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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gingerbug

  1. gingerbug

    the correct way to weigh yourself

    ???? I do not follow????
  2. I know a nurse called me from the surgical center but not my surgeons office. It is my opinion that I just needed my surgeon to do the surgery and do it right and it is my hope that I dont need to see him after he does his part. Now, I was outpatient so that might be a horse of a different color. I saw my surgeon at my first post op appointment to make sure all is well and that was about two weeks later. I did not feel like a herd of cattle. I look at it as efficiency. Also, this doc spent at least an hour talking to me when I first met with him. He visited me pre-op and talked to my family afterwards. I assume after that he went on to the next patient.
  3. I dont know for sure what that means but I do know that there was a couple cc's in there when they put it in. When I went in for my first fill they withdrew all that was in to get an accurate idea of how much is on the band as they gave me fills.
  4. gingerbug

    It's breaking me

    I find that I gain a couple pounds in the couple of weeks before my period, hang in there, it will come off!!
  5. gingerbug

    January 2008 Bandsters

    Hello, I have 6.2 cc in my 10cc band. I had to get a slight unfill recently and that half cc really made a difference. I find that breakfast is a no-go but if I am super super hungry I have a couple bites of yogurt to ease it. I usually have about 4-6 ounces for lunch and a south beach meal for dinner. I find that I can eat most anything just not anything doughy. Nothing that clumps together like soft bread. I fill up fast and seem to be getting the knack of it. I find that I have lost my taste for lots of things I used to eat lots of. I also find that I can live with just a taste of some things that are 'bad'. I love my band. LOVE it. It has changed everything.
  6. gingerbug

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    I have just less than two weeks before we move and there never seems to be enough boxes! One kid is in daycamp for the week and the other has a sprained ankle AND the flu and dh is gone for a couple more weeks for work. Good times, good times.
  7. gingerbug

    Euphoric Sense of Well-Being

    I love those days!
  8. I ewas 6.7 but had to take .5 out of it. currently happy at 6.2. I plan to see how the next couple of months go then maybe tighten up a bit more.
  9. gingerbug

    Covered/Uncovered Out of Pocket!

    I dont know but what ARE the magic words for the lift and excess skin?
  10. gingerbug

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am stay on plan today because I am starting to be able to wear some fun clothes again!
  11. gingerbug

    Stupid friends part deux

    I have come to realize that some people are just toxic. Iam glad you stuck up for yourself and I am sorry she made you feel bad. 20 pounds in two months is outstanding, by the way, a complete success. You should be very proud of yourself.
  12. I think I know what you mean, I have even noticed patterns during the month. I gain 2 pounds every single month right when I ovulate and I lose those two pounds right before my period starts. I seem to lose the most amount of weight right when AF is winding down and the week leading up to ovulation again. I used to get annoyed that I would gain 2 pounds every month with no explanation till I realized it kept happening and it wasn't something I was doing wrong, just normal fluctuations in my body weight.
  13. gingerbug

    Best calorie tracking site??

    I love fitday.com and I catually bought the software for my computer. I really like that it breaks down my weight loss goals and tells me how many calories I can have each day to meet my goal. I fill in a ton of info and it calculates it all for me.
  14. gingerbug

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    I am busier than a one-legged Riverdancer this summer. Hmmm, or, busier than a man with one tooth at a corn on the cob eating contest? :teeth_smile:
  15. I am ready for a democratic president, I dont care if he/she is purple.
  16. YUP! It is my secret vice. I gave up food but I wont give up the scale!! I cant tell you how many times I stripped down naked after weighting myself just to do it again naked. That is ok, I have embraced my inner dork. :party:
  17. There should be an option in the poll for this: In morning before I pee, after I pee, after I get dressed, after breakfast, after working out, before dinner, after dinner, before my shower, after my shower with soaking wet hair, after pj's one, one last time naked before bed, rinse, repeat. Ok, so this might be a SLIGHT exaggeration....
  18. Thanks everyone. I am going to give it a few more days and see how things settle down.
  19. I had my 5th fill about a week ago so I have 6.7 cc in a 10 cc band. My doc goes 1 cc at a time at a fill. So, I notice when I get through the liquid and mushy stage the three days after my fill that even liquids are a bit uncomfortable to drink if I forget to sip. I dont eat more than a few bits of food at each meal because if I do, I burp and feel it start to come up. Not a lot, just a bit. The thing is, I got this fill, without reasoning, right as my period was about to start and i have heard that menstruating can make things a little tougher to deal with. On a good note, I have no interest in eating, really, but it is a bit painful when i do eat. I think I know understand why I was told to cut food up to the size of the end of an erasure and chew chew chew chew. I suspect that my idea of a small bit may not be the same idea that my stomach has. SO, the big question, should I wait until I am done menstruating and let the band 'settle down' a bit before worrying? I am still eating healthy foods, what little of it I have an interest in eating. Thanks, all!
  20. gingerbug

    Weight Loss?

    I had a long stretch between my very first appointment with the surgeon till when I was able to have the surgery. I weighed in at 284 then GAINED 11 pounds till my pre-op diet started. lost those 11 plus 5 more on the liquid diet of two weeks. I do not count those 11 pounds I gained between my initial appointment till when I started my pre-op diet so I say I lost 51 pounds in total but really, it was closer to 62,
  21. gingerbug

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    BooBoo, I think it is good! I have to eat slower and take smaller bites. I had not really had to do that before to this extent. Able to eat hard food but need to take it slow and easy!
  22. gingerbug

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    Wow, I thought I knew what restriction was...I was wrong. NOW I understand!! Wow! Steph, you look fantastic and Boo Boo, bummer on the belly button, keep us posted!!
  23. gingerbug

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    Woohoo Jill!! Are your other kids boys or girls? Girls are fun to shop for, IMO!
  24. gingerbug

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    Oh, boy. This is the last day of vacation and I am hoping I have not done any damage. I went to the water park AGAIN yesterday and all the in and out of the inner tubes (that takes a LOT of ab-effort) and now my port site is sore. I think I over did it at dinner last night, too. I had a margarita. Ok, I had two. Then I ate part of my tuna salad stuffed avocado. I keep feeling like i have to burp but I just feel pressure where I suspect my band to be. It happens every twenty minutes or so, maybe sometimes less. Not so much pain but pressure. I was thinking that I have some heartburn due to all the onions in that salad. I dunno. This is all new to me. I am going to look for more rolaids
  25. gingerbug

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    Arrgghh, what does everyone do to deal with constipation? I am miserable!! I know, a little TMI, sorry!!

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