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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About kchula99

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  1. kchula99

    Mixed Emotions

    Thank you Southern Soul. Hubby did great and only stayed one night in the hospital. I bombard him with questions on..how does this feel and that feel.. He is supportive and assures me that I can do this.... I guess that's all I need.
  2. I am here sitting in my husband's hospital room listening to him snore...... He was the first one of us to crossover to the losers bench this morning. I am feeling blessed that all went smoothly. His only complaint is pain (which he rated a 6, out of a 10) and slight nausea. I am so proud of him taking the lead. My surgery is on the 27th and I find myself being scared now....I can't explain the feeling. It's like ish just got real! One minute I'm excited the other I'm scared.. I guess it's part of the journey!
  3. kchula99

    Cant Sleep!

    Sending positive vibes your way!!!!
  4. kchula99

    Pre-Surgery Sob Session With The Old Clothes

    *Taps microphone* Hello all, I am kchula and I too am an ass clown!!... LOL...KittyChick I relate with not wanting to look at my reflection in the window as I walk into work. I criticize my walk on a daily basis.. as I find it non-sexy and frumpy (I even feel that way about my clothes).. but NO MORE come 12/27!! I have vowed to violate the HR dress code at my job at least once a month... LOL.. I cant wait to get my sexy walk back again... Best of luck.
  5. Thank you LuminousLife for your frequent updates... I get sleeved on 12/27 and my husband on 12/11..so all of this truly helps. I am sending positive vibes your way and look forward to following you on your journey.
  6. kchula99

    Oh Em Gee! Squeeeeeeek!

    Hilarious... and made my day!!! My surgery date is 12/27.. I cant wait to stop turning my face in different angles for pictures to ensure they dont get my bag of potatoes ( what I call my chin).... LOL
  7. kchula99

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hi all!! I have a surgery date of 12/27. My husband and I are on this journey together and his date is 12/11. We are super estatic that we can start this new lifestyle together. We began in July and completed all necessary requirements ( nutrition classes, appointments, xray, cardiac etc) and it only took our insurance company 3 business days to get back with us with the approval. Our family and close friends are super supportive, which is a plus.. Is it possible to be nervous/anxious/excited? If so, that is me!! Best of Luck to all the December Sleevers!

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