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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tiredmama

  1. tiredmama

    How Long will this go on?!?

    I am 3.5 months out and my hair is falling out big time. It us such a bummer. I take 5,000mcg of biotin a day- I may try going up to 10,000.
  2. tiredmama

    Halloween challenge

    196 today.
  3. Do you know what the inseam is?
  4. I started out wearing size 22x pants (tightly) and am down 41 pounds and wearing size 18x pants (comfortably.) at this point my goal for clothing is just to be solidly out of the plus sizes.
  5. I was sleeved June 30. I have lost 27 pounds since surgery. Physically I feel good but it has definitely gotten harder for me because I seem to have a sleeve of steel and everything goes down super easily. Still trying to find my way- I do not want to return to eating junk...
  6. tiredmama

    Halloween challenge

    201 for me today.
  7. tiredmama

    June 30th Surgery Date

    10 weeks tomorrow! My progress is slower than I would like but I am trying to keep my spirits up and trust the process. Here are some photos from the day before surgery and now. [ATTACH]47858[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]47858[/ATTACH] Sorry the attachments are messed up- I don't know how to fix it!
  8. tiredmama

    Halloween challenge

    is it too late to join? if not, please count me in. Starting weight is 203. Goal by Halloween is 193.
  9. tiredmama

    June 30th Surgery Date

    Hi everybody! Happy two month anniversary!
  10. tiredmama

    ONE-derland finally reached!

    Congratulations!!! I am hoping to get there fairly soon too!
  11. tiredmama

    easy protein mashed potatoes

    Prepare instant mashed potatoes as directed on package, substituting milk for water. Dissolve unflavored protein powder (I like unjury) in milk- add mixture to the mashed potatoes to thin them. For flavor, add a little garlic salt, fresh ground black pepper, and a dash of spicy mustard.
  12. tiredmama

    You know you lost weight when

    Your shoes feel too loose.
  13. tiredmama

    Rockin Refuel

    I love it too- I buy the "lean builder" variety, which has 150 calories and 20 grams of protein.
  14. It also depends how you calculate "excess weight"- my surgeon's office listed my "ideal weight" as 122 pounds but immediately told me they don't want or expect me to actually lose that much. The lowest weight I was ever at as an adult was 134 pounds at age 19 and that was 20 years ago so it is unrealistic that I would ever be less than 145 or so.
  15. I was under the impression that intolerance for sugar was very common for sleeve patients. I've been having a really stressful week and I slipped into old bad habits and turned to junky sugary foods- first a caramel, then (the next day) a cookie, and then (today) a peppermint patty- and my sleeve didn't mind one bit! To be honest, this scared me quite a bit. I guess avoiding sugar is going to be about sheer willpower. Anyone else have this issue?
  16. Almost everyone in my family- on both sides- either has a serious weight problem or constantly diets to avoid becoming very overweight. I was told as a child that we were missing the part of our brain that would tell us to stop eating. I spent most of my childhood in fear that I would eat so much that I would literally explode and die. I learned not to trust myself or my body. At the same time, I found eating, especially forbidden foods, very pleasurable and turned to food whenever I felt sad or overwhelmed or anxious to numb my feelings. I have a long history of yo yo dieting and have gained and lost and regained 100s of pounds over the past 20 years. I chose to get sleeved in the hope that this tool would help me discover a healthier, more moderate relationship with food and eating and would enable me to break out of the constant yo yo cycle.
  17. tiredmama

    June 30th Sleeve Surgery date

    Typical day for me: Breakfast: 1/2 Protein shake or Quest bar Morning snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese Lunch: 100 calorie yogurt Afternoon snack: 1/2 Protein Shake Dinner: 1/4 cup of tuna salad Evening snack: sugarfree popsicle Portion size varies for me- I usually dish out 1/2 cup per meal but usually cant finish it, especially if it's a thicker texture. I am trying to cut down on snacking because my doc and nutritionist advise not eating more than 5 times a day but so far I can't eat enough to hold me for much more than 2 hours.
  18. My son came down with a nasty virus over the weekend- high fever, body aches, chills, lethargy, mild sore throat. Apparently it's going around his day camp. Now I came down with it- identical symptoms. This may be a silly question but is there any reason why it would be unsafe for me to have a fever 5 weeks after surgery? I'm running 102.5 when my Tylenol runs out- Tylenol brings it down to about 100.2. I don't have any appetite but I am drinking water and eating jello.
  19. Decided to call my surgeon's office. Nurse was super nice and said not to worry that I can't get protein in while I still have a fever and just to focus on hydration and keep taking Tylenol until my fever is gone. Big relief!
  20. My son came down with a nasty virus over the weekend- high fever, body aches, chills, lethargy, mild sore throat. Apparently it's going around his day camp. Now I came down with it- identical symptoms. This may be a silly question but is there any reason why it would be unsafe for me to have a fever 5 weeks after surgery? I'm running 102.5 when my Tylenol runs out- Tylenol brings it down to about 100.2. I don't have any appetite but I am drinking water and eating jello.
  21. tiredmama

    Ditching the protein shakes

    My surgeon wants me to get 80 grams of protein a day using no more than 1 shake. Plus not supposed to eat more than 5 times a day total with only sugarfree liquids in between. No meal should be more than 1/2 cup of food total. It's almost impossible. I eat lots of Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, fish but don't usually get more than 65 grams of protein per day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
