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Posts posted by RoseNewLife

  1. Rose, it helped me to realize this point: on this board there are wonderful, eloquent, helpful people (about 95 percent); then there are the biatches (about 5 percent). The sooner I stopped worrying about those 5 percent, the happier I was. Let it roll off your back. It's just an aggravation to you to worry about it.

    I used to come to this site daily just to see what "those people" posted next. My husband called them the pack of wolves. Then I started laughing about it. I just couldn't care less anymore. Now I come to rants 'n raves to have a good laugh.

    Don't let it worry you.


    Thanks Linda, that was nicely said, and you are absolutely right. I wasn't gonna post on this topic again, but I wanted to thank-you for your kind and sensible reply. Your husband's insight is funny :biggrin: My husband laughs at this too. I'm not losing sleep over it, as I've been pre-occupied by getting ready for my surgery! It's coming up soon, I'll have my date confirmed sometime this week. I'm looking forward to it! Tomorrow hubby is taking me out to dinner before I start my pre-op diet . . . one last steak dinner and a couple of margaritas, and I'm oh-so-ready to start a new life!

    Thanks again for the smile :frown: I'm looking forward to sharing more laughs & experiences with the wonderful people that are here. God Bless that 95%!

    Take care & have a great night :party:

  2. Like I said before, what people "see" and what they read is not necessarily reality. And to be quite honest, while your original post was quite eloquent, it's verges on offensive (if not outright). Like Green said, there's not been a single group that hasn't been bashed in RnR. And unfortunately, there were Christians doing a lot of the bashing. So to see a post basically talking about all the persecutions Christians supposedly face on this forum, that it's so much more than any other group, is outright offensive to those of us who belong to those other groups. And I would imagine that you basically calling what happens on this site "persecution" and actually comparing it to what Jesus Christ went through is really offensive to Green, who had parents that fled the holocaust and bombing in WWII. THAT was persecution.

    Oy, laurend that is such a mixed up response. This is so totally wrong that it's without merit. To accuse me of being offensive to other groups because I stood up for Christians is just messed up. I stepped forward in my original post and said I had respect for others and their beliefs, and was attempting to get along, without bashing. I also said in another post that it's sad any group was bashed. As you said yourself, "what people 'see' and what they read is not necessarily reality". You created offense from a post that attempted peace for everyone in this forum, regardless of their beliefs. I said in another post all people deserve to be cherished. Implying that I said I'm suffering like Jesus Christ is extremely offensive to me, but I doubt you will see that. That's outrageous. I said Jesus indeed suffered, and His followers do as well, I never said anything - not even coming close to it - suggesting that we suffer the same. Good grief. This has just degraded into making up trash that isn't there. And I'm truly sorry green's parents had to endure such tragedy and suffering, but dragging her personal life into this debate or even implying that my post is somehow more than that, is pure craziness.

    From my original post:

    " I have a dream too . . . when can we, as atheists, Christians and all others of different beliefs, agree to disagree on our spiritually, learn to respect our differences, sit down together, join hands and share conversations without insults?"

    I attempted peace, and I agree with Chelle, I wish we could better appreciate our differences, but after a very vicious post like that, perhaps it can never be.

    I'm done here.

    Peace :smile:

  3. Speaking as a Christian, honestly, you can't have really, really read the bible and then expect others to love you for preaching the truth about God's word.

    Jesus said "pick up your torture stake" to follow him, he said "you can't slave for two masters" and "lovers of the world, are enemies of God."

    He was, KILLED, for what he believed in. Christianity is not fun, fluff. In reality, there is only one way to go.... follow him because you know it's the right thing to do, all the while expecting rejection from those who chose to go against his teachings or.... gain acceptance by men.

    The bible is clear. We ALL have free will. The bible says sun shines and the rain falls on the just and the unjust.... God is impartial.... but his expectations are clear-- for those who want to follow him. BUT, we cannot force our opinions on anyone. There are going to be folks on this forum who hate the bible and organized religion and maybe they have some reason to be that way, this system of things is a nasty one to be living in. We all have pressures.

    Jesus preached the truth, but he was tactful, and never forced what he believed on anyone, and that's what we as Christians can use as our model. LET them have/post their opinions. How else would we be able to preach the word if we don't know who needs to hear it the most? As long as its not abusive, it should be allowed.

    You're preaching to the choir, my friend . . . that was the point of my original post. As you said . . . "As long as it's not abusive, it should be allowed". Precisely. I never said debating Christianity shouldn't be allowed, that was somehow twisted in here. And none of my posts are EVER forcing my beliefs onto anyone else. I don't know where you got that.

    Christ was killed, because of His love for us, to save us all from our sins. Yes He was killed for what He believed in . . . He believed in us. And again, I'm all to aware of His suffering, and the suffering of His followers. I would die before I would renounce the name of Christ. And no, I don't require anyone's approval or love if I speak the Gospel Truth.

    Peace :smile:

  4. As for this biz of jollies, well, I have to admit that you are right. The individuals who choose to frequent Rant&Raves do get their jollies through engaging in engaging in debate. Rants&Raves has been specifically created for those of us who find the notion of digging up and pawing over all those contentious issues to be both exciting and of intellectual value. Many of the discussions in which we have engaged have been entirely politically incorrect. This is why I felt that I must challenge Rose Wolf's opening post. Christians, the ultra-dominant belief group in the United States, has not been unfairly picked upon here in R&R.

    The truth is that just about every group has had a smack-down here on R&R. Maybe you, Rose, should spend some time reading the archival material in this section of LBT.

    Rant and Raves exists for those of us who are anxious to engage in debating ideas. We enjoy doing this. We enjoy swapping information and we enjoy the intellectual exercise involved when attempting to defend our own positions. You are welcome to introduce your beliefs into an argument. It is only fair, however, that your beliefs will be challenged and that you will be expected to defend your beliefs in these discussions. This is the way debate works, and if you choose to view this as a sign of Christian persecution, as something akin to what the early Christians did experience, then I say that you are making a thoughtless and possibly wicked mistake. Certainly your early martyrs were subjected to much more than the trials of open discussion of beliefs, were they? Get a grip, grrl.

    I think the idea of my original post has certainly been lost here, the post was about respecting others beliefs. I clearly said you don't have to accept my beliefs or my God, it was the insults that were wrong. I never said the issues couldn't be debated, I see you have conveniently twisted the meaning of my op to suit your own argument. And I'm all too aware that Christians have persecuted throughout the ages, and continue to be today. Christ Himself was, why should should I expect any less? I did not put up my original post in ignorance of that fact. I expected it. That doesn't mean I'm not going to stand up and speak out for what I believe in.

    If it's true that every group has had a "smack-down" here in Rants & Raves, that's a rather sad confession. I don't need to go back and read a bunch of hate. Hate does not equal intellectual debate.

    Rants & Raves exists for all of us, and debates are certainly welcome, and I do feel free to introduce my beliefs. As I said, Rant & Rave does not equal bash and flame. You seem to have missed that point. Perhaps you need to get over yourself, "grrl".

  5. What Green said.

    And that is spoken as a woman who considers herself a Christian. (Rose your opening post was eloquent!)

    Thank-you, Faithmd. :wink2: I had inspiration. I doubt most of my posts will be so eloquent, but I will try and keep things civil. I like being here and learning from others!

    Peace :Dancing_biggrin:

  6. Well, folks, I have spent the past couple of days thinking long and hard about this discussion and it strikes me that apart from the utterly abusive post which Draz posted there have been few instances where Christians have been assaulted simply because they are Christian. As you well know, there are two threads dedicated to Christians and these are never, ever broken in upon by marauding atheists, Muslims, Jews, or others. And I don't believe that any of you who make reference to your beliefs in your taglines have ever been called up on this by a sneering member of the anti-Christian jihad.

    But this is Rants&Raves and this is the zone where ideas and beliefs will be debated, will be challenged. Republicans and Demos are busily bashing each other. The pro-choice/pro-life debate has been raging on for ages now. Islam, and Muslims, have been bashed here. Homosexuals (and the issues concerning their civil rights) have been bashed here in past debates. The invasion of Iraq has prompted heated discussions. Baby Bush is routinely bashed, as is Clinton. Hell, even women and feminists have received a number of smack-downs during the discussions of Hillary's suitability as a Presidential candidate! We have even engaged in discussions as to who may call themselves Christians: it seems that some Protestant groups do not recognise Catholics or Mormons, eh, even though these are folks who worship God the Father and Christ the Son.

    Now, when a Christian choses to use their beliefs in order to reinforce their argument whilst engaging in one of these debates, then the nature of this belief system does become open to be challenged for the purposes of the argument. You cannot simply opt to take a side in a debate, then buttress your argument by simply announcing that you are a Christian, and expect that this will suffice. You yourself have opened that door, and your belief system will be challenged. You will be challenged for these discussions pivot on facts and logic and not on your faith.

    While your opening post, Rose Wolf, is prettily and glibly expressed, you have made egregious factual errors. Feminists/women, homosexuals, Muslims, and even folks of colour have been slammed here in past posts. I don't really believe that we will be able to all love each other and get along until we are prepared to get down to this business of honest debate.

    We are all inclined to indulge in a little hypocrisy, but we will never truly come to understand our brothers and our sisters without undergoing this sometimes painful intellectual and emotional exercise. Rant&Raves serves a valuable role and there are many of us who greatly value it.

    No, there have been several posts other than what Draz said, his/hers was simply a last straw, however trollish and foolish it may be. There are some people who seem to like to drag Christianity into a conversation and bash it, even if that was not the topic of the original poster, and it added nothing to the conversation. There were people in the Christian forums who were also upset by the amount of bashing, so I was not the only one who felt this way. I knew my post would probably ruffle some feathers, but it is my right to rant about what I disagree with. I did so without bashing anyone else's beliefs. And I certainly don't expect any "argument" to be simply buttressed by announcing one is a Christian, as if that were the end all to the discussion. I am well aware others believe differently. My point was to be able to express oneself without slinging insults.

    We will simply have to agree to disagree on what we believe this forum should be. I read the title of the forum to say, "Rants and Raves" NOT "bash and flame". If I'm wrong perhaps the wording should be changed. Tossing insults at one another is really not getting anyone anywhere. A healthy and heated debate is fine; I am impressed with the intelligence of conversation I have seen in the pro-choice/pro-life thread. I believe adults can have an intellectually stimulating conversation without attacking each other.

    I value this forum as well, and I've learned much from it. There are some great people here. May the debates continue.

    Peace :wink2:

  7. Rose, you initial post was beautiful and extremely well stated. I am ONLY speaking for myself in my response. I was engaged to a fundamental Christian man once. I personally was so turned off by his hatred for anyone or any group that wasn't "Christian". I am Catholic and was told that Catholics were not Christians because we prayed to idols. I have had other experiences with fundamental Christians who have repeatedly shown such hatred towards groups. I am NOT saying all Christians are like this, but sadly, it is my personal experience.

    I am a Christian, I have accepted Jesus as my Saviour and welcomed him into my heart. I am a Catholic (Italian Catholic...don't want to EVER change that), and I am a lesbian! I might not fit into anyone's box or explanation of me or who I am. I am NOT going to Hell because of who I love. I attend Mass, praise the Lord, and thank God everyday for my beautiful partner He brought into my life.

    But again, your post was so nicely done. You have a calming peace in your heart and it comes through in your writing. I am sorry you've experienced the bashing here. There are many fine people on LBT. Keep looking and good luck in your weight loss journey!


    Thank-you for your kind words Kity! I'm really sorry you had this bad experience with that man you were engaged to (or a bad experience from anyone). One thing that really irks me is when someone claims their religion/beliefs are better than someone else's. (sigh) Hate in any form has nothing to do with God. I keep peace in my heart by keeping my faith simple, a deep love for Jesus Christ (We love Him, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19), and the belief in loving others as well (And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. 1 John 4:21). I leave everything else up to God.

    You have a beautiful spirit and love for God! I agree, you shouldn't have to conform to anyone's "box" or explanation. We all are on different parts of our own personal path with Jesus. It's a journey. And you said that you were a lesbian . . . well, maybe it's a good thing you're not engaged to that man! lol :Dancing_biggrin: Look into your heart and find the one you really love.

    There are many fine people on LBT. Keep looking and good luck in your weight loss journey!


    Amen to that! There are many fine people here :wink2: It's a blessing to have found such wonderful forums for the lap-band, I have learned so much (and have quite aways to go yet!). Best of luck to you too!

    Peace :biggrin:

  8. That being said, no one should be jumping on someone just because of his/her religious beliefs (or lack thereof) in the first place. It's one thing to debate someone with respect and share ideas in order to gain a greater understanding of one another. It's quite another to be attacked and called derogatory names just because of your beliefs. That should not be acceptable behavior anywhere at any time. Hopefully, everyone can agree with that!

    *Applause* Transformer! You summed it all up so nicely, thank-you! :wink2:

  9. Rosewolf,

    BRAVO!!! Very well said. I loved your post. The 'I Have a Dream' part was wonderful.

    Thank you Cherea, and to everyone else who left such kind words. But I don't take credit for it - "To God be the Glory". I somehow felt inspired last night to make a stand against Christan insults, however subtle (or overt) they may be.

    It will be nice to have a Christian forum, where we can go and pray together, and freely share experiences without worry. But I think we should also be able to go anywhere in this entire lap-band forum (even here in rants and raves!), without all the bashing. My whole point is that we should be able to rise above our different beliefs, and try to get along. There are some very nice non-believers here too! No one will ever get me to change my love for Jesus Christ - and I'm not here to try and change anyone else.

    And yes, you're right Cherea - we should continue to support and encourage each other, and pray for those who come against us. That's the Christian way - to be gentle and loving to all people. Yes, there are people who often fall short of that ideal - for we are sinners like any one else, not saints. When I fall short, I believe God picks me up and puts me back on the right track.

    Onward, Christian Sister and Soldier!

    Peace. :rolleyes2:

  10. I have been surprised at the amount of 'Christan bashing' I have seen, some more subtle than others. I think what irks me more than the morons like, well you know who, are those non-believers who swear they know the Bible better than any Christian. You can read the words, or you can understand and accept the words. There is a grand difference, and I will never tell an atheist that they are wrong in their beliefs. OR that I know more than they do about their own beliefs. Faith is unique in this world. I, for one, am very comfortable in my own faith. Just don't condescend to those who see life differently. It's ok. We were made the same. We do have free will.

    And one thing about free will.... People mock that and say if there were truly a God then he would prevent all the bad things in the world. When that happens humanity is gone. Free will, mistakes, risks, faith, love, hatred....so many different attributes have shaped humanity. As parents we may know when our children will make mistakes, and yet we don't lock them in the home. We allow them to spread their wings and learn. I am glad we have had the opportunity to learn and grow as people. And I am exceptionally happy that we are unique and different as people. So much to learn through life, and I appreciate each lesson.

    And for the most part, I appreciate all those who can defend their views without trashing others.

    Just beautifully written Chelle. You have a talent of writing that fills me with peace. What you wrote about free will and bad things happening is so true. I have a son with autism, and for a long time I struggled with the "why me" attitude. Once I let go of that, I was able to truly see my son in a whole new way. As humans, we may see nothing but a child with a disability. But in God's eyes, he is perfect. My son has taught me so much about life and accepting others just as they are. He still continues to amaze me with his talents and simple beauty every day. I am blessed.

    Each of us, with our different beliefs, is like a flower in a field. There's not one type of flower growing there, but many. How boring would it be if there were only flower, one color in the world? I think the same is true with people. Each of us is a different flower, and each of us brings something into the world. Each of us deserves to be cherished.

    Peace :tongue:

  11. I've been around quite awhile, and there's enough people here that are anti-Christian that I have chosen to stay mostly out of those discussions, because MY personal faith is not up for discussion, and I won't have someone bashing my faith. I can defend it if I choose, but for me, this forum isn't the place for that.

    Rose, thank you. Your post was very eloquent and well said.

    You are welcome Travelgirl, and thank-you for your very kind words. You shouldn't have to stay out of any discussion because of your faith, or for worry of someone bashing you. It's wrong.

    Peace :tongue:

  12. Maybe I have just been oblivious to what you are referring to. :tongue:

    Perhaps, Pippinje. That thread you mentioned just happens to be the worst, and should be removed, I agree with you there. But there have been plenty of other threads/posts, and I'm not the only Christian who has felt this way. I just happen to be more vocal, lol. It's why I admire Martin Luther King Jr., he stood up for what he believed in.

    Peace :smile:

  13. I have a dream . . .

    If I were to come to these forums as a black person, and someone called me a n!gger, there would be outrage.

    If I were to come to these forums as a homosexual, and someone called me a faggot, there would be outrage.

    If I were to come to these forums as an overweight individual, and someone called me a fat lazy slob, there would be outrage.

    If I were to come to these forums as Hispanic, and someone called me a "spic", there would be outrage.

    If I were to come to these forums as a Native American, and you called me a redskin, there would be outrage.

    If I were to come to these forums as a woman, and someone said I was worth less then a man, there would be outrage.

    But if I come to these forums and say that I am Christian, it's open season on me to bash, criticize, and otherwise act as if I were a lesser individual, a person without feelings, someone not worthy to be treated with any respect.

    In my short time here on these forums, and I'm not even banded yet, I have seen people bash Christianity like I've never seen it anywhere before. (And I've been in nursing for over 20 years, and on the internet since it started, so I'm no new kid on the block.) You've called us wacky, you say our ideas are rubbish, you tore apart the reasons for Christmas, you mock the Bible, you mock our belief in God as nothing but a crutch, and you do all of this under the guise of "stimulating conversation".

    In many ways, Jesus Christ is still being crucified. Not this time with a cross and nails, but with cruel, thoughtless words and deliberate intent to harm the beliefs of others.

    Christians have been treated here, as if there were not PEOPLE behind the keyboards. But they are - hello everyone, we are people with as much intelligence and feelings as you yourselves claim to have.

    This is a free country. You have the right to be atheist, agnostic, whatever . . . and I have the right to be a Christian. You don't have to accept my beliefs, you don't have to accept my God, you don't have to accept any aspect of Christianity. You don't want me to insult you for your beliefs, and all I ask is that you do the same - we are all here with a common goal, to lose weight with a device called a lap-band. Why can we NOT treat one another with some respect?

    Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. He had a dream. A great American man with a dream, someone I deeply admire:

    " . . . I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal . . ."

    " . . . I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character . . ."

    " . . . I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers . . ."

    " . . .And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

    Free at last! Free at last!

    Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

    I have a dream too . . . when can we, as atheists, Christians and all others of different beliefs, agree to disagree on our spiritually, learn to respect our differences, sit down together, join hands and share conversations without insults?

    I shall step forward and be the first . . . I accept all of you as you are, I respect you as individuals with different beliefs.

    Now can you please accept me as I am - just a another overweight individual seeking release from this prison of obesity, who happens to believe in Jesus Christ? I am not better than you. Nor are you better than me. The dream is to see each other and treat each other with respect. Isn't there enough stress and strain in this confusing and often angry world of ours?

    I have a dream . . . Thank-you Mr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for your brave words and inspiration. You have my love and deepest respect. I know God holds you close.

  14. Hi, everybody! I just wanted to poke my head in and say hi, and let you all know that I just submitted a suggestion to Alex for a new sub forum for Christian bandsters. If you'd like to weigh in, go here:


    Hi Travelgirl,

    I just asked Alex for this last night myself . . . I also am tired of the bashing that goes on in other forums. It would be nice to have our own place to go and freely talk. Alex responded that he would be happy to do it (I also asked for other special groups as well - as Christians we follow the teachings of our Lord and Savior, and love everyone, regardless).

    Here's my other post in this forum:


    Let's hope we see our new forum soon!

    May God bless and be with you!

  15. Hello Everyone! :( This was my original post with a request to Alex in the Suggestions forum:


    Originally Posted by RoseWolf viewpost.gif

    Hello Alex!

    I love all the new changes you have done with the forums! Thank-you for everything. I just have one request . . . can you please make a forum for special interest groups? I see in the "general support" forums there are a lot of LONG threads for people with alike interests . . . there are threads for Christian bandsters, Single bandsters, Gay/Lesbian bandsters, etc. I see a new forum for pregnancy and the lap-band . . . is it possible to make a forum that can contain all these special interest groups? We really need a new Christian bandsters forum, as the current thread is over 30 pages long. We need to be able to make more than one thread! :)

    So - can you create a Special Interests Group Forum please? (Or whatever you would like to name it!)

    Thanks so much Alex!

    And his kind reply:

    Great idea! Can you work together with members of LBT and put together a complete list of special interest groups (with their descriptions) please ? I'd be more than happy to create a forum for each. __________________


    So what does everyone think? So far I have:

    1. Christian Bandsters

    2. Single Bandsters

    3. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    What other special groups would you like to see made into a forum? Please post so we can share our thoughts with Alex! Although I think the titles are descriptive themselves, if anyone can think of further descriptions of the above groups, your input is welcome!

    Thanks all! :girl_hug:

  16. Hello Alex!

    I love all the new changes you have done with the forums! Thank-you for everything. I just have one request . . . can you please make a forum for special interest groups? I see in the "general support" forums there are a lot of LONG threads for people with alike interests . . . there are threads for Christian bandsters, Single bandsters, Gay/Lesbian bandsters, etc. I see a new forum for pregnancy and the lap-band . . . is it possible to make a forum that can contain all these special interest groups? We really need a new Christian bandsters forum, as the current thread is over 30 pages long. We need to be able to make more than one thread! :girl_hug:

    So - can you create a Special Interests Group Forum please? (Or whatever you would like to name it!)

    Thanks so much Alex!

  17. Hi Rose,

    Did you get a surgery date yet? Good luck! Let me know when your surgery is, so I can keep you in my prayers. The Lap-Band is wonderful. You'll be happy you did it. I'm getting my second fill tomorrow in PH. I had to cancel my last appointment because of car trouble. I'm ready for a fill and to start having greater losses again. It's been slow this last month.

    Hi Marilyn!

    You're so sweet, thanks for keeping me in your prayers, I really appreciate it! Things have been much slower than I had hoped for, but I'm still toughing it out and hanging in there! I had hoped for a January surgery date, but since I changed doctors of course, I did have to see a few new ones at Beaumont hospital's Health Center. I saw the dietitian, who went over my current eating patterns, and gave me the information for my pre-op diet. Then I saw a weight loss doctor just yesterday at Beaumont's Weight Lost Center . . . she'll be working with me, watching my health during my weight loss. I am LOVING all of Beaumont hospital's help . . . the weight lost center is fabulous . . . I can get help with nutrition (and they have free classes) exercise (I will also be seeing an exercise physiologist), support groups, counseling (if one needs it) . . . just awesome. It's not all just the lap-band of course, they help all kinds of people with weight loss . . . people just wanting to be on a program, the gastric bypass, diabetics, etc. It's a great place. I know for myself that I'll want lots of help with diet, nutrition, and exercise after the lap-band procedure is done . . . so this is working out great for me. I'm kinda glad I switched from Dr. Deol. For $800, all she offered was a monthly support group, and it was required. At this place, I paid $600 (NOT required, but highly recommended) - and I get life-time help with diet, nutrition, exercise, support group, and counseling (if I want it). Good stuff, all the way.

    Ok . . . I'm sorry if this got long, and too much info! I'm really rather excited. As for my surgery date, it looks like I'm gonna be a February lap-bander instead of January, but it's ok, I'm still moving forward at my own pace. I had my last doctor visit yesterday, they drew some lab work, and once they get those results, I can set up a surgery day with Dr. Krause! So, hopefully in the next week or so I'll know . . . I'll be sure to post here when I do . . . please keep me in your prayers that it happens soon! Thanks so much!

    I hope you are enjoying the Port Huron doctors! I hear so much good from there too! :( Did you get your fill? I'll keep you in my prayers as well, keep in touch and let me know how you are doing!

    Big Hugs!

  18. Hello msschaffer66,

    My insurance is also BCBS PPO, and it is covering my lap-band surgery. My General Practitioner had to fill out a form stating I had 2 conditions relating to my obesity (I have high blood pressure, and also bad knees) plus sign that she has documented other attempts at weight loss by me (weight loss attempts that failed - like weight watchers, etc.). My doctor was happy to help me in all of this. BCBS then covered the lap-band procedure.

    Good Luck! I hope everything works out for you, please keep in touch and let me know how you do!

  19. Lisa99, I just wanted to say I really like your pictures! You and your husband are a lovely couple, and it sounds like you are doing great! I envy you that you have someone to share your journey like that . . . my husband is one of those men who's body has never seen a fat cell. Arrggg! He can eat anything, and he's 6 feet tall and 165 pounds. At age 44, he still has some of his college sweatshirts he uses for yardwork! Life's just not fair, yanno????? LOL I've always had to battle my weight. But my hubby is sweet and he's being very supportive - he says whatever decision I make, he'll support me all the way. I really can't complain, I'm blessed to be with him!

    Your mountain biking looks great . . . I used to do so much of that. I think once I'm recovered from my surgery, hubby and I will Celebrate and buy two new mountain bikes! Thanks for the inspiration !:eek::girl_hug:

  20. Hello all! A new group, very exciting! I just wanted to snuggle in this forum and meet my fellow forty lap-banders! :)

    I'm Rose, 43 years old, I've been married for 16 years to my wonderful hubby, and I have one beautiful son (he is 11 years old), and 3 furbaby kitties. I'm new (well sorta - not banded yet) and I'm getting anxious to get my lap-band! I've started this journey back in May of 2007, with all the doctor visits and pre-op tests. I would have been banded last Fall, but my lap-band surgeon moved to another city and state! :faint:Ouch! But I have a new lap-band surgeon that I'm very happy with, it just took more time and searching, but it was worth it! I have two more pre-op visits to do before I can get a surgery date . . . my new dietitian this Thursday, and the weight-loss center doctor next Monday (Jan 14th). After those are done, I'm hoping to get a surgery date, and start the pre-op diet!!!!! It's been a long haul, but I think it's all for the good, I've learned so much in these past months. Everyone has been so inspiring here, I'm hoping to lose 100 pounds like some of you! :whoo:

    It probably sounds funny, but I just can't wait to add a ticker to my signature, and start it ticking down! :eek:

    Glad to be here! I'm both nervous and excited about the surgery . . . just tapping my toes waiting to get my new life started.

    I wish everyone a very Happy & Healthy New Year!

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