you, though!" I think the only thing you can really do is roll your eyes and be glad you have enough sense in your head to not say stupid things.
  7. Tamlyn

    July 29th Sleevers Where Are You?!?

    I'm July 29, too! I started my pre-op liquids today, and celebrated by not screwing the bottom of the blender on right. Ended up cleaning my Breakfast off the counter, the wall, the fridge, the floor, and my shirt. Only 13 more days!
  8. So, I'm having my surgery toward the end of this month, and I started my pre-op liquid diet yesterday. I had a laundry list of expectations based on things I've heard other people here say they've experienced... stuff like headaches, hunger, grumpiness, etc. And honestly, I haven't had any of that yet, but man, I am BORED. I'm not sure if it's because I used to spend so much time thinking about/around eating and now that's gone, or what. And now that food isn't there to interest me, I'm looking for something else to fill in the gaps. Right now I'm binge watching Orange is the New Black and starting some new knitting projects. I guess I was expecting more pushback from my stomach, but my stomach seems to be cool with it. It's my brain that's going to be the hard part to deal with. Has anybody else had this experience?
  9. I'm really feeling afraid right now, too. I have a 6 year old. I think it's maybe part of the process, at least, I hope so.
  10. Tamlyn

    Co-existing with Food

    The thing with food addiction for me is that I kinda feel like it's sometimes as much an addiction to a behavior as it is to a substance. I can eat the same food, but if I'm doing it at the dinner table with family, it's one thing, and if I'm doing it alone in my car and feeling guilty about it, it's another. The first way, I'm eating it because I'm hungry, and because it's good, and I find I'll eat less. The second way, I'm eating because I'm stressed or having a craving, and it's comforting, and I'll eat so much that it makes me feel ill. I am trying to focus on mindful eating, which is kind of challenging.
  11. Tamlyn

    Surgery in T-3 days!

    Hi and welcome! I have a 6 year old daughter, and I can't wait to be able to run around and play with her! She's always begging me to, and it's hard to explain to a child that if Mommy tries to go down that little tiny tube slide at the playground, it's going to take four firemen and a tub of Crisco to get her out. I'm not getting my sleeve done until the 29th of July, but I started doing pre-op liquids and I've found that having some ready to eat foods for her helps a lot with preparing meals. Like, right after I have my Protein shake, I chop up fruits and veggies and try to do whatever cooking I can when I'm not hungry. It seems like dinner time is the most challenging time for me, so it's easier for me to reheat something I made earlier, or just make sandwiches or something like that. Good luck with your surgery!
  12. Tamlyn

    July 28 Sleevers

    I'm supposed to do two weeks of liquid diet beforehand, but I started doing it at four weeks out because I was having so many "last meals" it was making me ill. And I thought it would be a good way to start getting my head in the right place. So far it seems to be working. I'm definitely making much better decisions about food, and I've lost six pounds, so that's a plus. I'm also grumpy as a wet bear, and my husband says I smell different (presumably from ketosis, it's not bad, he just says I smell a little bit metallic), so that's a negative. I'm also tracking all my food and I've started walking daily. The first day I did 1/2 a mile, now I'm up to 1 1/4. It's going to be a loooong three weeks!
  13. Tamlyn

    July 28 Sleevers

    I'm having mine done on the 29th. I am so ready for this to happen. The suspense is killing me!
  14. Tamlyn

    Justing starting my sleeve journey

    Yes, let us know how you're doing! Hope you're feeling ok.
  15. Tamlyn

    Border Safety?

    Thanks for the information, that makes me feel tons better. I'm honestly pretty comfortable with it, but my husband is nervous about not being able to go with me. He was talking about hiring some burly bodyguards to escort me, and I really don't want burly bodyguards. Well, unless Liam Neeson and Jason Statham are available. Then I might be convince-able.
  16. I've found that eating (well, drinking really), I'm doing my pre-op liquids now) has become really boring for me, too. food just isn't as interesting when it's just fuel. I think I'll be happier about that once I have other things to fill in the gaps. Right now I'm working on increasing my Water (I'm drinking 60-90 oz a day) and my activity levels (I'm walking about a mile and a half), and I started the pre-op diet early because the waiting was driving me crazy. I found myself having abnormally unhealthy eating patterns because I think I was saying goodbye to food forever, and I thought... ya know, that's not helping anything, it's better to just start where I am and the worst that'll happen is that I'll lose a few extra pounds. Good luck!
  17. Tamlyn

    Bored, Bored, Bored

    These are all great suggestions, thank you! I think what I'm experiencing is the big hole in my thoughts that used to be full of food. Protein shakes are nourishing, but they just aren't that interesting to think about! I did start a new exercise program yesterday. I would love to start running, so I'm starting by walking a mile or two a day. On the bright side, if this keeps up, everybody I know is getting Weasley sweaters for Christmas!
  18. Tamlyn

    July 9th Sleevers!

    I've had surgery, (although it wasn't this one yet,) a couple of times, and they've always kept me covered up right up until they knocked me out. It wasn't embarrassing, just a little awkward lying on a table. Everybody was totally professional, and very nice.
  19. Tamlyn

    Justing starting my sleeve journey

    I'm in Georgia, too! Hi! I'm getting sleeved on the 29th of July, and I'm just starting my liquid diet. I hope your headaches go away.
  20. Tamlyn

    Today i am 9 months post op

    You look FABULOUS!!!
  21. Tamlyn

    finally got a date

    That's awesome, congrats! I'm getting sleeved on July 29th, so you'll be a week ahead of me!
  22. I'm having surgery in four weeks, and I'm feeling the same way. I'd be perfectly happy just to stay home and hide in my bedroom until my surgery date gets here. In fact, I'm starting my pre-op diet early, just because the wait is driving me crazy nutsola, and I desperately want to be doing something.
  23. Tamlyn

    Looking for advice!

    I'm going to Mexico on the 29th of July, and I'm having my surgery with Dr Alvarez. I was pretty nervous when I first decided to do it, but I've found that the more interaction I have with the office and the closer it gets, the less nervous I am. I've heard from a lot of people who had great results, and I feel pretty comfortable with my decision now. I just wish it would hurry up and get here nownowNOW!
  24. Tamlyn

    Need support buddy - Atlanta GA

    Hi! I'm in Athens, and I'm getting sleeved on July 29th.
  25. Tamlyn

    Denied and Distraught

    That's awful! I'm so sorry. Our health insurance is Blue Cross, but my husband's company has a "no weight loss surgery" coverage clause, so even though we actually have rather good insurance, I have to do self-pay, too. FWIW, I'm having my surgery done by Dr. Alvarez in Mexico next month, and they've been super professional. I feel very comfortable with it now, but I was super nervous and mad at my health insurance for a while when I first found out.

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