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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by 521Diva

  1. 521Diva

    Any Regrets?

    So far I very happy. I haven't had a day of pain except a lil in my left shoulder from gas. I was up walking around the recovery room 45 mins after surgery. I able to lay on nith of my sides in the hospital. I did so well I was sent home the day after surgery. I start pureed food next week, praying that goes well also. Come on to the losers bench, u wont be sorry. Good luck.
  2. 521Diva

    March 2014 Sleevers

    Ok great I start pureed next Friday. Im getting me some chicken cooked with onions & peppers from the spanish restaurant, im going to put that in my blender on baby food & pray I can tolerate it. LOL yes I already no what I want.
  3. Ur pic is awesome, did it take 2 weeks for u to lose that much on ur stomach?
  4. I've heard everybody stalls at week 2 or 3 because the body is ajusting. I start puree food next Friday, any suggestions?
  5. 521Diva

    March 2014 Sleevers

    Woohoo thats awesome. Haw many days ago did u have surgery?
  6. 521Diva

    March 2014 Sleevers

    Way to go...Wow soft foods after a week. My doc has me on shakes for 2 weeks then pureed for 2 weeks. I start pureed next Friday, I cant wait.
  7. 521Diva

    March 2014 Sleevers

    How many days after surgery were u able to eat tuna & crackers?
  8. 521Diva

    African American Sleevers

    Oh ok thanks. My greedy but looking to make a meal. LOL
  9. 521Diva

    African American Sleevers

    Thank u. Did u have any veggies with it?
  10. 521Diva

    African American Sleevers

    Thank u. Did u have any veggies with it?
  11. 521Diva

    African American Sleevers

    Ok thanks. So u didn't have any veggies with it? U just had the 2 meatballs & was full?
  12. 521Diva

    What do i do?!?

    And thats all u had, no salad, bread or fries? Lol im souding real greedy lol
  13. 521Diva

    new date 3/24/14

    I dont eat eggs ughhhh. Can I have tuna?
  14. My original date was 1/27/13, need another visit with my doc. I was first told to lose 5 pounds then 10. Im 1 pound away & keep going up & down ughhh. I made the cabbage Soup diet, then put it in my ninja. Didnt like chewing it but it taste great as a liquid soup. Its extra spicy from to much red pepper flakes (mistake) but it taste awesome. I also take ducolax at night when I cave into a craving. Im so close to surgery date and im falling a part today. Im PMSing big time (had a snicker, honeybee & hot chips last night) lol, 3 days cold turkey (want a smoke bad) & I also want a damn drink for some reason & it's not even Friday.
  15. 521Diva

    What do i do?!?

    Woohoo way to go... I thought we wo uuuuu kd only be able to eat like 1 wing. Were u able to eat anything else besides the wings? Im only 1 week out.
  16. 521Diva

    What do i do?!?

    Everybody is different. I had no problems, I was up walking around the recovery room 45 mins after surgery. No pain in my stomach at all only a lil pain in my left shoulder from gas. I was doing so well I was sent home the day after surgery. Today makes 1 week & im still doing awesome. Dont give up, u can do this. I was scared a lil after reading stuff her. I just prayed & keep the faith. I wasn't even scared when I walked into the surgery room.
  17. 521Diva

    day 4 post op

    I weigh myself everydayyyyuu ughhh. I freaked out yesterday I was up .9 & today down .8 but total 10 & im 1 week out today.
  18. I don't know how to comment on someone's post. I'm excited & nervous. Surgery date 1/27/14.
  19. Is that all u ate? How long did u eat this for? I dont eat cottage cheese, cream of wheat or bananas. Omg what am I going to do, I have to eat like this for 2 weeks.
  20. Hi I originally used my Aetna insurance card & sfter reading this I called back to give my cvs caremark card infomation. I was denied yesterday. I called back today and gave my cvs caremark card info again. Everybody else with cvs carmark is getting approved, can u please look into this my name is Lakisha Holland. Thank u so much in advance.
  21. Did it diminish the stretch marks?
  22. Im only 7 days out and my weight loss has slowed. Yesterday I was up .9 & today only down .8. Is it supposed to be like that? I start pureed food next friday, what did u eat , any suggestions?
  23. Oh wow. Glad u are better. What kinds of pureed food did u eat? I start next Friday.
  24. 521Diva

    new date 3/24/14

    That's awesome, u should be on pureed food which I start next Friday. I dont no where to start any suggestions? Im 7 days down lost 11 pounds & 21 since my first meeting with the doc. I was coming off fast, yesterday I went up .9 & today im down .8. Why is it slowing down? Ughhhh

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