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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Branmuffin

  1. Branmuffin


    I've never been told no gum. I chew trident daily
  2. Branmuffin

    pictures disappear

    I can see it
  3. Branmuffin

    Items for the kitchen?

    I use my ninja for mixing anything it's much cheaper than the vitamix. I also use ramekins for baking individual egg custards. I also have tons of Rubbermaid kitchen containers that are 1/2c. With lids for storing and packing my lunch daily.
  4. I would. It helps me tremendously. I can't believe they didn't give you a prescription! If your insurance will pay for it I'd call the dr office back and request it.
  5. Branmuffin

    Not moving on...

    I think it was about the 6th week before I noticed that I was able to eat and swallow without the knot in my chest but if I try to eat too fast or too much it's quick to come right back.
  6. Branmuffin


    Do you eat them cold or reheat them?
  7. Branmuffin

    Highlights and waiting post sleeve

    Seriously?? I have an appt tomorrow to get color on my gray. Im scared now!
  8. Branmuffin

    Not moving on...

    You might try something warm. Cold food didn't go over well with me at first and even now 4 mos out almost
  9. 2 flinstones gummies, b12, D3, biotin, calcium with magnesium
  10. Branmuffin


    For those of you who eat steel cut oats, do you add anything? Cinnamon, Splenda, fruit?
  11. Branmuffin

    Question ? Is this normal

    I'm 4 mos out on Mon and still can't do scrambled or boiled eggs. I'm jealous! 23 lbs is great keep up the good work. I still mainly live off of deli shaved ham, cheeses, cottage cheese, dannon light&fit Greek yogurt and chicken and real cheeseburgers. I do eat kashi protein cereal with Braums 1% milk and it hasn't seemed to slow down my loss. Down 57lbs since sleeve! Can't wait until summer weather!
  12. Are you on an acid med? You really need to be if not. It mimics hunger and will tear you up in the head
  13. That's impressive. I am almost 4 mos out and still can't do eggs except fried. Great loss so far! Keep up the good work.
  14. Branmuffin

    Jogging/running advice needed

    My friend told me to go to coolrunning.com for lots of info. I'm wanting to start also
  15. Branmuffin

    Advice please...

    I slept In my recliner for the first week and you probably will be most comfy there as well.
  16. Branmuffin

    Sleeve Myths

    I love this post! At almost 4 months out I've read alot of it while lurking through this forum looking for answers to what was wrong with me. News flash! Nothing is wrong with me! It's normal to go through every phase of this and (for me) the rough patches along the way have only served to boost my willpower and make me keep adjusting my attitude to accommodate my new lifestyle. I'm glad cowgirl added the head struggles and depression. So many ups and downs have already hit me! I cry at the drop of a hat at times and at other times find myself wound so tightly I could scream. That's when working out at the gym has helped me to work through frustration and help me to unwind and be able to come home and love myself and my family. Im doing this for me and to better all of our lives and its totally been worth it.
  17. Branmuffin

    How long should it take?

    I'm almost 4 mos and cannot eat 2 eggs. I can so 1 with cheese
  18. Branmuffin

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    Ditto on ready for hair to start regrowth and stop falling out!
  19. Surgery 11/11/13 first pic is from Oct 13 second pic from Feb 14
  20. Branmuffin

    Having problems adjusting

    You're getting in more than I was at that point. I flavored sonic ice with sf hawaiian punch flavoring liquid and ate the ice. Try warm liquid. I like hot tea. Lots of posts about sf hot chocolate. I ate tons of egg custard during the mushy phase because its only thing I tolerated well. Your stomach is probably still pretty swollen and eating aggravates it. I couldn't tolerate scrambled eggs but could eat fried ones or boiled ones. Try mixing boiled eggs in your tuna or chicken salad for more Protein but I'm with the previous poster, don't worry about carbs etc right now. Get in your Water.
  21. Branmuffin

    The need to chew...

    I chewed on ice from sonic during this phase. I'd get water and flavor it with SF Hawaiian punch flavor and pour over my ice just to flavor it. Yummy!
  22. Branmuffin


    Are you taking gas x or any gas Meds? Sounds like trapped gas to me. I have to take gas x every day because I have the same uncomfortable feeling. It helps some but not alot. I never burp. I read where ppl post they burp alot and wish I could but can't even make myself burp anymore like I used to be able to. Are your bowels working properly? If not, maybe that's why your stomach won't take anything in. I couldn't drink plain water either and got mio or sf Hawaiian punch flavorings to add and it helped but my favorite is still hot spiced chai tea. It's very calming
  23. Branmuffin

    wheat flour?

    Sassypants do you use the quinoa flour in place of flour for baking pretty much anything or just specific things? Curious now. I've never heard of it
  24. Branmuffin

    Stomach/Waistline getting bigger

    I'm having the same issue and I'm down 57 lbs! My pants I'm in now are size 16 and fit my waist but my pant legs and butt are hanging badly. Everyone keeps Saying its time for smaller pants but I can't fit the waist
  25. Branmuffin

    Rib pain

    I'm over 3 mos out and have been having terrible rib pain mostly on my left side but also on my right. I'm doing well with losing the weight SW 237 CW 180 its just the rib pain that's making me miserable. Anyone have any idea or experience with what it could be? I was thinking it could be my bones "moving" back into position after weightloss but my husband asked his chiropractor and he says no and to get my D3 levels checked.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
