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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Clinton6

  1. Clinton6

    gel-cap multi vitamin?

    How about Vitafusion Gummies? They taste great & no swallowing necessary!! They also make a great Fiber Gummy!
  2. Clinton6

    Types of Protein ok?

    I'm on day 7 of Pre-Op. I'm only allowed to have the Muscle Milk light. It tastes fine and keeps me decently full.
  3. Clinton6

    3/24 sleever

    Everything you've been researching, & planning for is here!! Don't be nervous!! You've got this! I'm on the 25th so I'm right there with ya!! Good Luck!
  4. Clinton6


    Amazing accomplishment!! Congratulations!
  5. Clinton6

    Pre-op diet sucks

    Suckiest thing ever!! I'm on day 6. Yesterday & today have definitely been better. Either the hunger is dissipating or I'm better at ignoring it ???? we've gotta keep our eye on the prize!!
  6. Clinton6

    PreOp Diet

    Today's the day!!!! ( right? ) Good Luck!! Sending lots of good Karma your way
  7. Clinton6

    getting closer

    I'm the 25th to!! Can I assume if your nervous about being put to sleep that you've never had surgery before? I can tell you this, IV goes in and honestly you when it's time you will not even realize that you're about to go under! I've been under 4 times and each time was pretty much the same. I remember being told " I'm going to give you something to help you relax" next thing I knew, it was time to wake up! You'll do great!
  8. Clinton6

    What do I do?

    Don't do it!! The emotional upheaval it will cause you won't be worth it. Surgery will be in 2 months, I'm assuming you've been weighed by the Doctor's office there is no real need for you to know how much you weigh right now. Wait until after surgery and your losing weight... Then, you can worry about how much you used to weigh. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best! ☺️
  9. Clinton6

    PreOp Diet

    48 hours!! Oh my goodness I'm so excited for you! Are you getting nervous at all? Or is it all just pure excitement to get this going?! Good Luck to you on Surgery Day
  10. I am excited to see this thread!! I also no not have MS like the OP. I do however have CRPS which causes me severe (fibro like ) nerve pain :/ surgery is the 25th and I am so interested so see what role my surgery plays in my daily pain. Will losing the weight offer relief that meds cannot?! Let's keep in touch and keep this thread going! I know we are all rooting for each other!
  11. Clinton6

    PreOp Diet

    I start my Pre-Op tomorrow so, I'm not exactly where you're at. My surgeon allows ground chicken, turkey & fish as well as peas & mashed potatoes. Don't know if yours does.... But are there options on your list that you could turn into a soup? That's what I'll be doing. I'll also be making some potato pancakes out of my mashed potatoes. Try looking at your approved foods ( if you even have any) as ingredients. You have done an AMAZING job so far!! You're in the home stretch.... I know you can hold it together and finish strong!! maybe try planning a few ( free/cheap) activities over the next few days to keep your mind occupied. You've GOT THIS!!!!!
  12. Clinton6

    Consultation is today!

    I'm so excited for you, to be moving forward with have your band removed. Wow!! All appts. scheduled this month. Hopefully all things surgery related move this quick for you! Best of luck
  13. Clinton6


    Congrats!! Good luck with your Pre-Op. I start my Pre-Op tomorrow morning & surgery is the 25th.
  14. Clinton6

    Submitted yesterday

    Work2do, that's sooo wonderful!! Congratulations! I bet you're just over the moon right now
  15. Keep doing what you're doing!! It's obviously working!
  16. Clinton6

    March 24th

    Surgery is the 25th so my pre-op starts the 15th. I'm a HUGE soda drinker!!! This week I'll switch to diet soda and taper down each day until Sat. When pre-op starts. I'm hoping I can do this. My surgeon is one of the ones who doesn't allow soda at all after surgery. Crystal light is a good idea, or maybe iced tea. Good luck!! I KNOW we all can do this!!
  17. Final after 6 months of hiccups my paperwork was sent off for approval today!! Pending approval I'm scheduled for 3/25! That's only 2.5 weeks away!!! I'd just like to send out a THANKS!! To everyone who participates in this community. I come here every day and have learned so much from all of you!! Being able to check in here and see pre-opers, post-opers and everything in between has really made such a difference this entire 6 months. Thanks to all if you!!!
  18. Clinton6

    Submitted yesterday

    Ok, that's kinda nice you don't have a pre-op diet. Are you planning any food funerals?
  19. Clinton6

    Submitted yesterday

    3/19?!?! Wow!! You'll barely have time for your 2wk/10day pre-op !!!! Congrats on your date! I'm really happy for you!
  20. Clinton6

    Submitted yesterday

    Submitted yesterday and tentatively scheduled for 3/25!! After 6 months I can't believe it's actually becoming a reality!
  21. I've suffered with Migraines since I was a teen, with no successful relief. I would literally just have to wait it out :/ late last year my Neurologist gave me Zebutal. It is wonderful!! I take 3( for the real nasty migraines) every 4 hours as needed. It usually takes it away within the first dose!! 3 of my daughters get PMS migraines and they take 1-2 depending and it works for them also ( they are 15, 13, & 11).
  22. Clinton6

    Annoyed with waiting

    Research, Research, Research !!! Try different brands & flavors if protein shakes, cut out carbonated drinks ( if you drink them) start working on taking small bites & chewing very well! Start walking ( if you're not already) increase your protein, start taking your vitamins!! I started this process in September with no waiting period!! It has taken me all this time to complete all of the appts. and I still have 1 more appt. on Mon and one more Endoscopy before I can submit to the Insurance :/ I'm about to seriously go crazy!! But, I've done gobs of research and everything mentioned above! It has helped me feel like I'm still preparing oh!! And watch you tube videos!! I've been living vicariously thru these people!! Good Luck and I wish you a speedy process!!!
  23. I hit obsessed over 2 months ago!! My process started in Sept. and I was told it would only take 4-6 weeks I'm working on almost 6 months. I've run into a stomach (polyps) issue that will keep my surgery date as far away as the end of March!! I YouTube daily as well as browse this site. I'm just sooooo ready already!! Glad to know I'm not the only one

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
