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Everything posted by NapaPaul

  1. NapaPaul

    Approved And Got My Date!

    You were right on. I just returned from the hospital today and everything went well. Funny thing is that the difficult part was not the surgery, but for me it was the hospital protocol (waking you up at all hour, having to keep on top of them to be released, etc. The pain meds take away any real discomfort. On the scale of 1 to 10, I really didn't get over a four. I'm really excited that my blood sugar has dropped so much already that it looks like I won't have to continue with insulin.
  2. NapaPaul

    Approved And Got My Date!

    Hi imgood hope all is going well for you now. I have two days to go and I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't nervous. I've always been a big baby when it comes to pain so thank goodness for pain meds. How are you after your surgery? I live in California (Napa Valley) but I'll bet Florida is a lot warmer right now. Lucky you.
  3. NapaPaul

    Bmi 35 - Any Business Getting Surgery?

    I just noticed 'family guy' was scheduled for surgery today. I'm sure all went well and I'll be thinking of you for the next few days. My surgery is this Thursday and I'm frankly on the plus side of nervous. However I have great confidence in my Doc (Dr Greg Jossart) and I've also heard good things about the Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose. Keep us in touch 'family guy' and let's us know how you're doing.
  4. NapaPaul

    Northern California Sleevers?

    I know what you mean about waiting. I have a $5,000 deductible so after spending $4,000 on the colonoscopy, I was really wanting to get it done this year. Otherwise I would have had to start over again in 2014. That being said, my insurance company (Blue Cross) didn't argue a bit. I think it's because they're spending so much on medications related to my diabetes and other related health issues. As long as we're committed to sticking to our diets I think the insurance companies will benefit in the long run. By the way, I love your screen name...I'm sure you WILL be fit n fab in 2014! I'll keep watching for your posts. I'm a bit of a nervous wreck right now, I guess that's to be expected three days before surgery.
  5. NapaPaul

    Bmi 35 - Any Business Getting Surgery?

    I am scheduled for gastric sleeve surgery Thursday Dec 12th. I'm 'only' 55-60 pounds overweight and the number has just been increasing no matter what I've done with diet, etc etc. My diabetes is out of control, I have peripheral neuropathy, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, asthma, so much it's tough to keep track of. This surgery is for my health, the weight loss will be a side benefit. Once I was diagnosed with diabetes and neuropathy, the medications and additional ailments have continued to escalate. I actually had to 'gain' 3 lbs to reach the proper BMI. Yet looking at my pictures I am grossly obese and have the same kinds of feelings that someone weighs 100 lbs more than I. We're in this together, yet our reasons are individual. I can't listen to what other people are telling me I should or shouldn't be doing. I'll look forward to see how you're doing in the weeks and months to come.
  6. NapaPaul

    Northern California Sleevers?

    I don't live in the East Bay, but in Napa. I will have my sleeve surgery next Thursday, on December 12th. Needless to say, I'm anxious. I've never been in a hospital (except at birth). I'm diabetic and my blood sugar has been high even with insulin, Metformin and food control. My Doctor isn't real happy about this. The surgery is next week Thursday December 12th. I'm doing two protein drinks a day and then a small meal of chicken/fish with carbs from vegetable/fruit. It's the sweets I cave in for...I've cleaned out most of the fridge and will finish getting rid of the rest tomorrow. I believe in the power of prayer, so I've got good thoughts & prayers going out to everyone who's surgery has happened or is coming up in Dec.
  7. NapaPaul

    Approved And Got My Date!

    Rah for you. That's exciting. Mine's Dec 12 so swell probably be passing each other. I consider this a Christmas present, a chance for good Heath and some fun trying on those old clothes. Keep us posted on your progress as you go and wuezmm
  8. I'm looking forward to the stage that LilBootch is talking about. Preparing for surgery I still get to eat some of this I won't be able to in a couple weeks. That last week before surgery will mostly be liquids. Then I'm pretty much on protein drinks a day (with sugar-&free Popsicles for variety) for day 1 after surgery to day 14. From the 15-30th I understand I'll be able to eat soft foods and expand the variety a little. I'll be looking for some 'step it up a notch' ideas from my nutritionalist to take away some boredom of the same two flavored of protein drinks. Anything you 'lomg-termers' have picked up will help us newbies through the first couple weeks.
  9. NapaPaul

    Need To Lose 30Lbs Pre-Op

    My Doc said I should have a hi protein drink for breakfast and lunch and the a reasonable dinner (I.e. Chicken or fish size of pack of cards; vegetables and maybe a SMALL amount of carb like 1/4 to 1/2 cup rice. Urging sat 10 pm and beyond are the worst. I'm trying lower impact stuff for then: popcorn, (1 cup) or dried apples (their good and have a 'crunch' to them which I like.
  10. NapaPaul

    Goal Weight

    PS: I forgot to mention that my starting weight was 229-230. I'm down to 220 per surgery,but I need to low a few meow pounds before Dec 12th.
  11. NapaPaul

    Goal Weight

    I was told of using the recommended BMI for height,etc., but I picked my goal weight by remembering when I last felt healthy, wasn't embarrassed to have my picture taken and enjoyed buying new clothes. My GP asked me how much I weighed at age 18. I don't know if he was suggesting this as a possible goal, but I weighed about 155 at that age and was 2 1/2 inches taller (yes, I've really shrunk down over the years). My goal weight is 165. And I know when I get down in that range I'll just know what weight feels right and feels healthy. Like you, my major personal reasons for the operation were health oriented. I'm type 2 diabetic, with neuropathy. I have sleep apnea, and related chronic sleep issues. I have asthma and difficulty breathing easily. Oh did I mention high blood pressure & cholesterol? As the list has grown, my determination to do the gastric sleeve has strengthened. I've fought weight for 30+ years but was always able to take it off without too much difficulty. Once the diabetes and neuropathy developed, the medications I began taken absolutely increased my weight (rapidly) and made it more difficult to loose the pounds. I've attended two group meetings so far and heard of the health miracles for so many of the people. No (or limited) insulin, reduced pain from the Neuropathy, sleep apnea gone (oh what a joy that would be), cholesterol levels down, blood pressure lowered, and more. People are talking about miracle after miracle. Now in reality not everyone achieved these this easily and/or quickly. Some said certain issues never cleared up (I been told that's often the case for Neuropathy)" yet I'm totally hopeful and know these possibilities can have for both of use as well as many more. Good luck with your path. I'm set for surgery Dec 12th. And consider it a special Christmas present for 2013. Although I'm sure you'll hear me gripping and mourning the things I can't eat for awhile, that's why I'll really need the support and encourage from people on the same path.
  12. Regretfully I don't have any experience with what you're describing, but I have a couple of people I know who we're dealing with chronic conditions. In both cases they ultimately found the answer. Just because the medical team you've been seeing doesn't have an answer doesn't mean an answer isn't out there somewhere. I encourage you to keep looking for the answer on the internet and in the medical community. Keep up your courage and good attitude.
  13. Thanks so much for the words of encouragement.
  14. Have to admit I'm anxious about my upcoming surgery and new lifestyle. I can't imagine not having solid foods for 15 days and then soft food for the next 15. The day I had my colonoscopy I had such a headache from just doing liquids for a day. I suppose this period will help me face my eating issues head-on. I've been clean and sober for 29 years so I'm hoping many of the tools I learned will help me again. Each new challenge seems bigger than the last, but if I can quit drinking and smoking, I can do this too! The main thing I learned in the past recoveries was that I'm not doing it alone. Support is everything.
  15. NapaPaul

    Dropped 3 pants size in 2 months

    Going from a 44 to 38 waist size sounds unbelievable and so fantastic. Congratulations. I have my surgery next month (Dec 14th) so I'm hoping that in the next few months I'll be receiving some of the perks you talk about. Focusing on the things I can DO was much more valuable than the things I CAN'T DO (YET!!!) once again congrats on your success.

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