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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Branmuffin

  1. Branmuffin

    Can you still eat in restaurants?

    A good go to at any place is a grilled chicken sandwich minus the bread. I eat the lettuce and tomato as a salad on the side when I'm able to. Didn't really eat out until after 7 weeks post op though.
  2. Branmuffin

    3 month post and 52 lbs down

  3. Branmuffin

    December 2013

  4. Branmuffin

    600lb life Chuck and Nissa Story

    Lynn2winn we were just talking about the doll show too! Oh my Lord! The guy says he's had over 120 surgeries to look like a doll! What dr could in good conscience do that? I know... A paid one! Seriously though, weird.
  5. I would stick a cooler in my car with yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, deli meats, cheeses and waters. I also try to carry almonds and jerky with me incase I get hungry. The smaller coolers are perfect size for lots of foods for us sleevers. I am not in school but carry a small cooler type lunchbox to work so I can choose from an assortment of foods and am not tempted by the vending machines.
  6. Branmuffin

    What's are you doing about clothes?

    I give my clothes to a friend who is transitioning after sleeve as well ( she started bigger than me) or another friend. I have been buying from a local veterans thrift store or consignment shops locally. I did splurge and go buy panties at jcpenney but they were on sale and I had a coupon
  7. 1. No bowel movements and having to take Meds for it constantly. 2. Not being able to guzzle water. 3. Not drinking soon before, with or soon after eating. 4. The smell of yeast bread! 5. Exercise. 6. Loneliness. My hubby tries to be supportive but asks dumb questions that I feel like he should know the answers to. He has the resources to look this site up and read but won't and I struggle with it because I feel like he should want to in order to be supportive. 7. Loss of some friends. Some I thought were good friends are seemingly jealous of my weightloss. I was always bigger so their size was ok. Now that they're bigger it seems to upset them. One even says she'd " love to get the surgery but she will diet and work hard instead." As if I haven't went through all that and some.
  8. Branmuffin

    Endoscopy & Erosive Gastritis

    My surgeon had me on 1 a day omeprazol when I left the hospital. It wasn't enough for me so he upped the dosage. Just an FYI if your dr has to up dosage it's cheaper as a prescription to take a higher dosage once a day than to take the same dosage twice a day. I'm tons better now but can tell pretty quickly if I forget to take it.
  9. Branmuffin

    24 Hours!

  10. Branmuffin

    Pre Op Diet Sensations ? ? ?

    I would think it could be gallbladder. Sometimes it presents itself on left side. Deferred
  11. At 3 weeks post op I felt the same way. I'm still really just learning what and how much I can eat and I'm 11 weeks out now. Every week gets a little better. Stick with it and just keep looking at your results as motivation.
  12. Branmuffin

    Cauliflower pizza crust

    Would love to try it
  13. Branmuffin

    My 600 pound life

    No they're not on Netflix. They're playing on TLC
  14. What a great day! So glad for you!
  15. I agree with the majority that's been said about Penny's story but her husband probably didn't go through therapy. IMHO I think when you are obese to this extreme that your spouse should have to go through the same psych eval and maybe more so than the patient. She is very good at being the victim and that may be the dynamic of their relationship and how it works for them. Either way its sad.
  16. Branmuffin

    any 2013 November sleevers?

    11/11/13 and I've lost 49lbs! Loving my journey
  17. Branmuffin

    Vet pals, I need new snack ideas!

    We make them at planters peanut. Not sure of any other vendor that does
  18. My favorite is Smart protein from Complete Nutrition. Their vanilla bean is wonderful and though I'm not a chocolate lover I've heard great reviews about it as well.
  19. I haven't changed careers but do plan on finishing school and adding that to my current field of work and moving up to better things. I'm more outgoing and outspoken now and stand up for myself and my co-workers while before I would fade into the background. My BUM tried two years ago to get me to finish my degree so weight wasn't a factor but timing with my kiddos just wasn't right.
  20. Branmuffin

    Vitamins and protein :(

    Ladibush I have mentioned Smart shakes at complete nutrition in several threads and it seems as if nobody has heard of it. I love the vanilla and the v-core orange creamscicle is good every once in a while too.
  21. I've lost almost 50 and some days my ring is loose and other days it fits fine. I do swell a lot though. I don't weigh often so I mostly go by my clothes. In these first 10 weeks I've gone from size 20 to comfy size 16. I finally actually looked at myself in the mirror this week, it's been a while,and can see a big difference everywhere. My stomach does seem to be the lingering fat for now. I'm just not freaking out about it for now. I control what I eat and know I'm doing well so it will come off eventually.
  22. Branmuffin


    I drink a protein shake on the way to work at 4:50am then at breakfast I eat a boiled egg and few cheese cubes, Greek light and fit yogurt, cottage cheese with peaches, 2 eggs fried (only can eat about 3/4 of the eggs or a have kashi protein cereal and 1/2c. Braums low fat milk.
  23. Branmuffin

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    Kelly Im with you there! I'm good to get in many calories a day.
  24. Branmuffin

    Suggestion for body lotions/moisturizers

    I'm using organic coconut oil and my hubby keeps commenting on how good and soft my skin feels. Not sure if its helping with the elasticity though.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
