LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by zoey
Can anyone here give me any advice on this DR and hospital I am so looking for a positive input on getting this done i really Want this I am sick to death of diets and starving with it all to come back with more pounds to boot. If i had all the money back i have spent on all these miracle pills i could probable pay for a couple of surgerys. I think back to when i first started dieting I weight 150# what a nut i was lol id kill for 150 now hahahaah... please help me you can email me at ramona_75684@hotmail.com
I( am kinda new here made a few post I am also in dallas area frequently because my granchildren are in forney I think it would be fun to meet ppl going thru this at the same time any ppl using Dr Lopez? DAte 5/12/05 Surgeon DR Lopez I'll figure out how to get my signature and ticker some day
WOW Look at all thwe may bandsters falling in to place i will be thining about you all these next few days with good thoughts flowing thru the air lol lwet us know as soon as you can get access to PC keep on smiling beccause your surgery dats is the first day of the rest of your new life Ramona
Hello I was trying to put my name in the may bandsters and dont seem to be able to find the post. I will be in TJ on thwe 10th surgery on the 11th surgeon is Dr Lopez bandit if you are going to be there at that time maybe we will all run into each other what hotel will you be at? I think it is Lucerna hotel.. does anyone here lknow what pain med DR Lopez sends you home with? I have heard it is a liquid but not a name any info woulod be appreciated.. I am so sorry to hear about the trouble some of the april bandste4rs have had I'll keep you in my prayers Ramona DR Lopez MAy 12
I have my surgery date it is 5/11 anyone going to be in TJ then? I am glad to see this thread also. I do have a ? there seems to be a difference in the fill size of the bands what determines which size is best? Hope To see ya there
Hello I have been researching on heere and it looks as thoughi am stuck going to MX i am a self pay and I will be using DR Lopez Some ppl dont care for him and then you see ppl who have used him and loved him so at this point i know a guy who lives close to me here and he used lopez and is doing great so ill be getting banded on may 11 I am not sure who he uses for his fill i do need to find that out and i am in east texas kilgore to be exact and he is in marshal ill try to keep you [posted when i get info Ramon
Has anyone heard of a Dr in Louisiana named james Shamblin? supposed to help you with ins approval and info appreciated thanks
yEA i HAVE IT ALL SET UP to be banded in MX on MAY 11th by Dr Lopez do now i have just a few questions if anyone can help me I see ppl tal;king about the cc that there band holds what is the deciding factory on that size? Where can I go look at a guide for pre and post op diets? I feel like there is so much more i need to know about here. When you have to take pills do you crush them? any web site that tells about the best Vitamins for us to take? hmm I guess that is all for now lmao . sorry i am a bit excited tonight thanks for all the info that you ahve already given me and im sure will have more answers and more questions if you all get tired of me just tell me to hush for a bit lmoa thanks Ramona
well i am due to be banded on may 11th and i have been doing alot of research on this surgery and the dr's but i still do not have a real handle on the allowed foods and all the pre and post op diets and advice on where i can find this info?
Is There A Chat Room For Lap Band Talk ? When I Quit Smoking I Had A Chat Room To Go To And It Really Got Me Thru Some Really Hard Times If There Isnt One Maybe We Can Start One And Ideals? Ramona
I will be getting banded on may 11 in MX yeaaaa it was going to be the 13th but there was just something not quit right about going to mx the get surgery on fri the 13th lol wish me luck! Thanks Ramona
HEllo Lisa I cant speak for anyone else here but my BMI is 38 and i was told that no way would my ins. [pay for it i have BC BS Tx and they have it is wrighting no weight loss cover so i will have to self pay i guess ill make that final decission tomorrow i am also a nurse , yo yo dieter, lost 30 with atkins put 40 back on went to md yesterday for an infection in my finger and found out i could add another 9# to that arughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Good Luck Ramona
Hello I was just on the phone withDR alessandrini so am also curious about any feed back on this hospital / DR Thanks Ramona
Ok I have been all over the internet for the last few days and now after seeing all the before and after pics i am ready to do this for sure although I might not have any support here so ill be looking to all you wonderful ppl on here for pick me ups when i am trying to die from god only know what lol please help me with finding a MX doctor. I will be traveling alone it seems unless i can find someone on here and maybe book a date at the same time after looking around i am not sure about ortiz or lopez and advice? Thanks
Hello I Am In Kilgore And I Ahve Been Looking All Over These Forums And I Am Going To Try And Get Mine In May Or June Ill Also Be Going To Mx Due To No Ins Can You Tell Me Who You Will Be Using? And Has Anyone Found A Dr Who Would Do Follow Ups On A Mx Banded Pts. ? Thanks Ramonas
I am just starting out on this journey and i am so excited to have found you all so I am in East tx. any ideals on follow up DR for Mx banded pts.? Trying to get all ducks ina row
I have bc bs tx but i dont seem to be able to find out if it covers this it is a ppo select i am new to all of this and trying to figure out if i need to just go to Mexico or try to get it taken care of here and advise would be greatly appreciated Thabk You