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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About follmerpa

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 12/06/1964

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  • Interests
    fishing with my boys
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    White Bear Lake
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  1. Had a donut today, I caved on a craving, now I’m hating life. How long does dumping syndrome last?
  2. My surgery is Thursday June 9th, my question is has anyone lost a 100 lbs or more? I know everybody is different and loses differently, but I’m curious about losing a 100 or more. Thank you
  3. My revision from sleeve to bypass is on June 9th, my question is , is it easier to get out of bed or recliner? Recliner seems like it would pul on stomach to get in and out of. Please let me know your experience. Thank you
  4. I have read many posts on here about slowly losing weight after revision, if we work harder at gym and stay on track for diet, is it possible to lose more weight faster? I’m scheduled for June 9th revision surgery, and hope to lose weight as well as fixing GERD and hiatal hernia. I also have gained some weight back since I was sleeved. Thanks In advance for your thoughts and opinions.
  5. follmerpa

    June 2022 surgery buddies

    June 9th is my surgery day, only down play is I have to do a 3 week liquid diet. It could be worse I guess
  6. How long has the process been for you? I have BlueCrossMN and they have no protocol for revision surgery, I was hoping to have done within 3 months. I also looked up Alina clinic and there is one less than two miles away from me. Lot better than driving to Rochester. thank you
  7. I’m thinking the GERD is from my regain, is there a bunch of hoops to jump through? My sleeve was done at north memorial hospital and when I went there about revision, the doctor stated that revision wasn’t an option and I needed to see dietitian and exercise more, I explained I was doing all that but I had some med changes and it caused a little weight gain. They said it would be at least a year of supervised diet and excersize then we could talk about a revision, uggg. what clinic did you go to and what hospital is surgery going to be done? mom sure it would be better than traveling to Rochester for all appointments. thank you
  8. Hi there, I was also looking at having my sleeve revised to switch, I have GERD and gained a little weight back since my sleeve surgery. But I could only find Mayo Clinic to do a revision, and they will only revise to bypass. Are you having it done for gerd as well? I also have sleep apnea real bad , I want to get away from cpap but need to lose more weight. was your process difficult? Or was Alina willing to work with you? thank you
  9. I could use a little help, I live in Minnesota and I’m having trouble finding a doctor or clinic that handles revision surgery. I was sleeved about 6 years ago and do to some ne meds I’m gaining weight back. If can make a suggestion on a doctor or clinic would be much appreciated. thank you Paul
  10. I was sleeved about 4 years ago since then I have been on a different antidepressant and gaining weight back. Starting weight 368 lost 114 pounds now I’m back to 302. Doctor says revision is not an option because of meds. Has anyone else had trouble getting doctor to do revision? thank you
  11. I have completed my pre op diet with little to no problems. Really didnt have cravings or feeling of being hungry. Surgery is tomorrow at 7am. My wife asked how was it I had little issues with the liquid diet? I told her I am so committed to losing weight and making this surgery a success that I had no thoughts of failure or "Did I make the right decision?" I wish everyone a successful journey and a new LIFE.
  12. I have a six year old that ways 100 lbs, I dont think he is being teased at school,he has not said. But he has heard it from the neighbor hood. I have night mares about his obesity. I am morbidily obese and am having the sleeve done January 9th. I hope my son and I can lose weight together. Thank You for sharing your story.
  13. My date is the 9th as well first one that morning at 7am. I start preop diet January 1st. cant wait to get this over with broke another damn chair in the living room. Feeling more miserable about being so fat. I need this done right now.
  14. follmerpa

    Calling January Sleever????

    January 9th is my date, start my liquid diet on the 1st. cant wait to get this done. 49 years old and want to feel young again. Sick of the yoyo weight loss. Dr Thomas Jones. Methodist Hospital St.Louis Park Minnesota.
  15. My surgery is January 9th, I start a all liquid diet Jan. 1st. I have been on this journey for about 6 years, I would lose the weight and cancel surgery. I have had enough of yo yo weight loss. Cant wait to be sleeved. My diet now is anything I see I eat, Stopping that Sunday,and back to all Protein fresh fruit and veggies. No diet coke,or any carbonated beverages. I will be 50 at surgery so this is an important step for me, I have young boys in sports and would love to coach them and run with them and skate with them. So I need to lose the weight. I also have a 100 pound 6 year old and I need to set a better example for him to follow. Hes very athletic tall too. but built like his dad. we walk together to keep it off. Thats my story so far, liquid diet will be the worst but worth it. Lets hear some more join in...

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