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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Tink22-sleeve reacted to does not matter in I Found This Super Helpful, Maybe It Will Help You?   
    It seems that every surgeon has slightly different recommendations but I happened to come across this... it has everything layed out really nicely and it's super easy to read.
    books in general for post op sleevers? I have come across a few when I was looking a few months ago, but I'm hoping to get some reviews from people who might have them? Where they useful or not to much?
  2. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to Lander in Surgery Refused   
    BCBS turned down my application for a sleeve because they said my Psych's letter was "inconclusive". He didn't really recommend me one way or another. Now the thing is, he wrote similar letters for three other candidates, and they were all accepted. The surgeon's office is questioning why mine was the only one rejected. They think it may have been processed by someone new who isn't familiar with the terminologies they tend to use. They are going to appeal it. In the meantime I went ahead and booked another appt. with the psych to get him to write a more affirmative letter. Even though he does state that he feels I'm egocentric and in denial of suppressed anger. I don't see that any of those has anything to do with surgery.
    Soooo, I am not having surgery this month as planned. But I haven't given up hope. I'm staying on the diet the NUT gave me and continuing to lose weight. I figure it's got to come of whether before or after the surgery, and in the meantime I'm learning lifetime habits to keep it off.
    Anybody else here get refused and still make it through the process in the end?
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    Tink22-sleeve reacted to hadouni in Skinny Jeans!   
    My weight loss has been slow for the past four months or so - it's still coming off but a couple pounds per month. Things must be tightening up a little because clothes seem to fit differently even though there aren't crazy lbs dropping off.
    The latest... I bought skinny jeans! I came out this morning in my new jeans and a little striped top and my mom said I made her think of an Audrey Hepburn movie where she wore black pegged pants and a striped top. I know the reference because images from that movie were used in Gap ads a few years back and I'm *hardly* that thin but feels pretty good!
    I feel "normal" sized for the first time since I was a small child. Even that feels strange because when I was this weight last, I felt fat for sure. I'm going to chalk that up to the wisdom of 41 compared to late 20s...
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    Tink22-sleeve reacted to SweetSaso in What Am I Doing Wrong? Am Depressed!   
    Good evening everyone,
    I just registered today but i have been creeping on this site for almost 2 months Now, (Sorry about that, i wasnt ready to post anything yet) I had surgury on the 7th of november of this month over seas and i was pretty shocked because i went to set up surgery date on the 6th and my doctor surprised me by asking me if i can be ready the next day... Oh well how could i say no to that? I went in weighing 239 lbs and with no pre diet or anything.. I left one day after surgery had to sip for three days because i couldn't drink well but after that i drank a lot more i drink about 5 cups of Water a day since then and over the first 8 days lost 19 pounds but now am at a stall lost .5 grams in the last 3 days oh and my doctor wanted me on liquid diet 1 week then now am on mushy/ pureed food until thursday but i am cheating i do eat chew ables sometimes am no saint and my stomach... But now 11 days after my op i am wondering why my doctor didn't tell me to drink any Protein Shakes nor gave me any medicines more than a capsule that i take in the morning to protect my new stomach... I feel depressed, am i losing enough weight? What happens if i don't drink any Protein shakes or take Vitamin pills? I am currently in lebanon and i don't know where i would get Protein drinks from, am so lost and scared i will fail
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    Tink22-sleeve reacted to suzthebrit in What Am I Doing Wrong? Am Depressed!   
    Ok, first off, take a deep breath and step away from the scale! All will be fine.
    I'm not trying to be rude when I say that your surgeon may not have been the best surgeon if he was willing to do surgery on somebody with no pre-op diet etc but we are past that.
    If he gave you no information whatsoever here is a booklet that was posted by another member which is really informative. http://www.muhealth.org/documents/bariatric/Bariatric%20Booklet%20VSG.pdf.
    You should be trying to get 60-80 grams of Protein per day. If you can do that without the use of Protein drinks then I am amazed. However, it can be done. Drink lots of milk etc. Are you able to shop on Amazon at all? They have a ton of great protein powders.
    As for Vitamins you really should be taking a multi-Vitamin as well as Vitamin B-12. That is the very minimum you should be taking. You could also add in some Iron and some Biotin but those are not so necessary.
    Put the scale away!!!! Weighing everyday is not healthy! 3 days is not a stall, it's normal! Your body has noooo idea what you have done to it and wants to make sure you are not starving to death. Weigh yourself once a week max. If things don't change for 2-3 weeks then you are in a stall and may need to jump start things. You will lose weight! You just have to be patient!
    Come to these forums often, they a great resource and you will find many helpful, caring people here.
    Good luck.
  6. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to Boofster in Magnesium Citrate - Not Too Bad!   
    So after reading and hearing from folks how bad this pre-op laxative is, I was dreading it. I went to Target and bought the lemon flavored 10 oz. liquid in a glass bottle. I refrigerated it and poured it over ice, then drank with a straw. It wasn't terrible, I have to say. I highly recommend this if you are going to be using this before surgery. And I think it was $2.99.
    Now the wait begins...lol
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    Tink22-sleeve got a reaction from erpiedbnuebn in Happy Dance With New Clothes   
    Yay for you!!! I want a new V's secret bra! I want to cross my legs! You are doing fab, keep it up!
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    Tink22-sleeve reacted to alisha29 in Protein Bars And Slow Losing   
    I know there are a ton of threads about stalls, but I still cont understand how I am only eating 500-650 calories a day and not losing weight. I will be a month out from surgery Monday and have only lost 18 pounds since surgery. I actually lost more 2 weeks before surgery than I am since the surgery. I just don't understand! I was released this week to work out, so I will try that but I have not lost anything in a week. So discouraging to feel like I am even failing with the surgery. I was so excited the first 2 weeks when the weight was falling off a pound a day, but now, nothing. Please, someone who has been through this, tell me how to make it start falling off again. What did you eat, how much, and how often?
    Also, Protein Shakes are making me seriously ill. I tried an Atkins bar yesterday and it was much more tolerable to me. Are these suitable Protein replacements? I have tried so many different protein shakes that I hate, that I have just about given up. I have ordered some muscle milk light to see if that one will work for me, but wondering about the bars. I ordered some from Quest that I am praying are suitable. Does anyone know if it is okay to eat Protein Bars instead of drinking protein shakes?
    Thank you for any offers of encouragement and support!
  9. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to JustSkinnyMeInside in Protein Bars And Slow Losing   
    Ok, i didnt lose alot of weight the first month either. In fact i am 6 weeks post op tomorrow and my total weight loss is 31 lbs as of this morning, and that includes the 10 lbs i lost on preop liquid diet. I have had a couple of stalls, longest one 2 weeks. Just dont worry about the scale. Just keep eating what you are supposed to and drinking Water.
    I tried a new Protein Shake the other day and it was delicious. Its called Cake Batter. 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 scoop vanilla Protein Powder, 1 tbsp sugar free instant Jello pudding vanilla flavor (i used white choc flavor cuz thats what i had on hand), 1 tsp almond extract, 2 tbsp truvia. Add ice and Water to desired thickness, blend in blender. Tastes just like cake batter!!!
    If you like cottage cheese, it is an excellent source of Protein. Good luck! Hope this helps!!! (-:
  10. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to slimagainsoon in 5 Days Out And Back To Work. My Choice   
    Thats awesome, Congrats on the journey of a healthy you. Its inspiring to read about others having no pain and feeling great. I pray to God I be in that number! Tuesday I will find out my surgery date, and praying I can get sleeved on the 26th or before the month end. I am so ready to get it over, so I can be rebirthed and start my journey of a healthy me. Enjoy!!! I am so happy for you.
  11. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to JMarshall in Tomorrow Is The Big Day!   
    Good Luck and keep us posted. Get ready for this fantastic voyage !
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    Tink22-sleeve reacted to pbnjsandwich in Happy Dance With New Clothes   
    I'm 4.5 months out & find myself getting discouraged occasionally but have had some incredible moments & I'm writing them down to come back to on my "I'm making no headway" days!!
    Since 06/18/12 (start my 10 diet) I've lost 87 lbs & 55.5 inches!
    Bras at Lane Bryant didn't come small enough so I went to Victoria Secret to make my first purchase there ever!
    I bought a cute outfit that the mannequin was wearing at Old Navy (after grabbing the XXL & finding I could really wear the XL)!
    I can cross my legs.
    I can easily see my collar bones!
    My whole family is now healthier (my hubby lost 50 lbs just being supportive & eating what I eat)!
    We are now those "granola loving, organic, locally produced, no processed food" weirdos & I'm ok with that (although I do have a huge cheat of Sugar Free Chocolate covered toffee as a treat pretty often & I know that's terrible for me but its oh so good)!
    I have very few clothes bc even the big stuff I was continuing to wear literally falls off while I'm walking!
    My little girl shows me with her arms how big I used to be & how big I am now!
    I'm sure there are more but since I've been stalled at this 85 lb mark, I need a visual of how far I've come!!
  13. Like
    Tink22-sleeve got a reaction from aggie92shell in One Year. Wow! Half The Woman I Used To Be.   
    You look amazing. Thanks for sharing
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    Tink22-sleeve reacted to aggie92shell in One Year. Wow! Half The Woman I Used To Be.   
    Well tomorrow will be one year to the day and I have to say that I am a new gal, I was not expecting the results that I have had. I feel wonderful and would not change anything that I have done. i waited a while to have this done debating on if this was right for me. I deliberated would this be right and I now which I had not waited on this. I started out over 300 lbs. when I got the process started. I had my surgery and started loosing. I have changed lifestyle choices on food and exercise. I have not been one to count all the Protein and calories etc. but I have made choice on how I eat and this is the best way I have done this. I exercise on a regular bases now and it is not the hard workout but enough to get the blood flowing. I can officially say that I am half the woman I was. I have lost exactly one half of what I weighed when I started this process. If you have reservation or trying to decide about this surgery I would highly recommend it to all who need a new start on life. I have been given a new chance ...

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    Tink22-sleeve reacted to AaronRene14 in A Bit Worried... Probably Nothing, But...   
    I've been very light headed today, if I sit down for more then a few min, after getting up my ears get this weird sensation kinda like getting warm or it kinda feels like Fluid in my head is going from the very top to the rest of my head... (think surfacing in a pool), I am also temporarily sissy upon getting up.
    I've been good about liquids I feel like I'm very hydrated, forgot my Multivitamin but took it now, I haven't met my goal for Protein yet, and kinda have failed to meet it for a few days, I'm wondering if it can be that? (don't fall too short, but occasionally do fall a bit short)
    I'm not sure what it is or what it can be but I've been feeling it all day anyone have an idea? I did search but results weren't too good.
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    Tink22-sleeve got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Help! I Can't Eat Because I'm Always Drinking   
    I couldnt find the original post to help you, but it is a schedule for eating and getting in fluids. I cant give credit where credit is due.
    8:30 am- Breakfast
    1130am- snack
    230 lunch
    530 snack
    830 dinner
    9:30-1100-- 13 oz
    1230-2:00- 13 oz
    3:30- 500--13 oz
    630-8pm- 13 oz
    930-1100pm- 13oz
    this helped me, hope it helps you, too.
  17. Like
    Tink22-sleeve got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Help! I Can't Eat Because I'm Always Drinking   
    I couldnt find the original post to help you, but it is a schedule for eating and getting in fluids. I cant give credit where credit is due.
    8:30 am- Breakfast
    1130am- snack
    230 lunch
    530 snack
    830 dinner
    9:30-1100-- 13 oz
    1230-2:00- 13 oz
    3:30- 500--13 oz
    630-8pm- 13 oz
    930-1100pm- 13oz
    this helped me, hope it helps you, too.
  18. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to hopeful77 in Week 4 And Ended In The Hospital :(   
    Hi- I have been having a lot of issues since this surgery. First week was hell. I've never been able to get all the Protein and liquid in. Now in my 4th week, I ended up in the hospital for 7 nights! Nothing surgically wrong with my sleeve but I cannot keep anything down. Constantly throwing up. The doctor is baffled. Basically they came to the conclusion that my esophagus is spasming and they put me on meds. Got out of the hospital on Monday and still not feeling 100%. I'm regretting this surgery big time. I just want to feel normal! I hate this!!! When will this all get better? Please help!
  19. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to Sissy Kay in Week 4 And Ended In The Hospital :(   
    How dreadful for you to have to go through all this, Hopeful77. Do the doctors think they have the spasming of your esophogus under control? Can you keep liquids down now? I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll be doing so much better in the next day or two! And when the dust finally settles, I'll bet you'll be bragging about all the weight you've lost! Keep trying to be optimistic, and get to the other side of these awful problems. We're rooting for you!
  20. Like
    Tink22-sleeve got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Help! I Can't Eat Because I'm Always Drinking   
    I couldnt find the original post to help you, but it is a schedule for eating and getting in fluids. I cant give credit where credit is due.
    8:30 am- Breakfast
    1130am- snack
    230 lunch
    530 snack
    830 dinner
    9:30-1100-- 13 oz
    1230-2:00- 13 oz
    3:30- 500--13 oz
    630-8pm- 13 oz
    930-1100pm- 13oz
    this helped me, hope it helps you, too.
  21. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to mokee in Anyone Over 61 Years Old With Medicare   
    Need to know if Medicare covers the sleeve in the Cinti area for people over 61 years old. Please step up because my surgery is in 2 weeks. My BCBS will not give me a pre-cert because I have Medicare and it is primary. If Medicare does not pay , BCBS will not pay either. I can not afford to pay for this surgery. HELP
  22. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to iggychic in What If?   
    Shortness of breath can be an indication of a leak higher up in your stomach which caused Fluid to collect in the esophagus causing the plural sac to be inflated and your lung to be crushed by the Fluid inflating it (the plural sac is the bag your spongy lung is encased in).
    Because it almost killed me I'm a fan of taking action. The weakness isn't normally at a week out (I had it as well) for just basic walking. I would advise that if you can't raise a doc on the emergency call line (they have one right?) that you consider going to the ER and having a chest xray to ensure your lungs look ok. This is not an uncommon complication outcome and it can be fatal if left untreated. When admitted they asked if I wanted to see a Chaplin....don't wait like I did please!
    If you are fine, than I'm thrilled, but that level of energy loss and the combination of shortness of breath is something to take seriously and most leaks occur at this time in your recovery.
  23. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to AStephenson in Shake Recipes ***extensive List!***   
    Wanted to share this...copied from Dr. Alvarez's Facebook group page Endobariatric.com that I'm a member of. These are made with Vi-Shape shake mix, but I'm guessing they could also be made with vanilla Protein Powder. I haven't made any to date...hope someone who is struggling with finding a shake they like can make use of these! Enjoy!
    Shake recipes
    By Alvarez in juice, 4 oz. (1/2 cup orange juice), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen pineapple & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    All berry Delight: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, 1/4 cup frozen blackberries, 1/4 cup frozen strawberries, ¼ cup frozen dark cherries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Almond Joy: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 tsp coconut extract, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Amaretto: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Ambrosia: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ tsp. coconut extract, ¼ cup pear slices, ¼ apple slices, ¼ cup frozen strawberries, ¼ cup frozen pineapple chunks, 1 peach flavor packet & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Angel food Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ tsp. coconut extract, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Apple Cider Smoothie: 6 oz. unsweetened apple juice (or cider), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Apple Mango Freeze: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce, 1 cup frozen mango chunks & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Apple Pie: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    banana Coconut Breeze: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 small frozen banana, 1 banana flavor packet, ½ tsp. coconut extract, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Banana Kiwi Cooler: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 small frozen banana, 1 banana flavor packet, ½ cup fresh kiwi slices (peeled), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Banana Cream: 8 oz. Water, ¾ cup vanilla lowfat yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 tsp. vanilla extract, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Banana Nut Bread: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. butter extract flavoring, 1 banana flavor packet, 1 tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Banana Spice: 8 oz. Silk Light Vanilla Soy Milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small frozen banana (6” inches), 2 Tbsp. ground flax seeds, pinch of cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Banana Split: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 Chocolate flavor packet, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat Peanut Butter, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Berry Blast: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen blackberries, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Berry Peachy: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen peach slices, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 peach flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Berries & Cream: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen raspberries, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Birthday Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blackberry Apple Slush: 6 oz. unsweetened apple juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen blackberries & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blackberry Freeze: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen blackberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blackberry Pie: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blackberries, 1 Tbsp. Graham Cracker Crumbs, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Black Raspberry Vanilla Cooler: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blackberries, 15 frozen raspberries, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blended Coffee: 8 oz. (1 cup) coffee-instant, regular, prepared with water, 1 ½ cup skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blueberry Blaster: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen blueberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blueberry Cheesecake: 6 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 20 frozen blueberries, 1 tsp. graham cracker crumbs, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blueberry Lemon Freeze: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 Tbsp. sugar-free instant lemon pudding mix, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blueberry Mango Smoothie: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, ½ cup frozen mango chunks, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blueberry Peach Cobbler: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blueberries, 1 cup frozen peach slices, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blueberry Pie: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 2 Tbsp. Graham Cracker Crumbs, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blueberry Pomegranate: 6 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, ½ cup pomegranate juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blueberry Vanilla Pear: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen blueberries, ½ pear (chopped) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Blue Banana: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blueberries, 1 banana flavor packet (or 1/2 frozen banana), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Butterfinger: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. sugar free butterscotch pudding mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced-fat peanut butter & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Butterscotch Mousse: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. sugar free butterscotch pudding mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Café Latte: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. dry instant coffee powder & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Candy Cane: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen strawberries, ½ tsp. peppermint extract, 1 strawberry flavor pack & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Caramello: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 tsp. sugar free caramel flavoring & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Almond Chill: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Banana Breeze: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, 1 banana flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Cheesecake: 6 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark unsweetened cherries, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese, 2 dashes ground cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Lemonade: 6 oz. crystal light lemonade, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Orange Delight: 4 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Pineapple Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 oz. pineapple juice drained from can, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup pineapple, ½ cup frozen cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Limeade: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. frozen limeade concentrate, 4 maraschino cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Pineapple Chill: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, ½ cup frozen pineapple chunks, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cherry Spice: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, 2 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Chocolate Almond Delight: 12 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 raw almonds, ½ tsp. coconut extract, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Chocolate Cheesecake: 6 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

    Chocolate Covered Cherries: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 10 frozen dark sweet cherries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Chocolate Covered Strawberries: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 frozen strawberries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Chocolate Peppermint: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 tsp. peppermint extract, 2 chocolate flavor packets (or 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender. For a hot chocolate treat, heat in microwave.
    Chocolate Razzleberry: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/3 cup frozen raspberries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cinnaberry: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 3 tsp. cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cinnamon Almond Cream: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cinnamon Bun: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 tsp. butter buds (or butter flavoring) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Citrus Berry: 4 oz. skim milk, 4 oz. orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 tsp. lemon juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Citrus Spice: 6 oz. orange juice, 2 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. lemon juice , 3 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Citrus Splash: 6 oz. sprite zero or diet sprite, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice, ½ Tbsp. lime juice, & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Citrus Delight: 4 oz. water, 2 oz. orange juice, 2 oz. grapefruit juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 1 tsp. lemon juice & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Coco Mango: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen mango (1 cup), ½ tsp. coconut extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Coconut Lime Spritzer: 6 oz. sprite zero or diet sprite, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. lime juice, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Cranberry Crush: 8 oz. (1 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 2 scoops shake mix, 4 frozen strawberries, 2 Tbsp. plain nonfat yogurt & 6 ice cubes.
    Cranberry Citrus Splash: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. orange juice (1/2 cup), 2 scoops shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 2 Tbsp. plain nonfat yogurt & 6 ice cubes.
    Cran-Blueberry: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries & 5 ice cubes.
    Dreamsicle: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 Tbsp. orange juice concentrate or 3 Tbsp. orange juice, & 6 ice cubes.
    Frozen Banana: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 small frozen banana, 1 chocolate flavor packet & 6 ice cubes.
    Fruit Bar: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 1 cup frozen raspberries, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 5 ice cubes.
    Fruit Loop: 8 oz. water, 4 scoops shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 1 orange flavor packet & 5 ice cubes.
    Fruit smoothie: 4 oz. water, 2 scoops shake mix, ½ small banana 6”, 6 frozen strawberries, ½ cup frozen pineapple & 5 ice cubes.
    Fuzzy Navel: 4 oz. skim milk, 4 oz. reduced calorie orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup peach slices (frozen or canned) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    German Chocolate Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet, 1 tsp. coconut extract, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Hawaiian Apple: 2 oz. unsweetened apple juice, 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup unsweetened apple juice, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

    Holiday Shake: 4 oz. skim milk, 4 oz. egg nog, ½ tsp. rum extract (optional), 1/8 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. nutmeg, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Honeydew Melon Dream: 4 oz. water, ¼ cup non-fat vanilla yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup (5 large chunks) honeydew melon & 4 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & honeydew melon & blend.
    Key Lime Pie: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 tsp. limeade concentrate, 3 tsp. graham cracker crumbs, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Kiwi Melon Freeze: 4 oz. water, ¼ cup non-fat vanilla yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup (3 large chunks) honeydew melon, 1 kiwi (peeled & cut-up) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Lemon Fizz: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, 1 Neuro lemon packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Lemon Mango: 4 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen mango, 1 6 oz. fat free lemon yogurt, & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Lemon Meringue: 8 oz. skim milk, ¼ cup Simply Natural limeade, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. sugar free lemon pudding mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Limeade: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. frozen limeade concentrate & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Mango Peach: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen mango, 3 slices frozen peaches, 1 peach flavor packet (or 3 additional frozen peaches), & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Monkey Shake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 Chocolate flavor packet, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Neapolitan: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 1 strawberry flavor packet (or 4 frozen strawberries), 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Orange Pomegranate: 8 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. pomegranate juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Papaya Mango Chiller: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 slices papaya, 1 cup frozen mango & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

    Peach Cooler: 8 oz. Diet 7-up, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup peach slices (frozen), 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Peach Melon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 4 large chunks frozen watermelon, 1 peach flavor packet & 8 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & watermelon & blend.
    Peach Dream: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ¾ cup low fat vanilla yogurt, 1 cup peach slices (frozen or canned), 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Peach Raspberry Blast: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 peach flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Peanut Butter & Jelly: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, 1 Tbsp. sugar free preserves/jelly & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Pear Berry Blizzard: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup sliced pears, 1 strawberry flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Pear Glace Cooler: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup sliced pears, 3 chunks frozen watermelon, 1 peach flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Pina Colada: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks frozen pineapple, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender. Pineapple Crush: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen pineapple (1/2 cup) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Pineapple Mango Tango: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen pineapple, ½ cup frozen mango chunks & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Pineapple Upside Down Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract, ½ cup frozen pineapple, ¼ cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Plum Cooler: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 plum (pitted), juice of 1 lemon & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    pumpkin Spice: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/3 cup canned pumpkin (without salt), 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract, 1/8 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. nutmeg & 2 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Purple Cow: 8 oz. skim milk, 1 Tbsp. frozen grape juice concentrate, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 banana flavor packet (or 1/2 banana) & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Raspberry Freeze: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Raspberry Fizz: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, 1 Neuro raspberry flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Raspberry Mint Chocolate: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, ½ tsp. peppermint extract, 1 chocolate flavor pack (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Red, White & Blue: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet. Blend well in blender.
    Root Beer Float: 4 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix…mix together in blender first. Add ½ cup ice. Add ½ can diet mug root beer (to taste) and pulse a few time to mix in.
    Sex on the Beach: 4 oz. cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. reduced calorie orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup pineapple (frozen or canned) & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Snickerdoodle: 8 oz. light vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 Tbsp. Honey & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Spiced Cranberry: 8 oz. cranberry juice (no sugar added), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. cinnamon & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Spiced Peaches: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 peach flavor packet, ½ cup frozen peaches, 1 tsp. cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Silky Latte: 4 oz. mocha soy milk (Silk Brand), 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Almond: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Banana: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2/3 cup frozen strawberries, 1 banana flavor packet & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Blast: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen strawberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Coco: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen strawberries (or 1 strawberry flavor packet), ½ tsp. coconut extract & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Cheesecake: 6 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet (or 4 frozen strawberries), 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Mango Dream: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen mango, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Melon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks frozen watermelon, 1 strawberry flavor packet. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Pina Colada: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 4 large chunks frozen pineapple, 4 frozen strawberries, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract, & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Strawberry Shortcake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Summer Slim: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ peach or 6 frozen peach slices, 6 fresh or frozen strawberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Thai Coconut Chiller: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. lemon juice, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Triple Chocolate Smash: 8 oz. Silk Light Chocolate Soy Milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 1 Tbsp. fat-free sugar-free chocolate pudding mix & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Tropical Delight: 4 oz. skim milk, ½ cup reduced calorie orange juice (or 1 Tbsp. orange juice concentrate), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen mango chunks, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Tropical Dream: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen pineapple, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Tropical Teaser: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1 cup sliced mango, ½ cup frozen pineapple & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Turtle Cheesecake: 6 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. sugar free caramel flavoring, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese, 3 pecans & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Very Berry: 8 oz. sparkling water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 10 frozen raspberries, 6 frozen strawberries, & 2 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
    Watermelon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks fresh watermelon & 8 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & watermelon & blend.
    Wild Berry Blast: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 8 frozen raspberries, 4 frozen strawberries, 15 frozen blueberries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender
  24. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to juny in $ For Protein Shakes Etc?   
    besides costs, it's also really important that you find a Protein Shake you like, not one you can just tolerate. My nut had me try them out 3 months ago and it took me 2 months to find one that was both filling and tasty. This is for preop purposes. They range pretty far in price as well. Body Fortress (i think) from Walmart is $15-20 but the Isopure that I buy is $45. If you haven't tried them there are many websites that offers single servings to try. I bought about 15 from one place. It's actually cheaper in the long run rather than buying a whole tub of something you've never tried and when you're talking about $40--80 for Protein, it's worth the cost of a single sample. I kept my invoice and wrote down my feelings about protein content and taste. I tried one every day until i found one i liked.
  25. Like
    Tink22-sleeve reacted to Fiddleman in Remember To Chew And Eat Slow   
    I get a little cocky sometimes with myself when it comes to chewing and eating slow.
    At 5 months out, my Stevo-sleevo still is sensitive about me eating fast and not chewing. And it is not a problem every time. remember that! For example, I ate 5 ounces of a flat chicken pattie tonight in about 5 minutes. It was very flavorful and comes from costco. 20 minutes later, I was paying for it. I was like " out of the way, out of the way, " as I walked very fast towards the bathroom. This was a severe stuck throat feeling and was not going to be one of my little full feeling belches. I just knew. Trust me. I lost about 1/2 in the toilet and slimed a whole mouth full. Fortunately, 2-3 ounces stayed down.
    Now you know ounger sleeve kiddies. Do not try this at home.

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