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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Branmuffin

  1. Branmuffin

    I'm trying to come to terms with the idea that...

    Such a great post and a hopeful glimpse into my future. So happy for you that after 20 years of obesity you now should have atleast 50 more at a healthy weight! That's what I keep telling myself too!
  2. Branmuffin

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    Would love to know typical daily meals and snacks everyone is eating
  3. Branmuffin


    I get headaches from consuming aspartame. Check your artificial sweetener and yogurt products and take note of what you're eating when they come on.
  4. Branmuffin

    Is there anything more depressing...

    I'm 3 1/2 mos post sleeve and my hair has changed drastically. It's dry and brittle and is falling out too. I'm trying to condition it as little as possible and wear it just twisted up in a loose French twist to go out of the house. It seems the tighter I wear it ( like in a ponytail) the more falls out. Friends are constantly picking loose hair off my back. I'm scared of what is to come as well.
  5. Branmuffin

    How can I support my Awesome husband?

    Wow kudos to you for being so helpful to your sleeved hubby! I think having nuts and jerky and deli meat as well as cheese around might help him better than high sugar fruit right now. Id also suggest exercising with him and taking walks. Stalls happen. I'm in one now as well. I get discouraged but also get more upset when my hubby brings it up. I'd say talk about it if he wants to but also be willing to entirely ignore it and congratulate him big time once its over.
  6. Branmuffin

    New pic

    The great thing is how happy you look in both pics!
  7. Branmuffin

    Pouch problems any one?

    My friend had a twisted intestine that fell into the "gap" where they removed part of her intestines. She had bypass. She's been having pain and bathroom issues as well and finally couldn't take it anymore and went to ER. They flew her right away to a specialty hospital in OK to go straight into surgery. They said if she had waited 2 more hours she would have died. She worked that morning as if nothing was wrong too btw. Listen to your body and don't take chances. Don't let the dr send you away if you feel like something is wrong. Ask for another dr.
  8. Branmuffin

    Sex-yep, im going there...

    My dr told me whenever I felt ready it was fine.
  9. Branmuffin

    A holiday everyday

    Looking forward to hearing more days! So sorry for your loss. I lost my niece Sept 18th of last year who I'd say was alot like yours. We all miss her a great deal. Reading your calendar days just makes me smile.
  10. I would say you're having gallbladder out but if you don't have it out and need to later... Then what?
  11. Branmuffin

    Aetna Please Help!

    I have Aetna and I was required 6 mos dr visits, psych eval, nutritionist visit and last two years of dr visits with weight recordings.
  12. Branmuffin

    Anyone in Arkansas?

    I'm in Arkansas. I used Dr. Travis Goodnight in Van Buren and am very pleased.
  13. I had 5 shots of heparin in my stomach and didn't bruise at all much less like this. So glad that you're not in pain from it!
  14. I'm 3 months out and can only manage getting in about 500 cal daily. I eat egg custard, eggs, dannon light &fit Greek yogurt, kashi protein cereal, Braums low fat milk, jerky, blackened chicken, cheese sticks, quest bars, cottage cheese and peaches and I drink hot chai spiced tea to help calm my stomach and warm me up daily. I'd love to hear what you are all eating as well.
  15. Branmuffin

    constipation Wow

    Clear liquid laxative by the other stuff in the pharmacy area at drugstore/Walmart. Stick close to home though. Then take miralax daily to keep this from happening again
  16. Branmuffin

    I could use some advice!

    I'm only 12 weeks out but it sounds as if you need to see another dr and have your sleeve checked out. If your dr there let you leave with the wounds you have, I wouldn't trust his job on the inside of my body either. The no energy and tiredness are provably a side effect of hunger and thirst. Your body needs water and food to function. If it were me I would go to dr immediately.
  17. Branmuffin

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    Down 53lbs from Nov11!! 237 to 183! Loving the sleeve
  18. Branmuffin

    New show

    Anyone watching Helix? My husband recorded the first two shows and we are watching it tonight. It's awesome so far! The entire show keeps you guessing and on edge!
  19. Branmuffin

    New show

    I'm not really understanding how the show will make it for several seasons this way but I'm loving it anyway.
  20. Branmuffin

    Surviving when life sucks

    Thank you for thinking of us when you are going through so much grief right now. You are so right about living in the now. I lost my niece in Sept and struggle daily and I was just her aunt. Please keep leaning on your family and friends.
  21. Branmuffin

    Cocktail Party Attire

    I say raid your friends closets and accessories!!
  22. Branmuffin

    How Do You Beat the Cold?

    Thermals and my electric blanket and when I go out I wear a jacket under my coat, gloves and a headband/ear warmer and knee high thermal socks. And I'm still cold!
  23. Wow! Congrats on your transformation and adventure!
  24. Branmuffin

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    The first pic is from 10/2013 second is from 12/2013 and third is 01/2014. Down 52 lbs since surgery Nov 2013!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
