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About Mbindra

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  1. healthbound can i mix the vegan shakes or hemp base protein shakes with water for my week one clear liquid stage? or is that not recommended?
  2. First off, I'm so glad your hubby is completely on board- he's the person that's in the house with you and will be the person you really need on your side. As far as the other people in your life, they can have a seat. Your adult choices-especially ones you're making to benefit your health- are none of their business, especially your boss! How does she know what's right for you? Has she been a friend your whole life and is she there through all your weight struggles? On top of that- this sleeve is NOT easy. It's easier to do weight watchers and have a day where you "cheat" then get back on the wagon. But what would happen-your weight would continue to fluctuate up and down and you would be in the same position or worse this time next year. Right now if I didn't have my sleeve and I was doing some other program, I GUARANTEE I would've cheated and had something I wasn't supposed to. Having the sleeve and knowing something may possibly make me sick is deterrent enough for me- that was part of my personal reasons for getting the sleeve in addition to weight loss and having something in place to help me keep off/ control weight gain long term. The people who are saying these things to you should do some research on the sleeve before they chime in on what you should/shouldn't be doing. I would be willing to bet if you countered their opinion by asking them what they know about the surgery they couldn't even tell you what it is. And for sure the weight doesn't just fall off- you still have to work out to see good progress. Your supposed to exercise 60-90 minutes daily with this in addition to trying to drink all your water, all your protein, and take all the vitamins. Some people get the surgery and lose a small amount of weight and then nothing else (now that we're all together, I came upon a sleeve to bypass revision thread). Easy- I definitely don't think so. You could not be more correct barb! I shouldn't be letting these people who dont fully understand my situation try and use there opinions to change my mind, when exactly they have no idea what the surgery or the future of someone having a sleeve done entails! but thats why its soo nice having other people who understand your situation to talk to! so my next question would be have any of you tried progressive veg essentials? what are your takes on vegan shakes or non whey protien shakes. Im curious what all of you guys think of them?!
  3. I tried to only tell the people that would support me. but i couldn't keep this experience from my parents. when i told my mom i had to talk to her a few times before she would even bother to listen...my mom was one of the most important people in my life that i needed to know, i really wanted her to come with me, but she was the first person who was against me having surgery. then there is my dad who listened to my reasoning and still cant comprehend as to why i wouldn't just flick a switch and become skinny. at that point my husband was the only person on my side, and completely 100% on my side, which i couldn't be more thankful for...he has been so proactive in helping me reach my goal, and putting this surgery before anything else that important in his life because he knows its important for me. so the two of us are headed down to mexico at the end of December so i can finally have this surgery. then there is my boss. i had no intentions of telling her. but when i realized that when going back to work a week after the surgery, i would probably have to take it easy. Im a hairdresser and i couldn't imagine that a week after surgery i would be at 100% for my clients. so when i let her know she jumped at the chance to tell me that getting the sleeve wasn't for me and why wouldn't i try something like weight watchers?.... I just dont think any of them can comprehend why i want to do this, i think you only understand when you yourself have been in the situation where diet and exercise is not necessarily the answer...sorry for the long rant, but i fell like you guys all understand what im going through. All of you are such an awesome group of people and are all so inspiring. I appreciate all of you for sharing your stories, positives and negatives
  4. has anyone had any experience with Progressive veg essentials unflavored? thought and opininons welcome!
  5. do you or did any of you guys have people in your lives trying to convince you the surgery wasnt right for you? and how did you respond to them?
  6. Super exciting! itll be nice to have a buddy there who can relate! im flying in from vancouver canada but im spending my week before getting sleeved in LA and Disnyland! it must be the child in me but im soooo excited haha.... so im very much looking forward to december where are you coming from mazzers? also can i just say barb that yoou have totally opened my eyes to the reality of getting sleeved... in a positive way of course!
  7. Mbindra

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hi elsnanny! its so awesome to meet someone whos in the same boat as me! hahaha as nice as it is being a caboos and learning about everyone elses journeys, the impatient part of me wishes my date was asap! but i will be patiently waiting for dec 30th ;P
  8. Hey guys, im new to this forum. my sleeve date is scheduled for december 30th. but reading through all of your guys's experiences has got me really excited!
  9. Hi guys im still new to this forum. I was wondering If you all could help me with some pre surgery prep. I am having my Sleeve done on Dec 30th 2013 in Tijuana Mexico. What kind of things should i have waiting at home for me when i get back to make my transition easier. I will be coming home a week after the surgery and also returning back to work, which leads into my next question, im a hairdresser, have any other hairdressers had the sleeve done and returned back to work a week later? how was it? Thanks!
  10. Mbindra

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Im going to occ. im really looking forward to it, and just looking through all the forums on here has got me even more sxcited seeing peoples lives change! its awesome i just wish it wasnt so far away!
  11. Mbindra

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    hey guys im new to this forum. Im getting my sleeve done in Tijuana on December 30th, just wondering if anyone else wil be there at the same time?

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