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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Divadee35

  1. Divadee35

    Just got the call

    Wonderful, I go next Wednesday May 7, I'm getting scared as well! God has us and all will be well!
  2. I'm so happy you discovered that, I can't wait to be on the looser bench with you!
  3. Wow, totally amazing! I'm so nervous!
  4. Divadee35

    I'm freakin out! Please help! ASAP!

    It will work out, I suffer from high blood pressure and I had to get cardiovascular clearance, and I had to wear the c pap machine! My surgery is next week.
  5. Divadee35

    Any May 2014 sleevers?

    I'm May 7 as well, and I've already gave fair warning on my grumpiness! No sugars no carbs, just a woman b on a mission, I told my daughter to steer clear!
  6. Divadee35

    Suggestions for traveling

    Eat the fruit and soup! Oh and the eggs, they usually have sugar free deserts on board as well! Take your water too!
  7. Sorry about that, it sounds like gas!
  8. Divadee35

    May 2014 Sleevers

    Wonderful you're taking control now! Good luck sweetie..
  9. Divadee35

    May 2014 Sleevers

    Well welcome to forum! It's a great forum!
  10. Divadee35

    Today is the day

    Good luck to you!
  11. Divadee35

    May 2014 Sleevers

    Good morning all! What I've come to realize is no one understands our struggle, or how we feel on the inside! This move is our last resort on being a healthier and better you! Family, friends and co-workers are going to talk regardless! I don't mind telling them my procedure because I feel like I'm beating them to the punch! People can be so cruel and before you judge me, I don't mind you knowing the truth! You're not going to put me in the category of being on drugs or anything else because my weight has dropped rapidly! I already know this is not going to be easy and when we put in the extra effort to achieve the goals of this journey those are going to be the same ones telling us we look good! So don't worry about what people say, worry about how you feel, and how your going to look for you! May sleevers are live and in full effect!
  12. Divadee35

    100 lbs gone!

  13. Divadee35

    Updates with pictures

    You did that honey, my surgery is May 7, and I'm so nervous! You are so inspiring..and I truly can't wait!
  14. Divadee35

    I Got My Date....May 27th

    Im May 7 too Divadee i think im more nervous than you. Im freaking out. Nervous, excited, and most of all scared to wake up in the middle of surgery lol. I know im crazy but never been knocked out before. I'm so ready" I've been having food funerals! Do you have to do anything before the 2 days! I'm suppose to stop eating breads and potatoes, I've been so bad!
  15. Divadee35

    I Got My Date....May 27th

    Congrats to you both! My surgery date is May 7th, I'm excited and nervous at the same time!
  16. Thank u for sharing a wonderful success story!
  17. Divadee35


  18. Divadee35


    From the album: Divadee35

  19. Divadee35


    From the album: Divadee35

  20. Divadee35


    From the album: Divadee35

  21. Divadee35

    Its time to make a change!

    @@law001 don't feel bad I'm trying but it's hard! I'm excited for the sleeve because it will stop everything cold turkey for me!
  22. Hello there, I have my date and it's set for May 7th, and I'm getting scared as heck! I've been doing food funerals! I'm excited and watching the procedure on you tube, I'm ready for the change! Man I'm really getting nervous...though!
  23. I've been bad about the diet! My doctor told me to eat a lot of protein, I've been doing the opposite!
  24. Divadee35

    May 2014 Sleevers

    Hello there, I have my date and it's set for May 7th, and I'm getting scared as heck! I've been doing food funerals! I'm excited and darter watching the procedure, ghost watching everyone..I'm ready for the change!

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