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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pjhgirl

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/16/1971

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 35 years old. I had my band installed on 07/30/07. I weighed 276.8 lbs ath the time.
  • Interests
    I love woodworking with my husband.
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  1. Hi Anna,


    Sorry for the delay, I just got this message today. I'm still working on figuring out all the new features since they updated the site.

    I started at 274 in September 2007, size 22/24.

    Went on Weight Watchers for pre-op diet, lost about 10 pounds, down to 264 (recorded pre-op weight)

    Then a week before my surgery date, I got the stomach flu and lost 8 pounds in a week, down to 256.

    I had surgery on 10/25/07.


    I currently weight 201.4, size 16

    73 pounds lost since Pre-op diet

    54 pounds since surgery

    So it looks like i'm losing an average of 9 pounds per month since surgery. However, the entire month of Feb I was stuck at 221.


    I'm doing pretty well so far I think. Just trying to keep portions to about 1/2 cup or so and cut back on the SF deserts.


    How are you doing?


    Thanks for dropping me a line. :)



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