DANNA - today I"m physically doing better, but emotionally very bruised...Last night all the emotion came to the surface and the realization that I did all this work and had surgery for nothing...I know all the rhetoric BS of this too shall make me stronger and it happened for a reason, but all I wanted to do was cry and cry I did....
Today I slept in late and woke up thinking..There's a book in this whole story. If I can drop 100pounds in a year I think there's an inspirtational story to be told...Oprah loves that stuff, so why not make my next goal to get on the Oprah show with my story....So, emotionally I'm better today trying to sort out how I feel about the journey I took and the journey ahead of me now. I'm still doing liquids, just because I can't wrap myself around starting real food yet. If I do I'm afraid I will resort to old behaviors....Plus I have 6 big canisters of unjury I purchased.
and how are you doing?